The pill for men, will it ever exist?

The pill for men, will it ever exist?

When it comes to contraception there are very few options for the men of the world. In fact, there are only two options: condoms or a vasectomy. That’s it.  For us ladies? Well, we have a pretty extensive list to choose from: the pill, injection, coil and implant to name just a few. Don’t get me wrong, I think it is fantastic us women are able to take control of our own bodies and decide if and when we want to conceive a child. However, taking some forms of contraception can play havoc on a woman’s hormones and body. Contraception is great for preventing pregnancy but can cause all manner of other problems for some of us. So, wouldn’t it be amazing if, for once, the men in our lives could have bits of metal stuck in them for months? Or there was a special pill they could take every day to help prevent an unwanted pregnancy? I am pondering this now as Alex is 3 months old, I am soo not ready for another baby and there is no way I am going back on the pill or getting the evil implant again, so what are we supposed to do? I would love a contraceptive just for men to be invented, to give my body a break from interfering hormones and to take the pressure off me a bit. Surely scientists can come up with something better than a bit of rubber?

The pill for men, will it ever exist?

After giving birth to both of my babies it was seriously just a matter of hours before I had midwives on my case about contraception. I know it is part of their job to talk about these things but seriously? I had just pushed an actual human out of me, there is no way I was thinking about all. They told me I needed to be safe (obviously) and that by the time of my 6 week post natal check I would need to be ready to discuss my contraception choice with my GP. It was all aimed at me, me, me. Not my husband, the one who didn’t just give birth or has had to battle through 9 months of hellish hormones ruling his body. Me.

I am not blaming the midwives, it’s not their fault. When it comes to preventing pregnancy in the modern world it seems like it is down to us women to take responsibility and I just don’t think that’s fair. I am not saying get rid of the pill, coil, implant or whatever but I am saying can’t we have some more options so the men in our lives can take something instead? Yes, I know there are condoms but (sorry if TMI) they can be a real mood killer and in the heat of the moment can be too easily forgotten. The thing about the contraception that is available to us women is that you can take it and then just forget about it, it doesn’t have to interfere with the ‘act’ itself, ahem.

BUT like I said before, contraceptives can cause other problems that make the thought of having to take it again after a break pretty unattractive. I obviously don’t want my husband to suffer from mood swings, weight issues or a low mood (all things I have experienced after taking three different types of pill and having the implant) but I would be lying if I said that I wouldn’t be dragging him down the doctors surgery if they released a new pill for men tomorrow.

I mean, a pill that helps men get sexy time ready has been about for decades. There is a drug widely available to help men get it up but there isn’t a single medication out there that can stop them being a baby making machine? How does that work? There must be a way to stop those little swimmers doing their job properly that isn’t as drastic and permanent as a vasectomy or as inconvenient as a condom. There has to be a way.

In my attempt to avoid getting the implant again I have been researching online to see if a pill for men does in fact exist. It doesn’t, I knew this already but I just had to check. Change may be on the horizon though as scientists have completed a successful trial on monkeys for a special gel that can be injected into a man’s testicles (yea oww, but I bet it’s not as bad as childbirth guys!). The gel blocks the tube so no sperm can leave the body making it impossible to make a baby. Some more good news for you men too is that this contraception has zero side effects. Not one! Oh, it can also be easily reversed too when you decide the time is right to have baby,

Who knows if and when this injection will actually become available but wouldn’t it be amazing if it does? Wouldn’t it be great to have a choice? A choice that’s not just  “ohh what one of these hundreds of contraceptives am I going to take” but more “hi husband, we’ve just had a baby shall we discuss which one of us is going to be using contraception?”. I am sure I am not the only woman out there who wants this to happen?

There have been conversations about ‘the snip’ but I can’t get on board with that idea just yet. I don’t think I want more children but I am only 25, I could change my mind one day. My baby is only 3 months old so thoughts of another child are far off in the future but they will only ever be thoughts if my husband has a vasectomy. I dread having to take contraception again but I am not about to swear off sex for the rest of my life either. Hopefully a pill for men, or this super injection, will be available one day soon. Until then, and with the pain of labour still fresh in mind, I am forever grateful to Durex. Extra safe of course.

What do you think? Have you ever wondered why there are so many different forms of contraception for women but there is only 2 for men? If there was a male contraceptive pill, would you want your husband to take it? Maybe you are a man reading this, what are your thoughts? Has your wife struggled with taking the pill in the past and if you had the choice would you take a contraceptive so she didn’t have to? Maybe you think I am complaining about nothing and should just be happy condoms exist or be grateful I have the choice to control if and when I get pregnant. I would love to know your thoughts in the comments below.

Resources –

NHS – Male contraceptives   The Guardian – Male contraceptive gel successful animal trials


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  1. February 10, 2017 / 7:30 am

    I’m sure if men were the ones who had the babies, there would already be tons of options! #thatfridaylinky

  2. February 10, 2017 / 8:25 am

    I guess the focus has always been on women’s contraceptive because they are the ones that get pregnant? it is wrong though, both in a relationship must take responsibility for birth control. #thatfridaylinky

  3. February 10, 2017 / 9:00 am

    i think contraception is my responsibility, the choice is mine to have or not have a baby,

  4. February 10, 2017 / 10:03 am

    Like what John says, it should be a shared responsibility. Contraception is such a difficult subject because people are so different and whilst there will be people out there who have a good experience with their long term contraceptive options others may not. Personally I think a male pill will be around in our lifetime, however, I would question how successful it will be. #thatfridaylinky
    Rach recently posted…10 Reasons I Love PizzaMy Profile

  5. February 10, 2017 / 11:43 am

    Totally agree about shared responsibility. But … “a special gel that can be injected into a man’s testicles (yea oww, but I bet it’s not as bad as childbirth guys!). The gel blocks the tube so no sperm can leave the body making it impossible to make a baby.” So at the risk of sounding crass, there’s no ‘happy ending’ for the guy? If that’s the case, I think most guys will run a mile from that injection!
    David recently posted…The Newbie Blogger Versus TwitterMy Profile

  6. February 10, 2017 / 12:28 pm

    I really wish there was something else for men. I find the pill made me very up-an-down emotionally. I’d taken it since I was 17 and was pregnant with my first at 24. I took it again straight after I had my daughter. Since I had my third five years ago I decided to stop taking it as I found it really effected my hormonal balance. Every conversation involved what was “I” going to take instead… Sarah #FabFridayPost
    Sarah Stockley recently posted…#ExplorerKids – Round-up #46My Profile

  7. February 10, 2017 / 7:51 pm

    I seem to remember this topic being brought up on This Morning or GMTV or something similar a few years ago and the overwhelming response from the female viewers was yes it would be great to share responsibility but they weren’t sure they could trust their other half to remember to take it so would rather be responsible for it themselves. I’ve been using the implant since my daughter was born and it’s due to be changed later this year. Ive been fine with it but not sure how many times I want to have it done. My husband has severe problems with injections and medical procedures and has a condition that basically makes him not only faint but his heart stops too (excellent excuse not to get a vasectomy!), and after numerous operations and a csection that started to rupture I’ve been advised not to have any more children but surgery on me isn’t a good idea either due to all the scar tissue, so I guess we’re kind of stuck. Would definitely be great to have other options.
    Alana – Burnished Chaos recently posted…5 Signs Your Toddler Is Ready To Give Up Nap Time – Even If You’re NotMy Profile

  8. Nige
    February 11, 2017 / 10:16 pm

    I do wonder if it will ever but both people must be responsible although rarely are which is is so wrong Thanks for linking to the #THAT FRIDAY LINKY come back next week please

  9. February 12, 2017 / 5:15 pm

    In an ideal world, it would be great if there was shared responsibility for contraception, which there kind of is (hello condoms!) but I think that contraception for women is the best option because it allows the woman total control over her own body. I wouldn’t like to trust anybody else with that responsibility. Thanks for sharing this with us on #fortheloveofBLOG
    A Mum Track Mind recently posted…Time Saving Tips For BloggingMy Profile

  10. February 12, 2017 / 6:40 pm

    I don’t think this will ever happen. As much as I agree it should be shared, I just can’t see this happening. Thanks for linking up to #ThatFridayLinky

  11. Kate
    February 13, 2017 / 9:32 am

    I’m sure this will happen one day, I wouldn’t be surprised if the medical know how is already there… but maybe there isn’t the perceived demand. I like having the control over my body I have to say. I struggled with my hormones fluctuating after having the Mirena IUD in after baby number 2, but after 3-4 months of being awfully bloated and an angry cow (pretty rough on my husband too) it all settled down and now i have no periods and don’t even have to think about it – so ultimately it was worth it, but i was very unhappy about it to start with. Kate #PostsFromTheHeart

  12. February 13, 2017 / 9:32 am

    A very interesting argument there. If there was a male contraceptive pill, I too would be dragging my OH to the GP!

    Thank you so much for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost
    Su {Ethan & Evelyn} recently posted…#FabFridayPost Linky #70 {10.02.17}My Profile

  13. February 13, 2017 / 12:08 pm

    It will never happen and it’s really not fair to us those pills affect us at a later stage in our lives. #MarvMondays

  14. February 13, 2017 / 12:24 pm

    Totally agree. As well as the fact that contraception should be a shared responsibility it would also stop women being able to ‘trap’ men by ‘accidentally’ falling pregnant. Us women have the right to decide wether we want to prevent unwanted pregnancies and men should have the same rights.


  15. February 13, 2017 / 1:53 pm

    I was never interested in contraception personally, I wasn’t flaunting myself about so I never really saw the need for it. The first time I used it was after giving birth to my little boy, and I only went on it because I felt so pressured into doing so! I took myself off it as I just became Queen Bitch lol!
    We just stick to condoms, it’s not often a mood killer for us so I guess we’re okay with using them! I don’t like the idea of a vasectomy either, it just erases any future possibility of having anymore – even if you’re dead set you don’t *now* who knows what you want in 5 years time?
    I’d happily let my partner have the contraception over me anyday!
    Great post 🙂 #PostsFromTheHeart

  16. February 13, 2017 / 2:13 pm

    A really good post. It doesn’t seem fair that the responsibility lies with women unless of course a man has the snip, which is a bit drastic! Again I’m not sure it’ll happen and then you’d have to know they’ve taken it, at least we know ourselves if we’ve missed a pill! Thanks for joining us for #marvmondays
    Fran Back With A Bump recently posted…Marvellous MondaysMy Profile

  17. February 13, 2017 / 2:35 pm

    It’s a tricky one. We have been blessed with 3 children, and we both feel that we don’t want anymore. But finding the right solution going forward is tricky, as there simply isn’t anything that’s without side-effects and consequences. Who knows – the pill for men might come one day! Would that be it for us though? Not sure… Thanks for sharing! #PostsFromTheHeart

  18. February 14, 2017 / 7:38 pm

    I have a lot of trouble, as I’m very sensitive to hormones. It’s all such a pain – after 8 years of hormones causing all sorts of side-effects I’d love it if my husband could take a turn. #PostsFromTheHeart

  19. February 17, 2017 / 2:35 pm

    I’m lucky in that the pill doesn’t give me any nasty side effects. If it did, then I would probably feel the same! I do think it would be nice to have some extra options though
    Thanks for linking up to #BloggerClubUK 🙂
    Random Musings recently posted…Blogger Spotlight Interview: One Clueless MummaMy Profile

  20. February 19, 2017 / 1:16 pm

    I love, love, love, love this post so much. This is definitely something that needs to be invented! My body doesn’t like the pill, so am grumpy enough without it, but on it I am horrid. It is one duty that I would love nothing better than to hand over to the Other Half, thank you so much for sharing it with us here at #PostsFromTheHeart.
    Mummy Times Two recently posted…Getting A NasoGastric Tube For A BabyMy Profile

  21. February 19, 2017 / 3:10 pm

    An interesting post, I’m not sure MOH would take a male pill not because he’s against it but because he’s never thought it something he should, and I think that says a lot about society. And probably why it’s also not been developed. Thanksfor sharing with #PoCoLo

  22. April 21, 2017 / 9:08 am

    I remember reading this before, it’s a great post. It’s strange that this day in age the pressure is very much on women to manage birth control. Thanks for hosting #blogcrush

  23. April 21, 2017 / 9:17 am

    Im sure the reasons behind the lack of male pills as a form of contraceptive would be that many men would then never wear a condom.which would mean std’s would begin to spread. It annoys me that we are left in charge of the decisions and im not too sure the hornones are good for us. Thanka for a great post #BlogCrush
    pam lorimer recently posted…How to babyproof your home.My Profile

  24. April 21, 2017 / 2:30 pm

    Yes, yes and yes there should be a pill or an injection or something for men! I don’t want him to have to deal with all the side effects i had but then again i didn’t want to either! Its absolutely infuriating that there isnt more options for men and every time it comes up in the news i devour every study, every bit of information hoping that someone is going to wake up and get on with this!

    The injection of gel you talked about is being used in india and has been used for the last decade on a trial basis and it has been absolutely perfect. The creator is currently trying to market it to the big western pharma companies because he can’t get the patents and approvals without their help – they are refusing to even entertain it. WHY!??

    Argh. You can tell this is a big deal for me. Lol

    Your post is really well written and you get your point across beautifully, and i can assure you that like yourself the minute one becomes available my husband will be marching down there for it! #blogcrush

  25. April 23, 2017 / 3:05 pm

    I think men should have the option as well, it does seem unfair that it’s only women who have to take the pill-especially In a long term relationship. If there was the option at least both parties could have the choice or discussion about who should take it #blogcrush

  26. April 23, 2017 / 7:28 pm

    I definitely think that men should have more options and choices available for them to be able to control their own fertility as we can. Not only so that they can take their share of the responsibility in a long term relationship, but also to have more control in preventing any unplanned pregnancies until they’re at the right stage of life and ready to be a dad. Although I’m a bit too much of a control freak I think. I’d still probably want to have measures in place from my side too! Interesting read Wendy. Thanks for hosting #blogcrush x

  27. April 24, 2017 / 9:14 pm

    Haha I’m ashamed to say that this has never even crossed my mind before, but now I am TOTALLY on board – why should it always be up to use ladies?? Bring on that male version ASAP! Fab post! #blogcrush
    Lucy At Home recently posted…#BlogCrush Week 10: 21st April 2017My Profile

  28. April 24, 2017 / 9:28 pm

    I hear you or should that be read you? Anyway it made me question why they were quick to jump to talking about contraceptives. Was there some kind of cool yummy mummy group that I was not a part of and they didn’t want me to have anymore? Fortunately my hubby doesn’t have to worry about it as I would be crippled up and bed ridden every month without it. #BlogCrush