Why you should still be printing your photos in 2018 {featuring My Personalised Case review}

Why you should still be printing your photos in 2018 {featuring My Personalised Case review}

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Want to hear something a bit ridiculous? I have 3756 photos on my iPhone, I have only owned this phone since September 2017. I have snapped almost 4000 photos in just 8 months, that’s insane. Out of all those photos though, I probably only have  200 printed, 200 physical copies I can hold in my hands, store in family albums or frame and display proudly on the walls of my home.

Why you should still be printing your photos in 2018

With the rise of social media, particularly Instagram, people are far more preoccupied with sharing their precious memories online than printing them to keep all to themselves at home. The overdue realisation that printing photos (or at the very least, backing them up) is more important than sharing them online came to me last year when I lost my phone. I had spent a day out with my family and my parents and as I hugged my Mum goodbye, I put my phone on the roof of my Dad’s car and that was that – goodbye phone and goodbye 6 months worth of photos. So many tears were shed for that phone, not because I didn’t have the internet at my fingertips anymore, or access to all my ‘can’t live without’ apps, I cried for all the photos that I would never see again, the precious newborn moments with my baby boy that had been captured but I would never get the chance to look back on with him as he grew up.

From that day on I vowed to back up all of my smartphone photos and print as many as I can, it hasn’t really worked out that way (200 out of 3756, remember?) but I am definitely printing more than I was before. Sharing photos on social media is a part of modern life but don’t let that stop you from printing your photos, you will want those prints when you are older, thumbing through albums with your children curled in your lap is better than staring and scrolling at yet another screen. Your phone screen can’t decorate the walls of your home, nor can it be placed in a pretty frame as a gift to a loved one or sent in the post to an old friend, sharing a wonderful memory you made together. The internet and smartphones may be slowly killing off other traditional practices, reading a newspaper, phoning a friend for a chat instead of checking their Facebook status, but don’t let it stop you from printing your photos. Owning real life prints of all your happy memories is as important now as it has always been.

My Personalised Case review

There are loads of different apps out there that will let you print photo’s straight from your smartphone; you can get photobooks, customised frames and canvas’ sent to your door with just a few taps of your finger. But, what about getting some of the photos that live in your phone, on to your phone instead? My Personalised Case specialise in creating personalised phone cases, I was recently sent a case for my iPhone 7 and I love it. I really wanted to have all my family’s faces smiling up at me every time I picked up my phone (which is a lot) and I chose a photo of the four of us on new years day to be printed on to a hard case.

personalised case

It is so easy to make your own phone case using the My Personalised Case website, all you have to do is select your phone model, what kind of case you want, upload your photo/photos and you are done. My Personalised Case cater for most smartphones, so if you are an Apple or Android user, you will be able to find a case to fit your phone. There are lots of different styles of case to chose from too: hard case, silicone case, wallet case, wood case and more. You can even add text and sticker icons to your design and upload a collage of photos to your case instead of just one. You can personalise your phone case as much as you could a photo wall in your house.


The case fits easily on to your phone.


I am really impressed with the quality of the photo on my case, the colours are slightly darker than the original for some reason but the image is still really clear and not blurred at all. My hard case easily clipped onto the back of my iPhone and I love how it feels in my hands. The iPhone 7 is really smooth and often I have felt like it could slip out of my hands if I picked it up in a rush, it feels a lot more sturdy in it’s case. I like to keep my phone in my jeans pocket and in the past bulky cases have made this difficult, the hard case is thin enough to slot my phone into my pocket but still offers it extra protection when if I drop it on the floor.

Do you want to hear something interesting now? Since I have had this photo phone case, I have been so much more conscious about all the 3756 photos living inside my phone. I have used some free apps to get loads of the photo’s printed and have even made two photobooks that should be arriving in the post any day now. Seeing this beautiful family portrait countless times throughout the day has somehow worked it’s magic on my subconscious and I am now hyperaware that I want to get more photos printed and on display in my home. I would never have thought a phone case could wield so much power.

personalised case

I love that my phone is now easier to hold but the case isn’t really bulky.

If you are looking for a personalised phone case, I really recommend My Personalised Case. The website is really easy to use, there are so many options to create your own completly unique and beautiful case and the quality is brilliant.


Do you still print your photos or are you happy to keep them all just living online and in your phone? Am I being old fashioned wanting to have physical prints of my photos in a world where sharing photos online for the world to see seems more important? Have you got your phone is a case, what do you think of personalised phone cases? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.


Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by My Personalised Case. I received a phone case in return for this honest review, all words and opinions are my own.

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  1. May 24, 2018 / 11:45 am

    Firstly, I had absolutely no idea you could get hard copies of photos from an app on your phone! I am still in the age of downloading them to a site and getting them printed that way. That said, I am of the age that getting your prints done in Boots from an actual roll of film was the norm! haha I really need to look into this – I’ve got some lovely photos of my boys on my phone. Totally love the phone case, too!

  2. May 24, 2018 / 6:17 pm

    I like to print but it takes me ages to get to a place to do it. I do however regularly off load and backup photos as I’ve heard these horror stories!
    Jenny recently posted…World Turtle Day 2018: Books To ReadMy Profile

  3. May 24, 2018 / 8:34 pm

    I am a die hard photo addict – totally old school and still am militant about printing a selection of photos every month and building yearly family albums. In all honesty I have contemplated whether this is sensible in terms of cost, storage and the environment?! BUT I can’t bear the thought of growing old and not having physical memories of these precious years to look back on. I’ve had an iphone since 2010 and currently have 20,000 photo in my photo stream Aargh! I try and delete but also have paid for extra iCloud storage…money well spent in my mind.
    Thanks so much for linking to #coolmumclub
    MMT recently posted…#CoolMumClub Linky week 103My Profile

  4. May 24, 2018 / 9:29 pm

    Oh no to your sad loss. I’d have been the same. I back all my photos up at least 3 times in various places and methods but I still worry about them. I did go through a phase of getting all my fave photos printed out and putting them in a scrapbook but that’s died a death now sadly. I love your case. Such a lovely way to keep loved ones close 🙂

  5. May 25, 2018 / 10:22 am

    I still print out quite a few of my photos and frame them. I also love making photo books as it’s nice to be able to pick something up and flick through. I hadn’t thought about a personalised phone case but it looks really good.

  6. May 25, 2018 / 8:29 pm

    I have to admit that before we left the UK I did print out a load of photos but that’s stopped as all our albums are in storage. As soon as we buy a house and get them back I’ll be printing again. I do love looking through albums and want my son to enjoy it too.

  7. May 26, 2018 / 5:10 pm

    I too have only owned my phone for a month and half and have almost a 1000 pictures but all mine are backed up to two separate locations. I do however want to start printing some.
    Anosa recently posted…Father’s Day Celebrations – 2018 Gift IdeasMy Profile

  8. July 10, 2018 / 6:33 am

    Since almost everything became digital, printing photos may not be as in demand as it was before, but it shouldn’t be forgotten absolutely! There are a lot of cons in keeping photos digitally, I still prefer to keep some important photos by printing them and physically keeping them 🙂

  9. May 18, 2019 / 6:59 pm

    In 2019, I am a selfie lover and love to have my photo, my family photos and my favorite person’s photo on mobile covers.

    I just love to get my photo covers printed.