Getting drunk with Christian Grey

Before you all get too excited, no I have not been off enjoying a few alcoholic beverages with Jamie Dornan. However, on Thursday, Oli and I did get a little drunk watching 50 shades of grey and playing a silly drinking game.

As most of you will know, once a baby comes along going out of an evening becomes a massive challenge and a very rare treat, especially if you don’t live near your family. Sometimes you have to make your own fun.

So, to mix up our in house date night we decided instead of getting a take away and watching a really good film like normal, we would get sloshed and watch a ridiculously trashy/pretty awful film. The conclusion – The Fifty Shades of Grey Drinking Game!

What you will need..
* A copy of Fifty Shades of Grey – we rented it off the TiVo.
* Alcohol for normal drinking.
* Alcohol for shotting – oh yes there will be shots, you have been warned.
* A busy day before hand so your toddler is guaranteed to sleep all night and give you a lie in (you will need a lie in as the hangover is going to be bad, trust me!).

The Rules..
A quick Google search will reveal hundreds of different drinking games based around this film. Oli and I shopped around a bit, so to speak, and settled on 10 different rules – more than enough to get you just a little bit merry.

* Whenever Christian and Anastasia refer to each other as Mr Grey or Miss Steele, this happens a lot in the first half of the film.
* Every time an obviously phallic building is in shot, you have to drink extra if Ana is staring up at it open mouthed.
* When Anastasia bites her lip. Only use this rule for sips as she does this ALL THE TIME! Using this rule for shots will probably result in a 3 day hangover, at least.
* When anyone on screen drinks, standard rule in any drinking game.
* Every time Christian plays piano.
* Whenever Anastasia is blindfolded.

Proceed with caution…
* When Mr Grey’s reasons for enjoying BDSM are implied to be the result of psychological problems not sexual preference.
* When it all starts to feel a bit too much like Twilight. This happens so much it’s ridiculous, think long broody stares, Edward-esque stalker/protective behaviour and lines that  sound like they are straight off the page from Stephanie Meyer’s novel. You will also have to take a shot every time Edward plays the piano, no sorry when Christian plays the piano, oops.
* Whenever a sex scene is underwhelming and boring, this is every sex scene.
* Every time there’s a posh car on a screen, Ana’s VW does not count.

So there you have it. The film is just over 2 hours long and you will be drunk after the first 20minutes, well if you rarely ever drink like me then you will be anyway!

Have fun!

**P.S – Do not expect to be in any fit state to recreate any of Christian and Ana’s bedroom antics, you will be lucky if you can even make it up the stairs.**

What do you do to have a bit of fun when you can’t get a babysitter? If you have any fun date night ideas I would love to hear them.


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  1. July 14, 2015 / 9:41 am

    Thanks for sharing on #twinklytuesday! It can be so hard to find ways to have grownup fun when you have littles in the house!

  2. July 15, 2015 / 10:32 am

    Yes I know!it can get boring doing the same old thing, it's fun to do something a bit different once in a while xx

  3. July 21, 2015 / 3:01 am

    So glad you had a great time… although from what I hear, that film isn't my thing. 🙂 Thanks for linking with #TwinklyTuesday.

  4. July 21, 2015 / 7:59 am

    Ha it is awful…so awful it's good maybe haha xx

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