The terrible twos, were they really so bad?

The terrible twos, were they really so bad?

Ahh, the terrible twos. Parents the world over know about them, some may dread them while others may have more of a ‘bring it on’ attitude towards them. The second birthday of a child is a big deal, it sees them slipping further away from babyhood and, unfortunately, comes with the promise of ‘terrible’ things to come. Leo was showing signs of a temper quite early on so by the time his second birthday rolled around I was a bit of a nervous wreck. With him already throwing regular tantrums and being fiercely independent, I was convinced this next year was going to be hell. Anyway, last month Leo turned three and we have all made it through the terrible twos in one piece! Now that dreaded year is behind me I feel like it is time to reflect and to share with you my verdict – was it really all that bad? View Post

2 years 5 months – Leo update

It is time for another Leo update. We have had a very busy month, we went to Thomas Land, had a lovely Christmas and spent some time with our lovely family. Leo’s little personality is continuing to grow and every day he is becoming more and more of a cheeky, funny, adorable little boy.

So, this is what Leo is like at 2 years and 5 months…
This month Leo loves…
* Food – YES! Finally Leo seems to be eating like a proper human being and not like someone on a crazy carb only diet. It has taken us a long time to get to this point and there are still some bad days but Leo is willing to try new foods now and has actually cleared his whole plate on several occasions this month..and then asked for more! I am so happy and relieved that the fussy eating seems to have passed. I am not getting to cocky though as this good eating could itself be a phase and be over before I know it. For now though, I am going to enjoy not having battles a dinner time and instead listening to Leo tell me his food is ‘yummy licious’. 
* Jumping – Be it on the bed, his mini trampoline, in puddles or on me, Leo is absolutely loving jumping at the minute. He only really figured out how to do it properly a couple of months ago and the novelty of this new skill is yet to wear off. It is really funny to watch him and is good for me come bed time when he is completely exhausted after bouncing around all day.
* The Stick Man – This is a book from the creators of The Gruffalo so there was no way Leo wasn’t going to love it. His nan got him the book for Christmas and I have been reading it to him pretty much every day since. He loves watching the TV animation, cuddled up on the sofa in the evenings and we even went on Stick Man activity trail walk last weekend. Also, every stick he finds in the park is, of course, declared to be ‘Stick Man Mummy!’.
* Jessy – Leo and the kitten have not always been friends; since he pulled her tail that one time, Jessy has not been to fond of Leo. Recently though, Leo has realised perhaps violence isn’t the way to a cats heart and he has started to be really gentle with her. In return, Jessy has allowed him to stroke her while she sits with us on the sofa and Leo has even held her a few times (with my help of course). It is so sweet when he asks if he can cuddle her and he looks so pleased with himself when he picks her up in this cute little headlock bear hug. I think one day they are going to be best friends, then maybe she will start sleeping on him in the night instead of me. 

This month Leo hates …
*  Sleep – So he is having like a 2 year sleep regression or something? Or he is just torturing us? I don’t know, all I know is I don’t like starting my day at 5am. There was a couple weeks not that long ago where he started waking in the night and coming in to mine and Oli’s bed. I could have lived with this if he went straight back to sleep but he didn’t, he was singing, shouting, crying and screaming. It was hell. He has got a baby gate on his door now and has been pretty good this past week so fingers crossed whatever weird phase that was is over now.
* I actually can’t think of anything else, hooray! Although he still has his mighty tantrums, they seem to be less frequent now. On the whole, Leo is a happy little man and he seems to be enjoying most things this month, long may this continue. *

Leo’s firsts from this month..
* Did a wee on the potty – proudest moment ever!
* Had a day out to the Reading on the train just the two of us – stressful times for me but Leo loved it.
* Ate a spinach leaf (and liked it!)
* Held Jessy
* Met his hero Thomas the Tank 
* Started Messy Monsters baby group
* Visited Marwell Zoo.
Photos of Leo at 2 years 5 months …
What have you been up to this month? Has your little one started doing something new? I would love to know 🙂
A Cornish Mum

2 years, 3 months – Leo updates

When I wrote my very first post way back when in March, I wanted this blog to be a diary documenting my little family’s adventures and for my boy Leo to be its main focus and driving force. When Leo is older and asking about his early years I hope this blog will help me provide all the answers he seeks. However, although I do write about my son a lot here, as my little part of the internet has grown and evolved my posts sometimes stray away from being all about him. This is fine, I want my readers to know about my family but I also understand they don’t want my whole life story. A blog needs variety and although posts like What my blog means to me and products reviews won’t be appealing to future Leo, they add another dimension to my blog and make it more interesting for my readers. So, amongst all the lists, reviews and random things I write about, I am now going to write a monthly post completely dedicated to Leo. A post all about what he is like at this age, what he loves, what he hates and what new things he has done. Watching him learn and grow everyday is amazing and although I cherish every moment, it is inevitable in time things will be forgotten.  So, without further a due, here is this months Leo update..

This month Leo loves..

* Thomas the Tank – Oh my, he is obsessed! I recently bought him the new Thomas the tank DVD and we have to watch it at least once every single day. The only toys he wants to play with are his Thomas trains, he is constantly singing the theme tune (They’re 2, they’re 4, they’re 6, they’re 8..all together now!) and every time we go to the shop he asks for a new Thomas magazine. The boy is obsessed.

* Singing – Leo sings all the time. Sometimes it is nursery rhymes, sometime it is the aforementioned  Thomas theme tune and other times it is just nonsense. Although he has been singing for a few months now it is only the past few weeks he has started sounding the words in the correct rhythm and tune, it is so so cute.

* Teletubbies – The brand new series has just started on Cbeebies, it has only been on for a week and already Leo is in love. He knows all of their names and is mesmerised by the ‘sunshine baby’. My boy is very flighty though, I remember a time not too long ago when he was in love with the TwirlyWoo’s and now it is as though they never existed.

* Play doh – I have a love/hate relationship with Play Doh so it doesn’t come out to play from the craft box very often (it gets stuck in the carpet, damn it). However, recently Leo has become quite fond of the stuff so we have been getting creative with it quite a lot lately. Leo loves squashing it and using my cookie cutters to make little shapes – may need to add actual play doh cutters to the Christmas list.

This month Leo hates…

* Yoghurt – What toddler doesn’t love yoghurt? Mine, apparently. These little pots of fruity yummyness used to be a firm favourite and now Leo has one spoonful before pushing it away with a dissatisfied look on his face. How can he love something so much one day and despise it so much the next?

* The kitten – Ok, so I don’t actually think Leo hates Jessy but he has definitely started to dislike her. If she jumps up on the sofa for a cuddle she is promptly pushed away by Leo. On occasion he tries to play with her but most of the time, if he bothers to interact with at all, he is either trying to pull her tail or grab her whiskers or hurt her in some other way. Hopefully this is just a phase and he will start to be more gentle and loving towards her again soon.

* Most things I ask him to do – We are well and truly living through the terrible twos, the struggle is real my friends. All those people who warned you of this time, well they weren’t lying. All I ever try and do is make Leo happy and keep him safe but attempts to stop him running in to traffic and to get him to eat some veg are met with angry growls and almighty temper tantrums. I feel like this may be a reoccurring point on this list for a few months to me!

Leo’s firsts from this month…

* Made gingerbread men, with a lot a little help from Mummy and Daddy.

* Had his first adventure in The New Forest.

* Attempted to count past 10.

* Got his first poster – it is a minions one and he loves it.

* Went on his first ever big train ride when we went shopping in Southampton.

* Started napping in his cot and not just the car/pram (so proud and relieved!)

* Learnt to jump.

* Got his first sickness bug,

* Started playing Hide&Seek (ish).

* Decided he likes eating raw pepper sticks,

* Met my parent’s crazy, Labrador puppy Minnie.

And finally, here are some photos from this past month…


Do you like to write updates on  your child’s development and what they have been up to? I have a feeling I am going to really look forward to writing these posts.

My Kid Doesn't Poop Rainbows


18 Rules my 2 year old lives by

Two year old’s, they are not exactly known for their obedience and good manners, in fact it is quite the opposite. Us parents struggle to get our toddlers to follow some of life’s most basic rules – ‘say please and thank you’, ‘don’t run around by the road’, ‘don’t snatch’. However, our little darlings are more than happy to follow their own, toddler approved set of rules.

Here are 18 rules my 2 year old lives by, do any sound familiar?
1. Only have a lie in on days where Mummy and Daddy have to be up early.
2. Tantrums are the best form of communication and should happen at least once a day..AT LEAST.
3. Do not eat any green food, it is very likely to be poison.
4. Brown/beige food is the most nutritional and should be eaten in vast quantities.
5. Mr Tumble is God and you must listen to everything he says.
6. Naps must never be taken easily, no matter how tired you are.
7.  If you have been up all night, do not nap the next day – Mummy loves being tired.
8. The more times you are asked to do something, the more you should definitely NOT do it.
9. If Mummy says no then ask Daddy. If Daddy says no, do it anyway..or cry about it.
10. A beaker of milk is the answer to all of life’s problems.
11. If a camera is recording stop whatever funny thing you are doing immediately.
12. Use your cuteness to your advantage at all times.
13. It is only acceptable to do a poo if your nappy has just been changed,
14, A book is never really finished until Mummy has read it at least 5 times.
15. Outside is awesome, make every effort to spend as much time out there as possible.
16. Do not let anyone cut your hair, risk to life is very real.
17. Forks are for throwing. Hands are for eating with.
18. Cbeebies is the only channel on T.V, don’t let Mummy tell you otherwise.
Have I missed anything off this list? What rules does your toddler live by? I would love to know.
Mums' Days

Tomorrow you are two

To my beautiful boy,
I can’t believe it but yet it is true.
Tomorrow is your birthday,
Tomorrow you are two.
Two years ago we were yet to meet,
You were still a baby in my tummy,
I was as big as an elephant,
But it was worth it to be your Mummy.
My life changed the day you arrived,
You make me happy everyday.
I know sometimes things aren’t perfect,
But I love you more than words can say.
Two years ago you were so tiny,
You didn’t have a clue.
Now you run and talk and sing,
You are so busy now you’re two.
You are my whole world Leo.
You will never fully understand,
How my heart swells with love
When you reach up for my hand.
Every kiss and cuddle
Fills me with so much joy.
I will never love anything more
Than cwtches with my boy.
Sometimes I might get things wrong,
But I have not done this before.
I am learning everything like you,
And as you grow we will both learn more.
Your adorable little laugh,
The sweetest sound I will ever hear.
I wonder what you will be laughing at
This same time next year.
Two years ago I had no idea
Just how amazing you would be.
Nothing will ever make me happier
Than being your mummy.
I hope you have fun tomorrow Leo,
I really hope you do.
All your friends and family are coming,
To party and celebrate with you.
So happy birthday baby,
From Daddy and from me.
Who knows what adventures lie ahead
For us all in year three.
I love you gorgeous Leo
And I can’t believe it but it is true.
Tomorrow is your birthday,
Tomorrow you are two.