Why starting a new adventure abroad with your kids is beneficial for them

Why starting a new adventure abroad with your kids is beneficial for them

*collaborative post*

Have you ever just wanted to pack up all your bags and move to another country? I had never really thought about moving from the UK before but over the last year Oli and  I have been talking about it more and more. I don’t think it a realistic option for our family but – without getting too political – we don’t like how the UK government are choosing to run this country and immigrating to New Zealand is becoming an extremely frequent daydream. 

If you are a parent too and are seriously considering moving your family to another country, today’s guest post highlights all the ways moving abroad can be of benefit to your children. I hope you find this post useful and good luck on your adventure if you decide to tale the plunge!

Why starting a new adventure with your kids is beneficial for them. 

You might think that having to pack your bags and settle into a new country where you are not familiar with the language will be unsettling for your kids, but in reality there are many positives to this move that will provide them with a plethora of good life skills. So it can definitely be positive for your child’s development. 

Encourages Independence 

Ideally when you raise your children you want to give them the right confidence and independent skills to enable them to lead responsible lives when they are older. A good way of doing that is providing them with tasks that test their ability to be independent and providing them with responsibility. They can certainly learn that from you when you are having to deal with childcare duties by yourself, whilst your partner is currently living away for work reasons. 

Learn a New Language

The ability to speak a different language is most certainly a positive that will benefit your children and enable them to work in a good job when they are older as there are always companies that seek employees that are bilingual. This could provide them with good career prospects as a result as they will definitely have an advantage over a candidate who does not speak any other languages. 

The Ability To Live In a Different Country 

A good way for your children to be able to explore different countries in the world is to spend time living abroad. It will enable them to learn and embrace a new culture and language from a younger age which will be beneficial when they are older if they ever want to travel or live in a different country. This will be a great way to boost their independent skills. As long as you organize any paperwork in advance such as sorting your k3 visa it should be a smooth process when packing up your belongings to move abroad. 


Gives Them More Confidence To Meet New People 

When they first start high school or university later in life they are going to be on their own surrounded by people they do not know. Having the confidence to be able to talk to strangers is something that you become more confident in over the years. When you move to a different country where there is a language barrier you have to find ways to communicate with people and make friends. So if they are able to cope with this from a young age, they will be much better equipped at dealing with this when they are older. 

They Will Be More Accepting of Different Cultures

They will soon get to learn that there are different cultures and traditions in the world which will make them more accepting, tolerant and appreciative in how people can have different views and beliefs. This will prevent them from being close minded in life and intolerant towards others.girl-with-camera-adventure



Have you ever thought about moving abroad with your family? Where would you go? Maybe you have already embarked on your adventure, what’s it been like? I would love to hear all about your experience in the comments.


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