*collaborative post*
I’m 39 weeks pregnant now you guys. Just 7 little days until baby girl’s due date. I feel prepared and completely unprepared all at the same time. I can sort of remember what life with a newborn baby is like but I keep worrying I will have forgotten how to do the basics like how to bathe and change nappies properly. I have decided to do a few things differently third time around; we will be using a bedside crib for the first time and I think I might try my hand at swaddling at bedtime. As a soon to be third time mum though, I feel like I have made all the big decisions already as I have learnt from experience and, to a degree, know what to expect. If you are first time parent though you may still be umming and ahhing over the big decisions like feeding etc. I have a guest post today talking about 5 of the biggest decisions you will need to make in preparation for life with your newborn. I hope any of you first time parents reading this find it useful.
Preparing for life with a newborn – 5 of the many decisions you need to make as a parent to be
Your shelves are stocked full of parenting books and your internet history is overflowing with research. Having a baby is something you have always dreamed of and it is getting closer and closer by the second. As a brand new mum you want to make all of the right choices for your baby, but how do you know what is right and wrong anyway? Your instincts will soon kick in and you will know exactly how to approach every situation as it arises. Before your little one arrives, here are a few important choices you might want to consider.
1.Disposable or Reusable Nappies?
When you think about the state of the environment at the moment it can seem incredibly wasteful to opt for disposable nappies when you have a newborn. Although they may work for some parents, it isn’t always the best way to go. Do your research and find reusable nappy information; once you are well informed you will be able to make the choice that is right for you. Once you get into the swing of using reusable nappies it becomes part of your daily routine.
2. Feeding Options
Choosing to breastfeed or formula feed your baby can be a hot topic of debate. Medical professionals are always keen for new mothers to breastfeed, but it doesn’t always work out that way. Medical issues can stand in the way and sometimes it can be too physically taxing for new mothers. You might not be able to decide upon this right away, so stay open minded and try not to put too much pressure on yourself.
3. Co-Sleeping
The idea of co-sleeping with your baby can seem appealing to some and terrifying to others. Having your baby in bed with you is a huge change that you will need to get used to. You might not know what you want until your little one arrives into the world so talk about it with your partner and have a vague plan in place for the first couple of weeks at least.
4. The Daily Routine
Newborn babies will not follow a routine from day one, but at some point you will need to find your own way of getting your newborn baby into a routine. You might have a different idea about your routine than your partner, so it is important to get onto the same page now. Your medical practitioner will be able to provide you with a whole host of information that will support you.
5. Childcare
The logistics of having a child are significant, especially when you are working full time. Think carefully about your childcare plan so that you aren’t overwhelmed and overworked when they arrive. Look into nurseries, nannies or see if you parents can get involved in any way.
There is absolutely no rush when it comes to making these decisions for your baby. In fact, you might even change your mind as soon as they come along! All babies are completely unique and require different things from their parents. What works for some mums might seem like a complete nightmare to you and that is totally normal. As long as you feel confident in your decisions, your baby will feel happy and loved no matter what.
I hope you fund this post useful, I totally agree with that last sentence: if you are happy and confident then you will have a happy baby too. Happy mum = happy baby!
Did you find it difficult to make the big decisions about caring for a newborn or did you find your instincts just lead the way? I would love to hear your thoughts.
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