*collaborative post*
In the six years we have been parents, my husband and I have only braved travelling abroad as a family three times. The first was a holiday to Majorca with just Leo and then we went on holiday to Italy and France with both boys after Alex was born. We haven’t even considered taking all three kids away yet as we find it hard enough just taking the family up to the in laws for the weekend, let alone navigating an airport or train station with two excitable boys and a baby. Travelling with kids doesn’t have to be difficult though, there are ways you can make the experience a lot easier and enjoyable for everyone involved. Today’s guest posts is full of so many useful tips and tricks for travelling with kids, definitely read on if you have a family break booked soon and want to prepare.
Tips for travelling with kids
Whenever you tell people you are travelling with children, they flinch. It’s like a natural reaction to travelling in a small, confined space with loud, chaotic children makes people wonder why you’d do such a thing. Travelling with children – for most people – is not something that you want the opinions of others on. Why? Because they cannot see the joy that comes with bringing your children to other parts of the world.
Many people find children on aeroplanes and cruise ships a nuisance. They think they’re loud, annoying, an interruption – all bad things that ruin their own holidays. Children are a blessing to have on holiday – they soak up so much culture and knowledge without even trying. To be able to give children the world is the dream of every parent, and when you book that plane ticket to a far-flung destination, you are giving them the world. With that in mind, let’s look at a few benefits of travelling with children. After we’ve covered those, we’ll look at some tips for the best possible holiday!
- Travelling with children brings your family together. Discovering the world in places like Australia and Kuala Lumpur is going to make family memories that no one could ever forget. You may even choose to extend your holiday for months with the purchase of a new launch property while you visit. The amount of family time that you can have increases exponentially when you have a great base together.
- When you are travelling as a family, you can establish an exciting level of trust among you all. To be able to bond as a family, you need to all get out of your comfort zone and be together
- The memories that you make as a family on holiday are like nothing else. You will have decades of family stories on which you can all reflect, and you’ll be able to remain a strong family who is working through any problem or fun moment together.
- The world is the best possible classroom your children could have. You’ll be able to talk about history and geography and music – all while experiencing the places and cultures that you are teaching your children about. With all the education in the world, the best kind is the one where you can see and do, and travelling gets you there.
- The opportunity to head to new places gives your kids the chance to build their character. The world is a complicated place, and when you can show your children the world is so much more than what’s on their front doorstep, you can show them that they can learn so much more.
These five benefits are just the tip for the iceberg when it comes to travelling with children. Still, now you know some of the benefits, you can start to work on excellent tips for travelling calmly.
Tip 1: Always Be Flexible
Travelling with children means you need to be as flexible as possible. You need to have as much extra patience and grace as possible, and you need to embrace all of the curveballs that can be thrown your way. The more you learn to expect things will go wrong, the more you’ll relax!
Tip 2: Be Early Everywhere
Whether you have flights booked or you have accommodation to check into, always be early. You will never regret being three hours early to get your plane, but you’ll regret being five minutes late!
Tip 3: Bring The Stroller
Whether you are road-tripping or not, bring a stroller with you. Even if you’re travelling with toddlers, they need somewhere to relax when they’re tired from walking so far and for so long.
Tip 4: Always Travel Light
It doesn’t matter whether you’re driving on your travels or you’re flying to a far-away destination; you need to travel as lightly as possible. The lighter you travel, the less you need to pay out on weight at the airport. You also need to consider the fuel economy of your car. The more you carry, the more fuel you spend on!
Tip 5: Pack Extras Of Everything
Your baby is going to spew up on the plane or in the car, and that means you’re going to need extras of everything if you want to make sure that you have a clean kid! Always pack more than you need for the children – especially in terms of toiletries!
Tip 6: Ask For Help
Airport staff and resort staff will always be happy to help. If you are lost, don’t worry alone. If you ask people around you to help you when you need it, you’re not going to be feeling panicked that it’s all going to go wrong!
Tip 7: Always Ride With The Kids
If you are on the road, stay in the back seat with the kids as much as possible. Being close to your baby while they’re rear-facing can keep you both calm while you’re on your way. You can be close by to grab any dropped dummies and hold their hand when they’re crying.
Tip 8: Stop As Much As You Need To
Stopping regularly is a must on journeys, but you should always try to relax and stop as your children need you to. Try not to push them too hard along the way to last longer for the bathroom or food. They’re children; they don’t have the patience that you do!
Tip 9: Be As Patient As You Can
From the purchase of a new property abroad to dealing with crying and fractious children, patience is the virtue you didn’t know you needed! Children are never going to be easy to travel with at times, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not going to be the best time that you’ve ever had. Children make travelling what it is, and without them, there wouldn’t be such a huge adventure to be had. Don’t be afraid to travel with children; they’re the ones that make travelling as memorable as it is!
Have you braved travelling with kids yet? What was your experience like? Please feel free to share any of your tips for travelling with kids in the comments.