The terrible twos, were they really so bad?

The terrible twos, were they really so bad?

Ahh, the terrible twos. Parents the world over know about them, some may dread them while others may have more of a ‘bring it on’ attitude towards them. The second birthday of a child is a big deal, it sees them slipping further away from babyhood and, unfortunately, comes with the promise of ‘terrible’ things to come. Leo was showing signs of a temper quite early on so by the time his second birthday rolled around I was a bit of a nervous wreck. With him already throwing regular tantrums and being fiercely independent, I was convinced this next year was going to be hell. Anyway, last month Leo turned three and we have all made it through the terrible twos in one piece! Now that dreaded year is behind me I feel like it is time to reflect and to share with you my verdict – was it really all that bad? View Post

The TMI tag – #vlogstars

The TMI tag – #vlogstars

I am officially the world worst vlogger. Ever. I probably upload a video to my youtube channel once a month, if my handful of subscribers are lucky! With blogging, looking after Leo, preparing for another baby and just general life, I struggle to find the time and motivation to sit and chat to my camera. So, to try and inject a bit of life into my youtube channel, this month I am taking part in the #VlogStars linky with Aby over at You Baby Me Mummy and Amy from Mr and Mrs T plus 3. View Post

20 facts about me

20 facts about me

I have been vlogging for a couple of months now and I would hardly describe my YouTube account as buzzing with activity. Actually, I am surprised that I don’t see a tumble weed rolling across the screen every time I log in to check my channel. This month I have decided to take part in the Vlog Stars linky hosted by the lovely Aby (You Baby Me Mummy) and Amy (Mr and Mrs T plus three), it seemed like a good excuse to get another vlog uploaded and I have been following the linky for a while now. I have been wanting to get involved myself but confidence has held me back, until now!

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5 reasons why I want to start vlogging

Yes, you read that correctly.

Shy, quiet, little old me has decided to start vlogging. I am not setting my sights on Youtube domination or anything like that but I have been thinking about making vlogs for a little while now.

Up until recently I haven’t felt brave enough to put myself out there and get in front of the camera but I have decided I have got nothing to lose. The worst thing that can happen is people leave horrible comments and, well. I can easily just delete them.

For my first ever video I thought I would tell you all about my reasons behind my decision to start vlogging.

I hope you like my first ever vlog. It may only be one small step for my blog but it is an absolutely massive leap for me.


Are you thinking about making vlogs too? Perhaps you are a seasoned pro, got any tips for me? I hope you enjoyed my video, it was nowhere near as terrifying as I thought it would be.

See you next time.

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A Cornish Mum

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