Why blog? – The Newbie Takeover #6 with The Mummy Bubble

Why blog? – The Newbie Takeover #6 with The Mummy Bubble

The Newbie Takeover guest blogging series is back! I took a bit of an unplanned break from this series, not because I didn’t have any submissions but because the summer holidays happened. I have been trying my best to keep up with blogging commitments but having to look after Leo and Alex full time again has meant I’ve had to let some bloggy things slide in order to spend lots of quality time with the boys. Anyway,  I’ve managed to claw back a bit of time so I am now relaunching The Newbie Takeover and next up is Vicky from The Mummy Bubble with a brilliant post about why you should blog. Over to you Vicky..

Why blog? – The Mummy Bubble

I procrastinated over launching my blog for ages.

Would it be any good? Would I have the time to do it when I’m under orders from two tiny dictators 24/7? Would I get my head around the technical aspects of running a website while in a haze of child-induced sleep deprivation? So many doubts held me back.

I also worried if I had enough ideas to fill a blog week after week without it becoming like a chore.

I looked at other blogs. My friend Claire over at The Pramshed, who I’ve known since we were at Cardiff University together longer ago than either of us would care to admit, started her blog while I was on maternity leave with my first child. I love reading her posts about her experiences of parenting and it all looked so fun running a blog.

I also follow Sleep is for the Weak, The Unmumsy Mum and various others on Facebook. I love how reading words from another mum can make you laugh, provide comfort on the toughest of days and help you to see the bigger picture when everything is hazy from lack of sleep.

In the end I started a list of blog post ideas. Then I kept on adding to it until finally I had a list of 30 things I could write about and the ideas just kept on coming. Turns out the tiny dictators provide hourly inspiration! So they’re good for something at least.

I work as a newspaper journalist. I’ve covered countless murders, court cases, political storms and was among the media pack outside the Lindo Wing when a newborn Prince George made his debut. So you might think writing has always been my thing. But the truth is I’ve never been comfortable with feature or opinion writing. It’s something I’ve avoided in my career wherever possible. I stick to hard news writing.

But with parenting as my subject I feel like I’m finding my voice and I’ve surprised myself with how much I love this style of writing.

In the end I decided I just needed something that’s mine. I have no hobbies, as I can’t call occasional cinema-going and watching Netflix hobbies. Now I class blogging as my hobby, something I do for pure enjoyment.

Although I write about my children, the blog is my space to talk about what I want to.

The technical side of things was nowhere near as hard as I thought. Using WordPress makes it extremely straightforward. It basically does all the hard work for you.

One thing that has surprised me a lot is the social media side of blogging is way bigger than I realised. It’s as time-consuming, if not more so, than the writing side of it. But I love this part of blogging. Connecting with other parents, reading their blogs and talking about them. It’s a lovely community.

Because I love a good list, here’s why you should start a blog:

It can help you switch off. Whatever you’re writing about, even if it’s your kids, it helps to take your mind off the things we all fret about as parents. I spend so much time thinking about every little detail of caring for my kids, having the blog has been a great way to turn my brain to something else for a while.

Writing is therapeutic. Putting your thoughts and feelings down can really help to make you feel better. Maybe it’s a traumatic birth story or the hell of sleep deprivation. Talking about it really makes a difference and fellow bloggers are extremely supportive because they have been there before!

It helps you connect with other mums. The social media side of things is all about starting conversations with people. It helps to know we’re not alone!

It can open doors. At the moment it costs me money to write the blog. But I don’t care because I’m doing it as a hobby. If I break even by the end of the year, great. If not, doesn’t matter. But some people are incredibly successful and have turned blogging into a career. You may also get opportunities to review new products or visit exciting places.

It can kick that baby brain back into high gear. Baby brain is a real thing, I know because I’ve ambled around my house confused at what I set off looking for. Using your brain for something other than how to get a wriggly child into a sleepsuit can bring it back to life!

So, anyone reading this and thinking about starting a blog, I say go for it. You really have got nothing to lose.



A bit about Vicky:

Hi, I’m Vicky, mum to two children, aged two and eight months. I live in the South East with my husband of six years. I’m on maternity leave with my second child and return to work as a journalist in the new year. I blog about parenting my two girls, with a bit of humour and the occasional rant, as well as family trips out and parenting news.

If you enjoyed this post then be sure to go follow Vicky on twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and bloglovin and don’t forget to  read her brilliant blog The Mummy Bubble.


Thank you for this post Vicky. It sounds like you have an amazing career and I am glad you stopped procrastinating and started your brilliant blog. I completely agree with all your reasons to start a blog too, there really is a lot more to it than people think but it is so worth it to be a part of the amazing blogging community.

If your blog is less than 12 months old and you would like to get involved in The Newbie Takeover, you can check out all the details in this post and send your submission to wendy@naptimenatter.com


new blogger guest post series
You can find this post linked to some of these amazing blog link ups –

Maternity Mondays | Marvellous Mondays | Posts from the Heart | #MG | Big Pink Link | Twinkly Tuesday | Dream Team | Tried and Tested | Blogger Club UK | Best and Worst | Family Fun | Cool Mum Club | A Blogging Good Time | The List Linky | PoCoLo |For the Love of Blog | KCACOLS  …and of course #BlogCrush, the linky I co host every Friday.

Find me on Twitter ..


Thanks for reading, if you enjoyed this post I would love for you to share it 🙂

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There are lots of reasons why you should blog. Here is a list to help you see that blogging is a great thing to do.



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  1. August 10, 2017 / 2:03 pm

    I definitely find writing my blog theraputic. I don’t write a lot of personal posts but when I do I feel so much better. And it is amazing the amount of topics you do find to write about.
    Ali Duke recently posted…My Empties July 2017My Profile

    • August 13, 2017 / 9:42 pm

      Yes there’s so much inspiration when you really start to think about it! Thanks for reading my post x

  2. August 11, 2017 / 6:45 am

    Wow Vicky’s career sounds fab! I love Vicky’s blog, you can tell she’s a really skilled writer. And totally agree about the endless inspiration provided by kids; some days I worry about running out of things to write about then one of the kids will do something hilarious and I get loads of writing ideas! #BlogCrush
    Jemma @popcornlunchuk recently posted…Real Love (How Boring!)My Profile

  3. August 11, 2017 / 8:27 am

    Hello Vicky!
    I love the social interaction with other bloggers too. That was the surprising part of blogging for me too. My blog is 9 months old so it’s all still new. I love it as a hobby too and I’m quite protective of my little corner of the internet! You sound as if you have an exciting and fulfilling career and now an equally exciting and fulfilling hobby! Thank you for sharing. Xx #blogcrush
    Oldhouseintheshires recently posted…The Old House garden round-up: Flopsy Flowers and caterpillars!My Profile

  4. August 11, 2017 / 8:43 am

    Great post. It’s lovely to hear from fellow newbies. Blogging must be so refreshing compared to the typical style of writing you have to do in journalism! Good luck going forward! #BlogCrush

    • The Mummy Bubble
      August 13, 2017 / 9:44 pm

      Ah thanks very much lovely x

  5. August 11, 2017 / 3:16 pm

    Great newbie take over – much of it rings true to the reasons why I blog. #blog crush

    • The Mummy Bubble
      August 13, 2017 / 9:44 pm

      Great minds think alike! Thanks for reading x

  6. August 11, 2017 / 5:31 pm

    Oh my goodness it’s so true about the baby brain and I’ve discovered the more you love the process the more you learn. Enjoy the blogging adventure x #fortheloveofBLOG
    Helena recently posted…Gone but not ForgottenMy Profile

  7. August 11, 2017 / 8:27 pm

    I had a list of ideas going when I started my blog a few weeks ago. It’s crazy but now that I’m blogging, ideas just come up randomly to write about! I usually don’t have enough time (which means my kids need to nap more lol) to write about everything I want!
    And I do agree; it is so therapeutic! #blogcrush
    Elizabeth recently posted…This is My Son: Diminishing Autism in Hyperlexia Type IIIMy Profile

    • The Mummy Bubble
      August 13, 2017 / 9:46 pm

      Yes I’m the same, constantly adding ideas to the list on my phone. If I don’t write it down straight away my baby brain zaps it! Thanks for reading x

  8. August 12, 2017 / 3:34 am

    I agree I think to have your own little space in which to vent and hopefully make people relate or laugh, is wonderful! Thanks for the advice!
    Liz Deacle recently posted…Judging the Judgemental​.My Profile

    • The Mummy Bubble
      August 13, 2017 / 9:47 pm

      Thanks for reading xx

  9. August 12, 2017 / 8:15 am

    I agree with your reasons for blogging especially it being therapeutic. I wish i had known about blogging when mine were tiny, I wish I had captured those years. I didn’t hear about blogging until 3 years ago and started mine without ever reading any elses blog. I just googled how to start and did it. It has been a great journey though. #blogcrush
    Mackenzie Glanville recently posted…where do we go from here? #mummyshotMy Profile

    • The Mummy Bubble
      August 13, 2017 / 9:48 pm

      Yes it’s so much fun, glad you’re still enjoying it so much xx

  10. August 12, 2017 / 10:44 am

    Fab post. Baby brain is definitely real. I’m sure I still have it three years later. Blogging helps keep the brain ticking over though ha. #fortheloveofBLOG

    • The Mummy Bubble
      August 13, 2017 / 9:49 pm

      Glad it’s not just me with the baby brain! Honestly, I would forget my head if it wasn’t screwed on! X

  11. August 12, 2017 / 10:41 pm

    I have no writing experience but I know several bloggers that are or were journalists. Interesting to hear that it is completely different! #fortheloveofblog

    • The Mummy Bubble
      August 13, 2017 / 9:51 pm

      Yes so different. Interesting that others are taking up the hobby too, is journos clearly just love writing. Thanks for reading xx

  12. August 13, 2017 / 4:59 pm

    Ah it’s great to hear about Vicki. I’m an expert journo so know what she means about the change in style. I now prefer he more casual writing of my blog. I agree about social media taking over.. the bane of my blogging life! #FortheloveofBLOG
    Susie at This Is Me Now recently posted…What I’ve learned this week #41My Profile

    • The Mummy Bubble
      August 13, 2017 / 9:50 pm

      It’s such a huge part of it! Yep the casual style is really refreshing actually, and I thought I would hate it! X

    • The Mummy Bubble
      August 13, 2017 / 9:51 pm

      It’s a great hobby, isn’t it? Really rewarding too! Xx

  13. August 13, 2017 / 9:04 pm

    Definitely love the fact it can give me a focus for half an hour that isn’t washing up or parenting! I know Claire too, lovely to e-meet an ‘old’ friend of hers haha. Good luck and enjoy growing the blog. Thanks for linking up to #fortheloveofblog x

    • August 13, 2017 / 9:40 pm

      Thanks very much! I hope it does keep growing. Love that you know Claire too. Such a small world among bloggers! X

  14. August 14, 2017 / 8:31 pm

    Oh wow – what great inspiration to start blogging when you have a friend who is so great at it already. I am usually a meticulous planner, but for some reason (which I still can’t understand), I just jumped straight in with my blog. It does help that hubby is a web developer so he started me off on the tech side of things but, as you say, WordPress is so clever and isn’t too tricky once you get the hang of it. Great post! #blogcrush
    Lucy At Home recently posted…Blogcrush Week 26 – 11th August 2017My Profile

    • August 17, 2017 / 12:15 pm

      Thanks Lucy! That must be brilliant to have an expert in the house. I’m so lost on my site at times, at least I have Google! Xx

  15. August 20, 2017 / 11:59 am

    The reasons Vicky started her blog were very similar to why a I started mine. I love having something that is just mine, a space where I can be me. It’s that that means that I will always find the time for it.