Hello lovelies!
What a horrendous week this week has been. I, like the rest of the country, am absolutely appalled and heartbroken after what happened in Manchester on Monday night. I really do wonder what is happening to this world and I really do fear for what the future will be like for my two boys. If any of you were involved, or have any friends or family who have been affected by the terror attack in Manchester then I am sending all the love in the world. Love will conquer hate. Always.
I have got stuff going on in my personal life right now that is causing me to get feel really stressed and for my anxiety to be going through the roof so sorry if I am not my usual self on this old blog of mine over the next few weeks. Let’s try and perk things up here..it’s a bank holiday weekend AND half term is upon us, I hope you all are planning on doing lots of fun things and spending lots of quality time with your families.
What is #BlogCrush ?
#BlogCrush is a linky with a difference that I host with wonderful Lucy (Lucy at Home) . This linky is like no other as not only can you link up one of your own posts but we also ask you to add a post from another blogger to the linky too. So if you have read something this week (or ever) that has really wowed you then please add it as your BC to the linky below. I can’t wait to read this week’s helping of excellent posts!
Before we get on to the linky I have a bit of a favour to ask you all. I have decided to put myself forward for the BiBs awards this year and if you enjoy my blog and like what I do then I would love you to vote for me in the best family lifestyle or readers choice categories. I will LOVE YOU forever (just click the badge below..pretty please).
Featured #BlogCrush posts
This week my #BlogCrush is from Kelly at Daydreams of a Mum. I LOVED this post, I am sure you all saw that ridiculous article in the Daily Fail having a go at some fantastic mum bloggers and this post from Kelly is the perfect response – A love letter to mummy bloggers
Lucy’s #BlogCrush is Keep Mum – Makeup: Do I consider it child’s play?
Congratulations to you featured bloggers, if you would like you can grab the featured badge below to display on your blog. Also, if any of you noticed one of your posts featured as someone’s #BlogCrush in the last link up, feel free to grab the badge too 🙂

#BlogCrush linky – week 15
This week I am linking up my post about what to expect when your little one turns 3 – 19 things you should know before your child turns 3
Lucy is linking up Cbeebies Peter Rabbit buns: A step by step guide

It is time to get linking! #BlogCrush is all about sharing the bloggy love, Lucy and I have noticed a few people not following our main rule of adding a post written by another blogger, can you please make sure you do this as it is the whole point of this linky. We don’t like being the blog police but it is not fair to just drop your own link when #BlogCrush is all about sharing content written by others as well as yourself. Also, my badge code doesn’t work sometimes, if you have any problems please message me and I will try to sort it. THANKS!
Here are the rules ..
* The linky will run every Friday 6am – Sunday 9pm (UK time)
* You can link up 2 posts per week – 1 of your own posts and 1 post by a blogger that you love, your #BlogCrush
* Please add BC in the inlinkz form when you add the link for your blog crush post
* Add the #BlogCrush badge to the post you are linking up from your own blog.
* Tweet @naptimenatter and @lucy_at_home on twitter and we will retweet your links
* Also, tweet your #BlogCrush to let them know you have added them to the linky
* Comment on one of my posts and one of Lucy’s posts, 1 personal post and 1 blog crush post – that is a total of 4 comments please. This linky is all about sharing the blogger love so if you want to comment on more posts too then please go ahead 🙂
* Lucy and I will comment on all the posts and share them all on our Twitter accounts.
* Each host will choose a favourite post and feature it in the next linky post as well as linking it up as their #BlogCrush post in the following week’s linky.
* If you could also follow Lucy and I on social media then we will love you forever. Naptime Natter twitter , Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube Lucy At Home twitter , facebook
Happy linking lovelies!