Yes, you read that correctly. Shy, quiet, little old me has decided to start vlogging. I am not setting my sights on Youtube domination or anything like that but I have been thinking about making…
I have been writing this blog for nearly 11 months now and I still have a lot to learn and a lot to do before I am completely happy with it. I mean, A LOT.…
Today my baby boy turns 2 and a half. I know I probably say this every month but, seriously, where is the time going? Before I know it he will be starting school, learning to…
Before Leo was born. Oli and I used to pretty much live in the cinema, back in the days where we had cash that wasn’t allocated to nappies or milk and we had this little…
Oh, I love my bed. My lovely, big cosy bed. The place where I go to snuggle up at the end of a long busy day and just drift away to dream land. My bed…
As a mum of a very energetic two year old, I spend a lot of my time at the local soft play centre. It is a good way to tire Leo out and a good…
Who loves date night? You know, the one night a month you manage to palm your child off onto someone else, normally an ever so willing grandparent, and get to spend some quality, alone time…
Leo and I had a lovely morning on Monday. Instead of wasting the morning away just pottering around in the house, I decided it would be nice for us to go feed the ducks at…
My first blog birthday is approaching in March, I have no idea where that year has gone? I had no idea when I started my blog what I was letting myself in for and how…
So January is pretty much over and, still, I can tell I ate too much over Christmas. I haven’t been dieting this month as I don’t need to lose any weight really, I just need…
The terrible twos, it is something us parents dread, right? We see kids screaming on the floor, parents carrying them out of shops kicking and screaming and we pray one day that won’t be us.…
I love a bit of peace and quiet. I know that makes me sound about 80 but I really do enjoy just relaxing with a nice coffee and enjoying the sweet sounds of nothing. My…
Brr, it is getting cold out now isn’t it? The in-laws have been staying with us this week and on Wednesday morning I decided we should all go out for a nice walk and enjoy…
I recently finished reading this absolutely amazing book, The Girl on the Train, I am sure you have probably heard of it. The Girl on the Train is a debut, thriller novel written by Paula Hawkins.…
My lovely sister and nephew came to stay on the weekend, it is the first time they have visited us since we moved to Hampshire in September. As a late Christmas present, my sister paid…