Living with a mischievous todder {featuring outfits from the Disney Store baby collection}

Living with a mischievous todder  {featuring outfits from the Disney Store baby collection}

*collaborative post*

Have you seen the original version of The Jungle Book? Of course you have, it’s an amazing film. Do you remember the song King Louie sings? The chorus goes ‘Oobe do, I wanna be like you. I wanna walk like you, talk like you, too‘ and so on. Well, I am pretty sure my toddler Alex is channelling his inner King Louie, but in reverse. Alex is already a man cub , so to speak, but he is desperate to show us all that he would love nothing more than to be a little cheeky monkey. My 16 month old is so mischievous and is always trying to get up to no good.


Living with a mischievous toddler

Toddlers by their very nature are all about exploring, pushing boundaries and figuring out what is what in this great big, exciting world. I get that and I am all for encouraging my boy’s curiosity BUT Alex seems to be taking this whole explorer thing to heart and can often be found embracing his cheeky monkey within and climbing on everything (and I mean everything!). It all started with him figuring out how to climb on and off the sofa at a really young age, it’s not exactly high but still, I was very shocked the first time he did it. He has quickly progressed to climbing the stairs at every given opportunity, climbing on top of boxes, hoisting himself up onto chairs and last week he mastered clambering up from the floor on to the dining room table.

mischievous toddler wearing disney store

If he’s not climbing then he’s putting something in his mouth!

mischievous toddler wearing disney store

showing off his cheeky grin.


There is no stopping this boy and the worst thing is, he knows he is not allowed to be climbing. Alex is so cheeky, when he is caught doing his best chimpanzee impression (hanging off whatever piece of furniture is closest by his arms) he looks at me and gives me the biggest smiles possible. These aren’t ‘Oh I love you so much mummy and I am so happy to see you‘ smiles, oh no. These are the ‘Haha look what I am doing again Mummy! I know you said I am not supposed to do this but I am doing it anyway, watch me!’ kind of smiles. Some days I can’t help but laugh at how brazenly naughty this little toddler of mine is.


Always climbing! (please ignore my messy desk)


This chair spins and yet he still worked out how to climb onto it!


T-shirt and trousers The Jungle Book set from the Disney Store – the trousers are so soft and comfy


I would say he’s more than just a little bit wild!

The climbing on the table thing is a real worry though and has made life at home really difficult. I feel like I am playing a game of roulette every time I nip into the kitchen for something, will I come back in to find him on the table? Or worse, in a crying heap on the floor after he’s taken a tumble? It is hard to know what to do, I can’t get rid of the table or the chairs. I suppose I could put the chairs away somewhere between meal times but that seems like a massive faff. Living with a mischievous toddler does bring with it a fair few problems, perhaps we should just become a furniture free household? At least then I would know my boy can’t go on any potentially dangerous climbing adventures!

mischievous toddler wearing disney store

Gorgeous dungaree set from the Disney Store


Fridge invader!


It’s not just the climbing either. Alex loves to show us his spirit animal is a monkey by making me buy approximately 20 bananas a week, he would eat them all day if I let him. Also, he just loves being cheeky, nothing makes him giggle and smile more than doing something he knows he is not supposed to be doing. His latest obsession is opening the fridge and helping himself to whatever food he can find. The other day I found two yogurt pots in the big box where we keep all our shoes and there was a block of cheese that had been nibbled to within an inch of it’s life, found by Leo is the Duplo storage box. Alex climbs up on the small stool we have in the kitchen and tries to grab everything off the sides, he slams doors with his chubby little hands and he rips my glasses from my face at every opportunity. He has mastered the fine art of raspberry blowing and the word ‘no’ means absolutely nothing to him. I love his little character but his constant troublemaking and his endless energy leaves me an exhausted wreck by the end of each day.

So, picture that scene from The Jungle Book again but this time, instead of King Louie singing ‘Obee do, I wanna be like you’, it is Alex singing it to the jungle full of monkeys. I don’t think there’s any question what my mischievous toddler wants to be when he grows up! Anyone else got a cheeky little monkey on their hands?


The outfits Alex is wearing in this post were gifted to us from the Disney Store, they are from the baby collection and they are simply gorgeous. The dungaree set is just too adorable, the Jungle Book character embroidery on the front and back of the dungarees is amazing and the short sleeved white collared shirt makes the set a perfect outfit for spring. The ‘A little bit wild’ t-shirt and trousers are great for when your little one just wants to run about as they are really comfortable and stretchy. Along with his ridiculously cuddly King Louie soft toy, Alex has now got a wardrobe that lives up to his cheeky monkey side. You can check out the full range of baby products available from the Disney Store by popping over to the Disney Store website.


Does your little one love being cheeky and getting up to mischief? Any tips on how to stop him climbing on everything? I would love hear your advice in the comments.

Disclaimer: Alex was sent two outfits and a soft toy from the Disney Store, in return for the honest review. All words and opinions are my own.

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living with a mischievous toddler

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  1. March 20, 2018 / 9:43 am

    The Jungle Book is one of my favourite Disney films. I remember watching it loads as a child and now my children love it too. Love the little outfits and toy, so cute. I remember my youngest being obsessed with bananas at a similar age.

  2. March 20, 2018 / 1:51 pm

    Awwww bless him! His face when holding King Louie… priceless 🙂 I would love to say it gets better over time… but as they get older they start aiming higher 😉 Sim x

  3. March 20, 2018 / 2:40 pm

    I’m completely exhausted with a 12 week old, but I’ve a feeling the exhaustion is yet to come after reading this!! What a cute little monkey though and love the outfit!

  4. March 20, 2018 / 2:54 pm

    Oh he his such a cutie! I love the clothes and the teddies. However, things do improve. I have a 12 year old, 8 year old, and then 3 under 5… The 8 year old is my easiest… HAha!

  5. March 20, 2018 / 6:42 pm

    Awww who is a checkyittle monkey, I bet he gets any with a lot because super cute in his little outfits X #dreamteam

  6. March 21, 2018 / 3:37 pm

    Haha, yes Alex is a typical toddler. The Disney clothes look great on him.Can I give you any tips to stop him climbing? Nope! B is coming up to 3 and there’s no sign of it stopping! :o)

    Kat x

  7. March 21, 2018 / 9:27 pm

    Oh cheeky monkey! I love The Disney Store clothing, it’s great quality too

  8. March 22, 2018 / 9:37 pm

    Oh these outfits are gorgeous! Will have to have a look in my local store for them for my little one! The toddler years certainly are exhausting! xx
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  9. March 24, 2018 / 9:33 pm

    Oh my gosh. He’s absolutely adorable! We love Disney, and I’m always so impressed by the quality of their clothes. Even their dress up range beats everyone else hands down. That dungaree set is the cutest!! Thanks so much for joining us for the #DreamTeam xx
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