Breastfeed with confidence with The Bshirt – review

Breastfeed with confidence with The Bshirt – review

Breastfeeding in public is not really something I struggle with now I am a second time mum. I am of the attitude that if my baby needs feeding then I am going to feed him, it doesn’t matter where I am or if there are strangers around. This was not the case at all when I had Leo, as a first time mum I found breastfeeding in public really nerve wracking to begin with and would go to great lengths to try and be as discrete as possible. There were numerous occasions where I would go and feed Leo in my car while we were out shopping or I would just try and time outings around his feeds in those very early baby days.  Establishing breastfeeding can be really difficult and the last thing any new mum needs is to feel stressed out when feeding because her clothes don’t make her feel confident when feeding her baby. Recently I got to review a brand new nursing top by a lovely new brand called The Bshirt. If you are trying to get feeding established and don’t want the fear of breastfeeding in public to hold you back then get this top on your must have list now. Here is what Alex and I thought of The Bshirt ..

Breastfeed with confidence – The Bshirt review

The Bshirt was founded by two mums from Devon, Lisa and Philippa. As a NCT breastfeeding peer support worker Lisa often suggested to new mums who were struggling with feeding in public to cut holes in their top and wear another layer over the top. Have you ever seen Mean Girls? Remember when Janice cuts holes in Regina’s top as a joke? Well, it may have made for a funny scene in a teen chick flick but it actually works a charm for giving your baby easy access to his or her milk too. Lisa then began creating tops with special feeding holes in for nursing mums and then she joined forces with Philippa and The Bshirt was born.

Unlike other nursing tops with fiddly cross over bits of material, annoying clippy bits or boob access points so small it feels impossible to latch your baby on easily, The Bshirt takes the simple concept of two holes placed over the chest to create the easiest nursing top I have ever used.  So that you can wear this vest on it’s own as well as under your normal clothes, there is a crop top like layer that hides the gaps over your chest and is so easy to lift up when you need to pop baby on for a feed.

I really love feeding in this top, Alex is 9 months now so is a pro at latching on but even now it can be fiddly getting him on discretely when I am trying to lift up one top and pull down another. With The Bshirt I simply unclip my bra, lift up the small top layer and he’s on, no fussing with too much fabric or anything. In the newborn days it is really hard to get a good latch and when you are trying to see past loads of layers or muslins/blankets it can make things even more difficult. Wearing The Bshirt just makes it so much easier and you can still keep your modesty if you are embarrassed about feeding in public as your belly and boobs are hidden. You can seriously only see where baby’s mouth is attached and someone would be having to have a proper good stare to even notice that.

the bshirt

The other thing I really love about this top is that it has unlocked more of my pre pregnancy wardrobe again. Instead of always having to wear two vest tops, I can now wear The Bshirt under a dress, a shirt/blouse or on a hot day I can wear it just as it is. One of the things I always struggle with in the hotter weather is finding something to wear that I can feed discretely in and avoid getting too hot. The clever top layer in The Bshirt eradicates the need to double up on tops and you can barely tell it is a top specifically designed for breastfeeding. The Bshirt has a simple vest top design with the top layer having a little lacy detail along it’s bottom; I like this casual design though as it makes the Bshirt easy to wear underneath other clothes but the plain colours mean the top can easily be worked with any outfit.

As well as being easy to feed in, The Bshirt is ethically made with organic cotton which means it is really comfortable. If it wasn’t a bit gross to wear the same top every single day then I would do it, I could totally wear The Bshirt every single day. Alex seems to like the material too as when I feed him he strokes the top layer of the top with his hand a lot – it is really soft so I am not surprised he likes it when he’s cuddled up close against the fabric while having a feed.

If you are a new breastfeeding mum trying to get feeding established and are nervous about feeding in front of others then I highly recommend The Bshirt, it is comfortable, can be worn as a part of pretty much any outfit and, most importantly, latching baby on is made so much easier. The Bshirt is available for £19.99 from the Bshirt website in either black, white or grey and because Lisa and Philippa care so much about helping new mums to breastfeed with confidence there is even an option for you to donate a top to a mum you know who is struggling with breastfeeding too.

the b shirt

What do you think of The Bshirt? If you are pregnant and considering breastfeeding do you think this is something you might want to try? Breastfeeding mums, what do you think? Do your clothes usually hinder your confidence when you breastfeed in public? Do you think The Bshirt would help you with your confidence? I would love to hear your thoughts.

Looking for tips on how to breastfeed with confidence? Check out these posts ..

How to breastfeed in public with confidence

How to breastfeed with confidence

Disclaimer: I was sent The Bshirt free of charge in return for this honest review. All words and opinions are my own.



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  1. August 11, 2017 / 8:20 am

    These vests are brilliant – such a clever idea. When I breast fed mine, we used a muslin cloth to hide the boob, but I was always aware of my belly being out. I was stuck wearing button down tops for months. I’ll tell my daughter about these x #Blogstravaganza

  2. August 11, 2017 / 9:44 pm

    This is such a clever design! I didn’t end up breastfeeding as I was quite unwell at first, but the outfits I found before I had my baby didn’t seem very simple to use! I will definitely be keeping this in mind for number two…! Thank you for linking up to #Blogstravaganza

  3. August 12, 2017 / 12:50 pm

    This is such a fab idea, easy feeding is key when you have a little one! Thanks so much for sharing with #Blogstravaganza xx
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