** Since I wrote and published this post this morning, we have been for our 20 week scan and despite being adamant I wasn’t going to ( for all the reasons set out in this post), I did, in fact, find out the sex of our baby! Well, it is a woman’s prerogative to change her mind!**
I’m really excited today, it’s my 20 week scan! How I’m half through this pregnancy already I have no idea but I have been counting down to today. I’m so looking forward to seeing baba again, to see how much he/she has grown over the last 8 weeks. It may surprise you, considering this little one is our third, but we are not finding out today the sex of our baby. When the sonographer zooms in to check baba’s legs etc, I will not be looking too closely. I’m excited for the surprise on the big day, it’s only another 20 weeks to go! My decision not to find out the sex of baby number three seems to puzzle lots of people, I’ve had lots of ‘oh, really?!’ and ‘why not?!’ when I’ve told people we won’t be finding out. There are lots of arguments for and against having your baby’s gender revealed at the 20 week scan, I’ve done both and I have to say I’m definitely firmly in team wait for a surprise on delivery day. If you too have your 20 week scan coming up and can’t decide whether to find out if you are having a girl or boy, here I try to flesh out the debate s to finding out your baby’s sex at the 20 week scan and give the reasons why I think it is a good idea and why I think it is better to wait. I hope it helps you decide! View Post