Useful Life Skills To Teach Your Kids

Useful Life Skills To Teach Your Kids

*collaborative post*

I love teaching my kids new things. I love seeing them learn and grow. Nothing makes me feel more proud than seeing my children do something new for the very first time. When Tilly had her first ballet show a few months ago, I no joke nearly burst into tears as I sat on the stage watching her! All life lessons are important and can help our children navigate life as they grow up. Today’s guest post, shares 3 important life lessons all parents should try to teach their children. 

Useful Life Skills To Teach Your Kids

As a parent, you are responsible for imparting various important lessons to your children. This knowledge will often be shared naturally without you even realising it – as you help them take their first shaky steps or sound out their first words. However, it’s also crucial that you help them develop a range of life skills early on so that they can carry this knowledge with them into adulthood. With that in mind, here are just four incredibly useful life skills that you should start helping your children develop today! 

Cooking & Baking.

According to a recent study, 1 in 8 adults avoid cooking from scratch and instead opt for pre-prepared meals or takeouts to sustain themselves. This can prove problematic in more ways than one; these meals aren’t always the healthiest options, and they’re also more expensive. As a result, it’s important that you encourage your child to spend more time in the kitchen and that you teach them how to cook for themselves. Thankfully, there are plenty of fun recipes for you to try out together – from sweet treats to this delicious chicken marsala recipe that will help your little one become a culinary whizz in no time.

learn tiles

Confidence & Self-esteem.

Confidence is useful in all areas of our lives. However, it is essential for children growing up in a strange and sometimes scary world – whether they’re worried about their ability to complete homework or make friends. As a result, you must find as many ways as possible to build their confidence and self-esteem. One way in which you can achieve this goal is by practising positive affirmations each day. This is particularly effective when you consider that the average 2-year-old child hears 432 negative statements per day but only 32 positive statements each day. By replacing this negativity with positivity, you’re helping your child reduce anxiety, building confidence and encouraging them to always look on the bright side. It’s also a great way to raise mental health awareness and let them know that you’re always there to support them when they need it. 

Socialisation & independence.

Socialisation and independence are life skills that are important for anyone to learn. Teaching your child how to interact with others and care for themselves can help set them up for success in school and beyond. By sending your child to preschool, you can introduce them to socialising with peers and adults, as well as encourage independence by letting them try tasks on their own and helping them problem-solve. Aside from preschool, you can also teach social skills at home by modelling appropriate behaviour and discussing how to handle various social situations. As your child grows, encourage them to do tasks on their own such as getting dressed or making a simple meal. Teaching your child these life skills will help them navigate and thrive in the world.

Money management. 

Money management is an essential life skill, especially as we get older. However, despite its importance, it is simply not taught in schools. Therefore, you should ensure that you teach your little ones plenty of lessons about money when they are young so that they enter adulthood with the confidence and insight required to become financially savvy. This will help them to make fewer financial mistakes moving forward. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to achieve this goal. For example, you can start by teaching them the value of money by giving them a weekly/monthly allowance – but not allowing them to ask for more should they spend it all too quickly. However, you should also take the time to teach your children that money isn’t everything – and while the figure in your bank account may enable you to buy as many sweets as you want – it is not the secret to happiness. Teach them to find joy in things outside of money, such as friendships. 


What life skills will you be teaching your children? I definitely wish I had been taught more about the importance of saving and maybe some basic DIY skills would have been useful too!


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