Super stretchy 2 ingredient slime using Elmer’s Magical Liquid

Super stretchy 2 ingredient slime using Elmer’s Magical Liquid
Do you know what’s a really fun but also pretty gross craft activity to do with the kids? Making slime! For reasons unknown, slime seems to be the big thing at the minute, Leo got a few pots of it for his birthday and there seems to be a lot of slime making going on around the messy play and toddler group circuit too. Leo likes all things icky so he decided he wanted in on the slime making action. Oli and I have each made our own attempts at slime but no matter what ingredients we used (fairy liquid, baking soda, contact lenses solution) we could never create anything that looked remotely like the photos on Pinterest. In my quest to find the perfect slime recipe, I asked a woman who was running a slime and craft session in town and she revealed the secret to me. If you want to make stretchy, fun and Pinterest worthy slime on your first attempt, here is the two ingredient method that works every single time.

2 ingredient super stretchy slime

stretchy slime


All you need to make this stretchy slime that can be pulled, reshaped and played with for hours are these two ingredients:
  • PVA glue
  • Elmer’s magical liquid
That’s it! PVA glue costs about a quid from most shops and the Elmer’s magical liquid is quite pricey (I paid £6.99 at WH Smith’s) but saves you having to mix out loads of other ingredients and just hope that it’s all going to work.
stretchy slime
The method for making the slime is really simple too, older kids could definitely do it all themselves.

How to make slime using Elmer’s magical liquid.

  1. In a large bowl, pour in 147ml of PVA glue.
  2. Measure out 68ml of Elmer’s magical liquid and slowly add it to the PVA glue.
  3. Gently mix the two ingredients together with a spoon, the more magical liquid you add the less sticky and more ‘slime’ like the mixture becomes.
  4. Once you have a springy texture, tip the mixture out and work it with your hands a bit to firm it up more.
  5. Stretch it, shape it and have loads of fun!

stretchy slime

It really is a very quick and easy process as you only have to use these two ingredients to make your slime. If you find your slime still feels too sticky and glue-like, slowly add more Elmer’s magical liquid until the slime no longer stays stuck to your hands. If it’s too wet, it is possible to squash it into a ball in a tea towel and ring out the excess liquid, the best way to avoid this though is by slowly adding the magical liquid and checking after each pour what the consistency of the slime is like.
That’s it! If you want to add colour to slime then you can pop a few drops of food colouring in before you start adding the magical liquid. We added lots of glitter to our slime and because Leo insisted in putting in all the colours, we ended up with a funny purple/blue slime, it looked like an alien brain!
I hope this post has helped, we were having such a nightmare trying to make slime, all the methods I found included too many different elements and this is definitely the quickest and easiest way. If you want to see the slime in all its glory, pop over to my Instagram and you can find videos in my highlighted stories on my profile, just click on ‘craft time’.

Have you ever made slime before? If you try out this method, let me know how you get on. If this post has got you in the crafty mood, check out these 25 craft ideas!

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super stretchy 2 ingredient slime

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  1. September 10, 2018 / 7:18 pm

    AH this looks like so much fun, I’m 28 – am I too old to play with some lol

  2. September 10, 2018 / 9:50 pm

    My boys are obsessed with making slime!! We kinda just make it up as we go along though and it’s never great so I’m bookmarking this for next time they ask me

  3. September 10, 2018 / 10:39 pm

    I never knew it was so easy to make slime! Will definitely be trying this x

  4. September 11, 2018 / 5:05 pm

    My daughter is a massive slime fan at the moment too. I know she would love to make her own and I didn’t realise how easy it could be, great that little ones can get involved with the making too and pick their own colours and glitters.

  5. lindsey bray
    September 12, 2018 / 1:15 pm

    Fantastic, thank you! Im a childminder so will be making this! I got a bit worried when some ingredients used can cause burns so its great to find one which is safe

  6. September 12, 2018 / 6:42 pm

    I have to say I have never made slime with my boys but I am loving that this is super simple and only two ingredients, I may be tempted to give it a go

    Laura x

  7. September 14, 2018 / 4:02 pm

    My daughter absolutely loves slime at the moment, ages always watching other people make it on YouTube. Seems to be the craze of the moment! This one looks really easy, we might give it a go!

  8. September 18, 2018 / 1:06 pm

    My daughter has just gotten into slime but we haven’t made any yet so I’ll pin this for after school one day! x