The ultimate pregnancy guide

The ultimate pregnancy guide

Pregnancy can be such a confusing time in a woman’s life. There is a list of all the things you should be doing to help your body through this magical yet challenging time and then an even bigger list of things you are definitely not supposed to do. In both my pregnancies I often found myself googling things like ‘foods to avoid when pregnant’ and ‘how much exercise can I do while pregnant?’. I had so many questions and seeking out all the answers to my pregnancy queries took a lot of time and Google often left me feeling more confused than I was to start with.

If you are trying to conceive or have a baby on the way, the people at Hartmann Direct have put together this really useful infographic to help you know what to expect when you’re expecting. This handy pregnancy guide helps answer so many pregnancy related questions, starting with ‘am I really pregnant?’ right up to ‘how much caffeine can I drink whilst pregnant?’ and ‘how do I avoid incontinence during pregnancy?’.  So, pregnant mamas go pop the kettle on, have a read of this ultimate pregnancy guide and save it on your phone for the next time you are in a restaurant and are not sure what you are allowed to order from the menu!

Pregnancy Guide Infographic 

pregnancy guide

If you are pregnant or have a little one on the way, I hope you found this post helpful.

Disclaimer: This infographic was created in collaboration with HARTMANN Direct.

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  1. September 24, 2017 / 9:25 pm

    thesatsesh …confession, i didn’t read a thing when pregnant…well not baby related. I listened to my midwife and avoided foods that she mentioned but i found staying present and in touch with my body really difficult, so paying attention to the now made for a huge’ knowledge upload required’ when the little man appeared and we took him hope. Luckily, I’m blessed with a tribe full of practical people.
    fridgesays recently posted…Cupcakes are muffins that believed in miracles My Profile

  2. September 27, 2017 / 4:08 pm

    Wow this is so nice! Wish i had it in my pregnancy. I relied on books like What to Expect and also Mayo Clinic, i read them cover to cover. And the day-to-day apps were addicting too. Very helpful resource, thanks for sharing. #thesatsesh