Jobs that mums can do at home

Jobs that mums can do at home

*collaborative post* 

Eeep, Boris Johnson has said we no longer need to work from home but some of us don’t ever want to go back to the office. I have been working from home for years and I can’t imagine working any other way now. Working from home allows me to look after the kids and make money without having to pay for childcare. Working from home is a juggle and some days between my blog, my social media management work and my copy writing job, I feel overwhelmed and like I need fifty more hours in the day! Being self employed and working at home has given me the flexibility I never would have achieved in a traditional 9-5. I sit firmly in team ‘work from home’ if you are able to, it just makes balancing work and motherhood so much easier. If you are looking to work from home too, today’s guest post has some ideas of jobs busy mum can do at home. 

Jobs that mums can do at home.

There just is no respite is there?  Everywhere we turn it’s “Covid related this” and “Covid related that”, the endless barrage of television reporting isn’t helping and if you needed any medical science-based excuse for what you’re feeling: here it is – Covid Fatigue.

It’s very easy to get sucked into all of it and as if the effects on our mental health were not enough, we also have to contend with what the Pandemic has done to our finances.

Recently, we took a look at some “Top tips to help you work from home as a parent” and now we’re going to look at what kind of work you can do while being a stay at home Mum that can supplement your families income and perhaps help you go a little less crazy.


The answer to this question is a resounding: anything.  Well, just about any way and strangely enough, we kind of have Covid to thank for it.  The pandemic has completely spun the world around and as with most real-life scenarios, there’s been the bad bits and the bits that are not too bad all things considered and the “work from home revolution” falls solidly into the latter category.

Mums all over the Uk have taken to money-generating activities like crafting or tutoring, childcare and services based solutions like the school run shuttle services.  The opportunities are limited only by your imagination – so get creative.

Some mums have opted for the path of  “career continuity” and this means doing from home what they would have been doing in an office, but if you’re not the career-mom type, that doesn’t exclude you from some of these roles. Services like “virtual assistants” “remote secretaries” and “online content writers” are all highly in-demand skills and you can almost always set your working hours too.


If you’re a little more tech-savvy and numbers are your thing you could consider providing financial management services like home budgeting and bookkeeping.

Something that many mums often forget is that as a mother, you already possess a very high standard of much sought-after skills none more so than your ability to multi-task and act quickly in high-pressure situations, skills by the way which make you an ideal operator in the financial services industry and this industry holds much work from home opportunities, if trading in online stocks and investments seems too daunting for you, have you ever considered “Forex trading?”  

Being a full-time mum doesn’t mean you can’t take part in the formal economy either.  Even in a post-Brexit world, there are still so many opportunities that exist between Britain and Europe that you may be uniquely qualified in.  For instance, the demand for English teachers doesn’t seem to be waning and not all roles will require you to have any formal teaching experience.

It can seem intimidating going out on your own especially if you’re doing it for the first time but the good news is that the internet is loaded with fabulous online resources to help you on your way.


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