The brand new seires of Game of Thrones starts on Monday and it is safe to say that I am more than a bit excited. Although I am still reeling from the end of series 5, #forthewatch #heartbroken, I can’t wait to see what this series has in store. My favourite thing about Game of Thrones is not the violence, the sex or the creepy White Walkers, it is following all the different characters and their messed up little lives. Most of my favourites have now fallen victim to the cruel writing of George R R Martin and been brutally killed off (sob) but one person who is still going strong is the woman of too many names to list, Daenerys Targaryen.
As I watch Daenerys conquer city after city I can’t help but think motherhood would be a lot easier if I was the Mother of Dragons. Confused? Let me explain..
Why parenting would be easier if I was the Mother of Dragons
I would have advisors – There is no way miss Targaryen would be where she is today without her advisors. Although their advice may not have always been good and their morals on occasion have been extremely questionable (Ser Jorah for instance – what is his deal?), with their help Daenerys has managed to make a pretty good life for herself. My advisors would not be a love sick, backstabbing knight or a dwarf on the run after murdering his father. My advisors would come in the form of Marry Poppins and Super Nanny. Hopefully between the two of them they could help me navigate through this stressful journey of parenthood and toddler tantrums/Mummy meltdowns could be kept to a minimum.
I would have an army – Unlike the Mother of Dragons, I would not have armies made up of scary Dothraki men or the tougher than they look Unsullied. Although they seem to fare pretty well in actual battle, their fighting skills are not what I am looking for. My army would be made up of all the characters from Peppa Pig, Ben and Holly and The Twirlywoos. There would also be a choir ready to burst into song at any point, with a full lyrical knowledge of every nursery rhyme ever created. There would be Disney characters dotted around with bowls full of yummy snacks and hiding in the back would be Mr Tumble, you know, for absolute emergencies only. My army wouldn’t follow me around because that is just too much for any sane person to handle, however, they will never be far away and will always be eager to help calm a grumpy toddler or keep him entertained while I go for a wee in peace. Anything to keep their queen me happy.
People would listen to me – I am not sure if it just because Daenerys has dragons or not but people seem to listen to her. As far as I can tell she doesn’t have any experience actually ruling a kingdom but the people of Mereen are letting her get on with it. I don’t have any prior experience in parenting, I am just getting on with it but people don’t always listen to me. Health visitors have just brushed off Leo’s bad behaviour/fussy eating as a phase without offering any help whatsoever, I politely ask people to move so I can get the pushchair past only to be ignored. If I had the calm yet authoritative manner of the Mother of Dragons, I would never have to accidently-on-purpose run over someone’s foot with the pram again.
I would look amazing – Khaleesi always looks amazing doesn’t she? Even when her face was covered in blood after eating a horse heart or after she had just spent all night in an actual burning fire, her hair was still friggin perfect. All I have to do is get through the day with a toddler to look after and most some days I don’t even brush my hair. I guess I would have someone to do my hair for me if was a queen though and my daily outfit of choice would be a beautiful dress not leggings and a jumper covered in unidentifiable stains.
and the most obvious reason…
I would have dragons – I would not only have one dragon either, I would have three. Three dragons that wouldn’t try and eat me or set me on fire or anything. I would be the coolest Mum ever! Toddler about to have a melt down because his biscuit snapped in half? No problem son, shall we go for a fly on the dragons? Of course, dragons are very dangerous creatures but being their Mother we would have an unspoken agreement that they would not bring any harm to me or my human offspring. Also, next time a middle aged man in a BMW steals my parent and toddler parking spot in Asda I will just quietly mention I have three hungry dragons at home, just kidding…
source: via GIPHY
If you haven’t seen it yet and want to get all excited for the new series, here is the trailer for Game of Thrones series 6. So excited!
Haha I love this! I can't wait for it start again! xx #picknmix
Oh I LOVE Game of Thrones I really got into it when I had my hysterectomy and had never watched it before I watched it back to back from episode 1 to the last episode and can't wait for it to start again. thanks for reminding me. I'd like to be the mother of dragons too.
I would also like an army consisting of Twirlywoos, Peppa and company. I would probably add in some Minions as my son is OBSESSED with them and I've wanted a Minion of my own. Having a dragon or two under my command would also be super handy. #TheList
I am so excited too. Seem to have been waiting for ever for the new season to start. Really enjoyed reading this 🙂 #TheList
So excited for Monday! I reckon being the mother of 3 dragons has to be easier than 2 small children. Although I wouldn't mind a Peppa Pig army I think I would prefer one of those unsullied… #KCACOLS
Haha this is brilliant – oh to have dragons!! And I have never accidentally/on purpose ran over someone's foot before (big fat lie!) So excited for Monday x 'TheList
just finished season 4. As a long time fan of the books, I was holding out hope that a new volume would come out before the show caught up. Not sure what is going to happen now. #KCACOLS
Oh this does sound pretty cool. Hmmmm after reading this I think I'd better go and watch an episode as I've never seen on.xx #KCACOLS
Ha ha you are probably so right – mothering 3 dragons – why not – but hey I reckon after parenting toddlers anything would be easier to parent! And oh doesn't she always look so glam – but then maybe it's proof that parenting dragons is easier than parenting toddlers – fact!
Excellent. I like it. Although I am not sure that I agree with everything you say. Sometimes I feel like I have an army of advisors, conflicting ones, who are often intent on criticising if they don't agree with what I have done, and as for the dragons, I don't need dragons, when sleep deprived I turn into a dragon myself. thanks for a good read. Pen x #KCACOLS
Hmm, I'm not too sure. I think the bad bits might outweigh the good ones (aka people trying to kill you all the time) but then again she's obviously braver than me. I also love GOT, looking forward to watching it tonight.
Sally @ Life Loving
A very convincing argument! Must say I never quite got into the TV series as much as the books, and I'm still miffed at George RR Martin for killing off my favourite character!!! Hoping he comes back to life somehow… #AnythingGoes
She does always look so good! And yes I can see some benefits, but still I would probably be too scared of my own kids lol #bigpinklink
Game of Thrones is still on my "To watch" list but you've definitely sold it to me. Anyone who has actual dragons is pretty dam cool in my book! (Even Hagrid went up in the cool stakes for me when he had Norbert). I would also like to be able to draft in your army if you wouldn't mind sharing!? Brilliant x
Thanks for sharing with #FartGlitter x
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Love this post so much!! Can't wait to watch GoT later & yes I agree all mums should have dragons 🙂 #fartglitter
20 minutes to go!!! Whoop whoop!
Never seen it 🙂 But having a dragon would be useful. Not sure what for, but I'm sure I'll think of something
I thought I was the only person who hadn't seen GoT, but seems not! ^^ But hurrah for the concept of parenting dragons anyway, has to be easier than my boys!!#AnythingGoes
My husband is a big GoT fan. Me…not so much. I know enough to get most of your references here, though! As long as you can tame your dragon(s), I think parenting would be much easier with them! LOL!
I had a read of your comments just to make sure I wasn't the only person in whole entire world not to be watching this and luckily I'm not but I totally think having dragons would be the best, I get your references lol!Also would you be
able to share supernanny and mary poppins? You can keep Mr Tumble tho lol x
Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday
I love Game of Thrones and did watch the season premiere last week and loved it! The mother of Dragons is one of my favorite characters and having dragons would be awesome!!! I love how you compare her motherhood to dragons to your motherhood and comparing her army to what your army would be. Incredible! Great post!! #passthesauce
This post really makes me think I need to go and watch GOT now. I've never seen it. :/
Sarah xx
I think my mummy's life would be much better if she looked like Daenerys Targaryen!! Lol 😉 I think people would listen to her more! She feels invisible atm…#TwinklyTuesday
I think the I would have Dragons is the best one! What else would you need? haha! Although looking great all the time would also be good. Thanks for linking to #PicknMix
I LOVE Game of Thrones. I think it's probably one of the only times me and the hubby spend engaged in something together. Oh to be Daenerys what a gorgeous lady. Although I'm not sure how nice she'll remain. I have a feeling she might get a little bit taken over by the need for power. Who knows? I wish I had the dragons though, it might help when my son refuses to eat his breakfast on a morning, I think if the dragon toasted if he'd eat it ☺️ Gem X
I love GOT too and I'm totally with you – life as a mom would be easier as the mother of dragons (very funny btw). I would really like the advisors and army of Peppa Pigs but I'm not sure about hanging out in the desert for that long or eating a horse heart for that matter 🙂 #KCACOLS
Nicole | The Professional Mom Project
Ooohhh….Dragons! Yes, yes, yes, I would love to have Dragons too! Yep, you'll win the argument all the time over that car park lot. I haven't watched Game of Thrones but have heard a lot about it. I'm a bit afraid I would be a little too addicted.. Thanks for sharing with #PasstheSauce
It was so good wasn't it! The mother of dragons kicked ass as always…
Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub from a fellow 'Throney' xx
It does sound like it would make life easier! I could imagine having a couple of dragons could help me a lot at work too!
Thanks for linking up to #AnythingGoes
Yes. Can I be mother of dragons as well though? 🙂 I admit though that I tend to fast forward through all the other story lines to get to Daenerys'! Probably going to get in trouble for admitting that around so many GOT fans…
lol I couldn't help giggle seeing Agent Spitback's excitement in these comments at the mention of dragons. I also wish you were able to channel some Denearys or however you spell it and I'd love to leave a constructive comment on your post but I'm afraid I've momentarily lost all capacity for rational thought as the minute anyone mentions GoT I think of Rob Stark's bare bum. Every. Time. I actually had no energy left to mourn Mr Snow because I was still grieving the outcome of the Red Wedding episode. Scarred I tell you. #bigpinklink