The crazy world of pregnancy hormones

The crazy world of pregnancy hormones

It is safe to say us women get a pretty rough deal when it comes to hormones, don’t we? For any guys reading this, I’m not saying hormones don’t effect you too but, in comparison, you blokes get off extremely lightly. From the moment girls hit puberty right up until we become menopausal old ladies (probably even after that!) we have to deal with pretty much being ruled by our stupid hormones. For me, there has been no time this has been more true than when I have been pregnant. Pregnancy hormones suck. Fact. For today’s post I am going to take you on a journey into the messed up world of a pregnant ladies mind, the thoughts of someone who has not only lost control of her body’s physical appearance but has become a slave to those hormones taking over her ability to think straight too. So, if you are all ready, let’s delve into the crazy world of pregnancy hormones …

Shall we begin with the good?
* Things you never thought cute before are suddenly enough to make your heart almost burst with happiness. TV adverts and soppy kids films can make you so happy you could cry, more often than not you probably will.
* You may develop the sex drive to envy that of a 16 year old boy. If you are lucky you will have a husband who is more than happy to help you deal with this raunchy side effect of pregnancy.
* The crazy love you feel for you baby actually makes you happy to be putting on weight for once in your life. There is nothing like seeing your belly grow knowing that it is a positive sign your little one is cooking away nicely in there.
* I don’t know what hormone does this but expect to get super luscious locks and for your nails to grow quicker than ever before. Make the most of this as there’s a good chance all your gorgeous new hair will fall out after you’ve given birth, don’t ask me why this happens either as I have no clue!

And now on to the bad..
* You can be grumpy for no reason whatsoever. Seriously, you could be a in a foul mood all day and be completely clueless as to what it is that’s made you feel this way. Chances are it is probably nothing, just your hormones playing nasty tricks on you but if your husband points this out then you may feel like punching him.
* Something happens that normally wouldn’t upset you, makes you ball your eyes out for about an hour. Examples of this include an impatient driver beeping you at a junction or an unprovoked grumpy glance from a stranger in the shop.
* You love your baby bump one day and then the next you’re crying (again) because you have NO clothes that fit you anymore and you feel like a pregnant whale who was already obese before Mr Whale knocked her up..
* There’s a film you really want to see but someone has already told you it’s quite sad. You don’t go to the cinema to watch the film due to the very real fear of sobbing hysterically in a room full of strangers. I really wanted to see Room but after welling up watching the trailer I knew it wasn’t going to be a good idea.

And now for the down right crazy..
* Someone makes you laugh. You laugh so hard you start crying. Suddenly you’re not crying over the funny thing anymore and are instead feeling overwhelming sadness over, you guessed it, nothing.
* Your husband has done something that has pissed you off. Part of you wants to have a screaming argument with him and the other part wants to take him to bed immediately.
* Someone eats the last of your chocolate and it is like the world has just ended.
* You are so hungry but you don’t want to eat anything. Suddenly all the food in the house. food you usually love, is unappealing and only a trip to the shops to fill a basket with the most random combination of food will make you happy again.
* Bin/washing machine/fridge, they’re all the same thing right? I mean, it’s totally normal to go put rubbish in the fridge and clean washing up in the bin, isn’t it?
* Your house suddenly looks filthy and you could never possibly be happy again until you have scrubbed all the skirting boards with a toothbrush and hovered the floor multiple times in one day.
*It is possible to continue crying for about half an hour after you started to feel ok again. It’s just like your tear ducts need time to catch up with your emotions sometimes, like hormones have been messing around in your eyes and broken the ‘tears off’ switch.

Hormones, hey?!

Admittedly, this may just be what I’m like when pregnant but I am pretty sure other women get just as brutally attacked by their hormones as me! So, are you one of them? What was pregnancy like for you? Did you get really hormonal and become some wacky version of your former self or did you manage to cope with your hormones quite well? Dads, what did you find was the best way of helping your wife cope when her hormones took you all on a little trip to crazy town? I would love to know your thoughts.

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* After my recent blog move from Blogger to Word Press, some of my posts have been left looking a bit strange. I am working my way through everything and sorting out the formatting, hopefully it won’t take me too long! If you come across a post with strange looking formatting please let me know as I might have missed it. Thank you 🙂 *



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  1. September 19, 2016 / 8:35 am

    This is so true! All of it! My partner bless him I don’t know how he put up with all the crying!! Haha!! But bring on next time <3

  2. September 19, 2016 / 9:37 am

    Ha ha ha – hormones can really drive you nuts. I never had any crazy cravings during pregnancy but I did turn all soppy. I used to be such a level-headed non-crier and yet now I find I can cry at relatively silly things – while watching a film or when I’m angry or frustrated.
    Obsessivemom recently posted…Join Automattic’s Worldwide WP 5k 2016My Profile

  3. September 19, 2016 / 12:54 pm

    This sounds like a total nightmare – the constant crying would drive me mad lol. I loved the section on crazy – it made me really laugh 🙂
    Thanks for linking up to #AnythingGoes 🙂

  4. September 19, 2016 / 2:22 pm

    Pregnancy hormones did impact me. I remember warning my husband that he was starting to annoy me (which I normally do well before I start to get really angry) and then losing my temper straight after the words had left my mouth. The joys of pregnancy. Great post. Brought back memories. #mg
    Kirsten Toyne recently posted…Mothers – We Are ImportantMy Profile

  5. September 19, 2016 / 2:47 pm

    In all honesty the emotional turbulence of pregnancy is the part that U hated the most. Not the 70 pounds I gained…not the gestational daibetes, not the physical pain of a TWIN pregnancy, nope. Not being in control of wild thoughts and emotions was the WORST!


  6. September 19, 2016 / 7:23 pm

    Oh I do not miss the hormones! I think it took a full 9 months post birth to get rid of them fully! I think I cost us a fortune in the supermarket. Hubby used to go after work everyday to get whatever it was I wanted for dinner. Although it was an incredibly expensive way of shopping it was still cheaper than throwing away a full weeks worth of shopping (we may have done this at least 7 times).
    Kirsty – Winnettes recently posted…Our ‘Date Nights’My Profile

  7. September 19, 2016 / 10:16 pm

    Oh this did bring back some memories for me!!! I was totally crazy when I was pregnant, my husband had to switch the tv over very very quickly when certain ads came on because I would sob like a baby! Thanks for sharing this with us on the #bigpinklink
    Louise Pink Pear Bear recently posted…Big Pink Link 31My Profile

  8. September 20, 2016 / 1:09 pm

    Haha, I can relate to so many of these points. I think Hubs would be able to relate to many of the ‘Crazy’ points too – made me giggle!

    The Tale of Mummyhood recently posted…Guilt Free ParentingMy Profile

  9. September 22, 2016 / 2:07 pm

    Argh hormones! I just wrote a post about this. Weirdly I didn’t have so many problems when I was pregnant it was what happened afterwards that was a nightmare for me! The world would certainly be a less crazy place without em! Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub lovely x

  10. September 23, 2016 / 6:54 pm

    Yep a lot of this sounds familiar! It’s amazing how much of an effect hormones have on us. I didn’t get too emotional but would have big highs and lows and when I craved something (normally cheesecake) I had to have it immediately! x #TheList

  11. September 23, 2016 / 11:20 pm

    Love this! I just don’t feel myself in pregnancy! Four months after giving birth and I’m suddenly coming out of the really hormonal phase and realising who I am
    again. Not a complete emotional grumpy wreck anymore but my hair is falling out – a lot – darn it! I’m definitely not one of those women who enjoys being pregnant as such but the end result is magical. It’s all worth it! #thelist

  12. September 24, 2016 / 3:56 pm

    Oh I’m with you here, my hormones made me go crazy when I was pregnant! Especially the food one, I just wanted to eat all the time but didn’t fancy anything…so annoying lol. Thanks for linking up to #dreamteam Hope to see you next time x
    Bridie By The Sea recently posted…5 Delicious Recipes To Try at HomeMy Profile

  13. September 25, 2016 / 9:11 am

    Gosh it feel like so long ago now, Adam will be 7 in a week, now I feel sad! Can I have pre baby birthday hormones????? Being my youngest I always feel a bit sad before his birthdays.

    I do remember being more emotional and crying at baby commercials, I remember being so in love with my abby, yet so scared if it will all be OK. I remember being sex crazy too. I am an emotional person anyway and my mood is ruled by the moon so I think I’m always a little crazy lol #mg
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