I miss you now you’re at school

I miss you now you’re at school

My baby boy who is no longer a baby, I miss you so much.

I miss you the second we part in the morning and I get back in to the car without you.

I miss you when I listen to music at home and I don’t hear your excited voice asking for the Lego Batman movie soundtrack instead.

I miss you when I pop the tv on for 10 minutes and you’re not there asking to watch your programmes instead.

I miss you when I’m sitting on the sofa and I can’t feel your head resting on my shoulder or your feet flung across my lap.

I miss you when I take your baby brother to toddler group and you’re not there playing beside us.

I miss seeing your face light up whenever a song you love comes on the radio in the car. I miss hearing you sing along.

When I’m eating my lunch and you’re not sat opposite me, I miss you.

When I go shopping and I have both hands on the pram, I miss the feel of your little palm against mine.

When I chat to your baby brother who can only babble back at me, I miss the sound of your voice and the little chats we have.

When your brother is napping and the house is silent, I miss having you around to play games with and read books to.

At the playground when your brother is in the swing, I miss seeing you running around and playing on the slide.

When I look at the day ahead and know I won’t be spending it with you, I miss you.

Now that you’re in school every day, Mummy misses you.

I miss you more than I thought I would. You’ve been my shadow and best little buddy for the past 4 years and I just really really miss you.

miss now ay school


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  1. October 5, 2017 / 10:19 am

    Aww, so cute. I missed mine for the first few weeks. He’s in year 2 now and I’m used to it! #coolmumclub

  2. October 5, 2017 / 10:22 am

    Such a gorgeous heartfelt post, the picture of you both standing at the edge of the sea is just beautiful. I felt exactly like this when my little boy went off to school…two years later I am both glad of the rest when I wave him off and am happy on a Friday when his scruffy little self comes home #coolmumclub xx

  3. October 6, 2017 / 1:43 pm

    This is such a beautiful post dedicated to your son. #blogcrush

  4. October 6, 2017 / 1:44 pm

    Ah darling I totally relate to this I feel the same it’s left a massive gaping hole…life moves so fast doesn’t it. Sending lots of #coolmumclub love your way xoxo
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  5. October 6, 2017 / 8:36 pm

    Oh no! So Sad! I always miss my daughter when she’s at the childminders, even though sometimes she winds me up so much I can’t wait to drop her off, as soon as I drive away I miss her instantly. It’s hard, and must be such a sudden change when they start school. #blogcrush

  6. October 9, 2017 / 7:59 pm

    It really is such a big thing when they start school. It’s so sudden – one minute they’re with you ever second of the day, and the next, you have no idea what they’re up to for 80% of their waking day. I hope Leo is settling a bit better now, but it takes time for them (and us) to get used to it. #blogcrush
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  7. October 11, 2017 / 8:44 pm

    I felt like this when BB started school – the silence at home was deafening. Then I realised I could wee in peace & drink a hot cup of tea because I only had one child at home & I soon forgot!! #coolmumclub
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