Making my home beautiful with Zoflora

Making my home beautiful with Zoflora

The first thing you need to know before reading this post is, I hate housework. Any type of hoovering, washing, cleaning activity I just can’t stand. I like to live in a clean house yes, I just really dislike the task of actually cleaning it. As I share my home with my husband, son and a cat it would be unfair of me to let it deteriorate into a disgusting pit. There are just so many other things I would rather spend my time doing than mopping the floor and cleaning the bathroom..again. Anyone else with me on this? Anyway, when Zoflora, a company selling concentrated disinfectant, contacted me to see if I would review some of their products, it was the kick up the backside I needed to get my home in order and have a very belated Spring clean. So I armed myself with cloths, mops and gloves and got to work on my home using Zoflora, here is how I got on..

My big very late Spring Clean

Zoflora review Naptime Natter

Zoflora Lavender and Springtime, they smell so good!

Zoflora is a concentrated disinfectant solution that kills 99.9% of bacteria. The solution comes in 16 different fragrances that keep your home smelling beautiful all day long. Zoflora can be used all around the home, helping you keep all your rooms clean and germ free. I must say, it is not like any other cleaning product I have used before.

Just so none of you get the wrong idea, my house is clean and is as tidy as any other home with a toddler who owns more toys than you can store can be. I don’t enjoy having to spend ages keeping it this way, time spent cleaning is precious time taken away from playing with Leo or blogging or whatever. The first thing that I noticed about Zoflora that made me realise cleaning doesn’t have to be hard work is that you can use it for so many different things. Could the days of sifting through random bottles of cleaning products piled up under the sink, unsure what they all actually do, be over?

Zolfora review Naptime Natter

Mixing up the Zoflora solution is really easy. If you had a big bottle you could just mix the whole bottle up and tip in to smaller bottles when needed.

I decided the room that needed the most attention was the kitchen so it seemed like the perfect place to start. The first thing I needed to do was clean all the worktops and surfaces so I measured out my Zoflora solution into an old spray bottle. The disinfectant is super easy to mix, 1 capful to every 400ml of water. I only had to make the mix up once to fill my spray bottle. I used the lavender fragrance to make my surface cleaner as it smells amazing and Zoflora can also be used as an air freshener – I found it easiest to use one spray bottle for all purposes so I didn’t need to mix more. The first thing I noticed was that this stuff smells ah-maze-ing! It doesn’t smell like regular disinfectants, they always have a bleachy kind of scent, this solution smelt exactly like fresh lavender. My kitchen smelt so good you could almost convince yourself there was a bunch of lavender hidden away in one of the cupboards. Obviously, when in comes to cleaning it is not all about the smell but I am pleased to report Zoflora did a great job of removing all the jam and milky stains that had been left on the worktops after my half asleep preparation of Leo’s breakfast that morning.

Zoflora review Naptime Natter

It only took one capful of Zoflora and 400ml of water to fill this spray bottle

Now armed with a bottle full of beautiful smelling spray I gave the bathroom a once over, wiping the tiles and sink down and I even chucked a bit of neat Zoflora down the loo to give it a good clean and to leave the bathroom smelling lovely. We are still potty training Leo and one of the tasks I hate is cleaning the potty up after he’s been for his poo poo’s. I was pleased to discover Zoflora is completely safe to use on a potty and, being a disinfectant, it kills any gross bacteria as well as taking away the unpleasant smell that can often linger when a little one has used their potty.

Zoflora review Naptime Natter

Cleaning the living room, love that I can use this stuff in every room.

Once the bathroom was done, I sprayed some Zoflora in the other rooms as an air freshener and gave the coffee table a wipe down in the living room too. I absolutely love how versatile this disinfectant is and I know I have no way used it to it’s full potential yet, the amount of different household and outdoor places you can use it is amazing.

Once I was happy with everywhere else (I could have done more but like I said earlier, I’m not a big fan of housework) I headed back to the kitchen to test out the Zoflora Springtime fragrance. The floor has been in desperate need of a good mopping for a while, we actually haven’t owned a proper mop for months – I know, we’re gross – so this was the perfect opportunity to sort it out. To completely fill a mop bucket with Zoflora solution you would probably end up using a whole bottle so I just did enough to cover the mop head – 4capfuls to 1600ml warm water. The springtime fragrance smells just as good as the lavender, it is so fresh and doesn’t smell artificial at all. It smells like being in the garden, I love it. I was extra pleased that the solution didn’t smell of bleach as, being pregnant, bleach and my super sense of smell can be prone to causing a horrible dizzy/headache feeling. Even though I only mixed a small amount, I was able to clean our kitchen floor easily and was even able to remove most of the stains; a few stains wouldn’t budge but I guess that’s what happens when you think using a bleachy towel for months will do the same job as an actual mop! The floor was clean and the kitchen smelt like flowers, I was very impressed with my big clean up job and decided to call it a day. There’s only so much cleaning one can do before a toddler gets bored of entertaining themselves and comes to investigate what’s going on.

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Kitchen before I mopped it to within an inch of it’s life!

Zoflora review

My nice shiny kitchen floor

Oli had a go at testing out the Zoflora too as it can also be used on pet toys and equipment.Β As I am pregnant I am not allowed anywhere near cat litter trays due to the nasty germs being potentially harmful to our baby, I must admit I was very happy to hand this job over to Oli when we found out I was expecting! Jessy, our cat, lives in the house so obviously she has to use a littler tray when she needs the toilet. Oli used the lavender spray to clean her litter box and to give her ‘toilet’ room a nice smell, cat wee is really not very pleasant and I would much prefer the room smelt of lavender.

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Smelly cat..also known as Jessy.

I would say my very over due spring clean has been a success. My home smells like a country walk in the Spring and any bacteria that may have been hanging about is gone. It is so important to not just tidy and clean your home but to also regularly disinfect it as well. Now I know how easy this can be thanks to the many uses of Zoflora, I will definitely be giving the house a good scrub more often. I am not a completely changed woman though, if you ever pop in for a cuppa there is still a high possibility you might tread on a toy car or nearly trip over the laundry basket, that’s just the way it is.

Zoflora Naptime natter

My new cleaning best friends

If you like the sound of Zoflora and, like me, like housework to be quick and easy, you can purchase it in several supermarkets and shops on the high street (here is the full stockist list). It may sound a pain measuring out the solution yourself at home but it is really quick and easy and, once it’s mixed, you can use it all over the home. I thought it would be a pain but it really isn’t.

Do you like the sound of Zoflora, would you use it? What is your relationship with housework? Are you like me and Β just do it because you have to or do you just simply love to clean? Let me know your thoughts πŸ™‚

*Disclaimer: I was sent 2 bottles of Zoflora to try, Springtime and Lavender, in return for this honest review. All words and opinions are my own.*Β 

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Letter writing Naptime Natter

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* After my recent blog move from Blogger to Word Press, some of my posts have been left looking a bit strange. I am working my way through everything and sorting out the formatting, hopefully it won’t take me too long! If you come across a post with strange looking formatting please let me know as I might have missed it. Thank you πŸ™‚ *




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  1. The Tale of Mummyhood
    June 22, 2016 / 11:34 am

    I’m a big fan of Zoflora, it makes the house smell so fresh. Love the picture of your cat!


    • Wendy
      July 1, 2016 / 1:45 pm

      Haha, I just had to share that picture of the cat..she looks so funny. I am now a big Zoflora fan too, can’t believe I’d never heard of it before xx

  2. June 23, 2016 / 10:28 am

    Nothing quite beats the smell or feel of a newly mopped floor but I must admit that I too absolutely hate housework. Infant I am avoiding it now but reading your post. Thank you for linking up to #ablogginggoodtime
    An imperfect mum (Catie) recently posted…A Blogging Good Time #4My Profile

  3. June 24, 2016 / 8:43 am

    Don’t you just love the feeling (and smell) of a freshly deep cleaned house. Sounds like a great product.

    Sally @ Life Loving

    • Wendy
      July 1, 2016 / 1:44 pm

      Yes I do! πŸ™‚ xx

  4. RachelBustin
    June 24, 2016 / 9:23 am

    Love Zoflora – Hate Housework! My husband like its though so I let him do most of it! xx

    RachelBustin recently posted…Choc Affair – The Chocolate ReviewMy Profile

    • Wendy
      July 1, 2016 / 1:43 pm

      Lucky you!My husband doesn’t mind doing it but I feel bad making him clean the house after he’s been working all day..although I do still ask him to sometimes haha xx

  5. June 26, 2016 / 8:07 am

    I am a zoflora advocate too lol! I mix it up in spray bottles for the kitchen, bathroom wherever!

    • Wendy
      July 1, 2016 / 1:42 pm

      It’s fab isn’t it?I love it xx

  6. June 27, 2016 / 8:54 am

    Have never tried this product before but you have sold it to me…will give a go. #picknmix

    • Wendy
      June 29, 2016 / 5:38 pm

      Oh yay, let me know how you get on πŸ™‚ xx

  7. June 27, 2016 / 9:29 pm

    This sounds right up my street as my opinion of housework is exactly the same as yours. Unfortantely that means that inevitably when we have people over I spend several hours the day before trying to make the house look and smell nice! Will keep an eye out for this. Thanks for joining us at #BloggerClubUK hope to see you again this week X
    Mudpie Fridays recently posted…My Maternity Leave Bucket ListMy Profile

    • Wendy
      June 29, 2016 / 5:34 pm

      Haha, that is exactly do..a big manic clean the day before anyone comes to visit. You should definitely try this stuff, you can get it in supermarkets and stuff and it’s so easy only using one product to clean the whole house, massive time saverr :). Thanks for hosting xx

  8. June 30, 2016 / 12:53 pm

    I have a strange love and hate relationship with cleaning, When I get round to it, I find it weirdly theraputic and love it when a room is spotlessly, but I also hate it as it takes away time from my little girl, husband and blogging. The range from Zoflora looks fab and smells fab, I had never heard of them, but I would love a lavender smelling home! Thanks for linking up this week at #fortheloveofBLOG. Claire x

    • Wendy
      July 1, 2016 / 1:03 pm

      I knoow what you mean, when I get into the cleaning zone I do quite like it bu there is always something else I would rather be doing. Yes Zoflora is fab, I love that my house smells like a garden haha xx

    • Wendy
      July 1, 2016 / 12:58 pm

      Yes it is so nice when the house is clean isn’t it?Wish I could be bothered to tidy mine more often haha. Thanks for hosting xx

  9. Katie
    November 3, 2016 / 10:03 am

    Just discovered your blog post when looking up if Zoflora was ok to use when pregnant, I love the stuff, got the winter spice in the cupboard that im going to mop my floor with in a little while now i know i can use it!! πŸ™‚

  10. July 1, 2018 / 10:11 pm

    INCREDIBLE !!!! You know What !! I’m a big lover of Zoflora !! It makes your house smell thus fresh. Like the picture of your respective cat!! Appreciate you this write-up dear!!

  11. Lawrence Barnett
    July 21, 2018 / 11:22 am

    We use Zoflora all the time for all the above. Basically, my wife is love this product. Thanks for your review. I like it. I enjoy your post. Keep it up.

  12. September 25, 2018 / 11:40 am

    Awesome. Zoflora is a great product to clean home floor. I spend plenty of time cleaning my house. All the floors in my house were cleaned by Zoflora before seeing your content. Thanks for sharing your great article.