A bit about me: Liebster Award

Thank you for my Liebster Award nomination   Mummy Don’t  Say That (can’t find your name on your blog!). What a lovely community the parent blogosphere is, I am really enjoying getting to know lots…

Timehop: A love hate relationship

Ahh TimeHop,  the mobile application that took throwback Thursday to the extreme. The app that goes searching through our social media past only to return with gifts in the form of long lost memories and…

Making the most of fun in the sun

Summer seems to have come early this year and Leo and I are taking full advantage. Finding ways to keep your toddler entertained in the house all day can be challenging but stress no more…

Why won’t my toddler eat? – living with a fussy eater

Does anyone else miss the early days of weaning? Where you could just blend healthy food up and your baby would just eat it off a spoon? I definitely miss that. At the time it…

The best things in life are free

I know it is a cliché and many would say it’s not true…but since having Leo I am really starting to believe that the best things in life really are free. There are many days…

How singing and signing helped my todder learn to talk

Leo has just turned 20months (how?!!) and we have arrived at the ‘ sponge brain ‘ stage. You know what I mean, your toddler is starting to say more and more words and is copying…

Raising a child without a village – why bringing up a baby away from family is SO hard

Anyone who has a baby will know how important it is to have lots of friends and family around you to help out and support you as you adjust to becoming a new parent. Me…

How to look after your mental well being by writing a ‘to don’t list’

Yes, you did read that right. I am a woman of lists: to do lists, shopping lists and now, blogging ideas lists. To do lists help me keep on top of everything going on and even…

Easter fun

What a beautiful bank holiday weekend we are having! Did everyone have a lovely easter yesterday? After giving up all sweet things for lent, I must say I am still feeling pretty sick after my…

You know you have a toddler when…

Over the past few months I have watched Leo change from a baby into a little boy right in front of my very eyes. It is amazing to watch him learn and grow, I can’t…

Hello, hello…

How are you? Hi everyone! Please excuse the Mr Tumble reference, that programme has become far too big a part of my life recently and I just couldn’t resist. I just thought I would write…