Potty training tips and advice

Potty training tips and advice

*collaborative post*

I can remember dreading potty training when Leo was a toddler. I just didn’t understand how my baby was going to go from doing all his toilet business in a nappy to suddenly figuring out how to use a potty. When it actually came time to take the plunge and there was no ignoring all the signs Leo was ready, I discovered that potty training wasn’t as stressful as I’d expected it to be. With all things parenting, you have to figure out yourself what works best for you and tour child but it’s always beneficial to arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible. If you are about to embark on mission: potty train the toddler then today’s guest post is a must read. This post is full of potty training advice, I hope you find it useful.

Potty training tips and advice

Every few months or so during those important first few years of your child’s existence, life can throw up major obstacles. Even when you think you are out of the woods after the developmental leaps, the other challenges come. One of the major obstacles is potty training. Ultimately we want our children to have a free life but when the topic of potty training comes up it can throw up numerous stresses, not just for the child, but for the parent as well. Some parents try to avoid potty training until the last possible minute which is when the child is about to go to school. And while there are so many different horror stories about potty training, the trick is about knowing what the main problems are. It’s quite a transition but let’s see if we can prepare you for the act of potty training and address some of the common issues.

What If They Wet The Bed?

Potty training is a potentially slow process. They won’t be able to get it right away which means that you’ve got to gradually make changes until they get used to one aspect. If you are thinking about putting them in bed without a nappy, it’s your call. Some children are ready right away! But if you are concerned about them wetting the bed there are plenty of waterproof mattresses out there to help you. The waterproof crib mattress by Newton Baby is one that can help. But you have got to remember that this is the last piece of the puzzle. When they can go through the night without an accident or weeing in their nappy this is when you can finally take the nappy away!

Following Their Lead

They will start to show signs that they are ready for potty training. And they are very simple things, like a dry nappy on a regular basis, as well as being aware of simple instructions and can sit still. You will know when they are ready. And when you are confident that they are ready this is when you can start to gradually guide them towards the toilet. We have to remember that a big toilet is an incredibly intimidating thing. This is why you have to go for the potty or if you want to go one step further there are small potties that look like toilets. This can be the perfect way for your child to get used to the look and the feel of a toilet. When they are able to communicate that they need the toilet this is when you’ve got to guide them to the bathroom. At the very outset, there could very well be accidents on the way but this just means that you should have the toilet closer to where the child is playing. It’s not an overnight thing. Once you’ve got them onto the toilet you need to reward this; it’s the classic approach of getting a child to eat their greens! Once they’ve done something, if you can reward it with positive encouragement or a little treat; this will give them the motivation to go to the toilet. At the same time if there’s an accident we shouldn’t chastise them. We don’t want them to be scared of the toilet.

Preparing For Regression

This is something that can happen and it’s important to remember that it is part and parcel of the potty training process. In fact, as a child develops in every single way there will be times that they will regress to a younger state. This could be due to various reasons or they just feel stressed. And learning to potty train can be incredibly stressful; this is why we have got to focus on making potty training fun and not overreact if there is an accident. It’s crucial that we prepare for backtracking. During the first week or so there will be accidents, especially when you think they are done and lift them off the toilet. Regression is one thing but you also have to remember that they may only feel comfortable going to the potty with one person. This is normal and much like when going through sleeping problems you’ve got to remember that it’s about giving them the comfort and gradually stepping away. Slowly withdrawing yourself from the process is something that can take a long time. A good example would be to help your child get and dressed and then take one step away. You should build up to being outside of the bathroom. Even when you think you’ve cracked it there will be an accident on occasion. But don’t consider this to be a complete regression. We all have bad days!

When They Start To Resist

This can happen as well and you may want to consider it a part of the regression but sometimes we’ve got to know this if the child is ready. If your child needs to go to the toilet take them to the potty, but they may not feel like they can go right away. It’s important to keep them sat on the toilet for a few minutes. They may not want to go but it’s about encouraging them if they do a wee or poo. It’s important to be happy but if they really stressed out about it you shouldn’t force the issue. They may have been okay before but it’s important to roll with the punches. Explain what you would like to happen and if they don’t do it or get incredibly stressed you need to to keep the nappies on and try again tomorrow. It’s at this point where it can be incredibly frustrating. If they’ve already been able to go in the toilet it doesn’t mean that you are home and dry yet. It could very well be the case that you have a handful of accidents throughout the course of a day. This means that you should be ready. Unfortunately, it’s one of those things that if you are busy working you need to take some time off. It is possible to do it during the space of a week but it can be a very stressful one. From your perspective, make sure that you don’t overreact or get frustrated.

When To Go From Nappies To Underwear

One of the best tests would be to check when they are going to the toilet without having any accidents in their nappy. Throughout the course of the day if there’s no accident in their nappy and this has been the case for 2 or 3 days you could feel ready. Sometimes the child will show their own signs. They may not like to wear a nappy anymore. In which case, there is no point in keeping a nappy on them! When they have dry nappies you could feel very anxious about putting underwear on them, especially when you want to go out. It’s important during the first week to keep a close eye on them so they don’t have any accidents at home, in which case, you can then go out for a couple of hours.

It’s not an exact science. But you have to remember to see the signs. They will show signs that they are ready but you’ve also got to remember that there can be opportunities where they will backtrack. And this is why it’s important to remember that your perfect family home may very well be tarnished with the smell of wee just for a couple of days! Have plenty of cleaning products available because there can be accidents. Ultimately it’s something that we all have to go through. The most important thing is to know the signs, be persistent, but also make sure you don’t stress out about it! 

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