GlassesShop review

GlassesShop review

Do you have bad eye sight? Are you like me and really struggle when it comes to buying new frames? I have been wearing glasses ever since I was a baby so glasses shopping has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. When I was growing up glasses were not cool, you got picked on for being s ‘four eyes’. These days though there are so many beautiful frames to choose from, people with perfectly good vision are choosing to wear glasses just as a fashion accessory. Glasses shopping has changed a lot since I was little too, gone are the days of spending hours in an opticians hunting through frame after frame trying to find the perfect pair, now you can do it all from the comfort of your home on your laptop. I was recently contacted by GlassesShop to see if I would like to review their service and some frames, always on the hunt for gorgeous glasses, I obviously said yes.

There are so many frames to choose from on the GlassesShop website, if you struggle to find exactly what you want in your local opticians I am sure there will be a pair of glasses on here that ticks all of your boxes. I spent a long time choosing my frames but it was nice to browse at my own leisure and not feel under pressure by a sales person/busy shop to choose something quickly. Although you can not physically try the glasses on, there are pictures of the frames from every angle and GlassesShop can access your webcam and place a picture of the glasses on an image of your face; it may not be the same as trying them on but it gives you a good idea of whether the frames will suit you. After a lot of deliberating I went for the Murray Round frames in cream, something I wouldn’t usually go for (I’m a sucker for dark, smaller frames)  but thought it would be fun to try something different. These frames are $34.95 (about £24), so much cheaper than most frames you can buy on the high street or from your opticians.

Love my new frames

Really impressed with the super thin lenses

I was a bit concerned whether GlassesShop would be able to meet my very complicated prescription needs as my vision really is terrible. There were no problems though, I simply contacted my usual opticians and got a copy of my prescription and then worked out my pupillary distance measurement (work yours out here) and sent them across. GlassesShop provide bifocal, single vision and progressive lenses. If they can cater for my extremely complicated eyes, I am sure they will be able to help you too.
Delivery is free on orders over $49 (£34) and orders can take up to 10 days to be processed. I was slightly disappointed in the delivery as my glasses took over a month to arrive, the team at GlassesShop were quick to respond to my query though and I was pleased to find out that my frames hadn’t been lost in the post or forgotten about. As I said, my prescription is very complicated so the delay in receiving my frames could be down to that.
The fact that GlassesShop provides such cheap glasses did worry me slightly, were they going to be good quality or just fall apart at the slightest little knock? I was very pleased to discover that the quality of the glasses is amazing. The frames are sturdy and comfortable and they also look great, I am pretty sure they are going to be able to cope with Leo’s little hands trying to yank them off my face. The thing I was most impressed with was the quality of the lenses. If you wear prescription glasses you will understand what I mean when I say this, sometimes lenses can end up looking like thick ugly bottle tops and can really ruin a pretty frame. In the past I have had to pay an extra fee to get my lenses filed down, I was so pleased to find the GlassesShop standard lenses were so slim and fit beautifully in the frame. I was also a bit worried how well my vision quality would be in these new glasses, without having anything checked over by an optician. I was wrong to worry as my vision is just as good in these glasses as it is in my usual ones, after the long wait to receive them I was so relieved I could actually see!
So here they are, my new glasses. They are a little bit too big for my face but this is a problem I always have with my frames, I must have a weird shaped head.
What do you think? Oli thinks they are very Deirdre Barlow-esque but I quite like them. I am glad I tried something a bit different and didn’t just stick to my usual boring black frames.
With summer coming up, now is the perfect time to have a browse around GlassesShop as they have a great range of prescription sunglasses to choose from too. If you like the sound of GlassesShop, here is a 50% coupon code for you to use when you order your frames, GSHOT50. 
Do you wear glasses too, how do you find shopping for new frames? Have you ever considered buying glasses online? Also, do you think I look like Deirdre Barlow?! Let me know what you think 🙂

Disclaimer- I was sent my glasses from GlassesShop in return for this honest review. As always, all words and opinions are my own.
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A Cornish Mum

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Reflections From Me

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  1. Katie Taylor
    May 9, 2016 / 7:01 am

    like these new glasses really suit you #fartglitter

  2. Cuddle Fairy
    May 9, 2016 / 10:19 am

    Love the new glasses – the frames suit you so well! It's good to hear that the frames are good quality & that they are so reasonably priced! #MG

  3. May 9, 2016 / 6:00 pm

    Aww thank you 🙂 xx

  4. May 9, 2016 / 6:01 pm

    Aww thanks. Yea I was really surprised with how good the quality is xx

  5. Rhyming With Wine
    May 9, 2016 / 7:57 pm

    They look great Wendy! I used to wear glasses until I went down the laser route a few years ago. I'm stunned (and very impressed) that you can get such a bespoke service online and at such great prices? If I still wore glasses I would definitely check these out! Thanks for linking up with #FartGlitter x

  6. May 10, 2016 / 8:37 am

    I think the frames look lovely and stylish on you #TriedTested

  7. May 10, 2016 / 9:33 am

    These look great.
    I will tell my fella about the Glasses Shop. He is wanting a new pair but doesn't want to pay the silly prices the opticians charge x

  8. May 11, 2016 / 11:03 am

    Ohh, so jealous of your lasered eyes! I know, I was really shocked that such a thing existed, can't get over how good my vision is in them!xx

  9. May 11, 2016 / 11:03 am

    Thank you 🙂 xx

  10. May 11, 2016 / 11:04 am

    Oh yes, tell him!They are cheap and the quality is surprisingly good xx

  11. Sara HandyHerbs
    May 13, 2016 / 6:38 am

    They really suit you, Wendy! I had no idea that prescription glasses could be ordered online! I wear glasses for reading which is a recent thing. #PicknMix

  12. May 14, 2016 / 1:42 am

    I think you look beautiful, although you are stunning so I think you couldn't look bad ever! I recently got glasses for being on the computer, I chose two pairs, both quite retro style and I love them, they are quirky a bit like me lol #mg thanks for sharing xx