How to sleep better as a parent – the frazzled mum’s guide
*collaborative post* Before I became a parent I took sleep for granted. I mean, I really just didn’t appreciate at all how lucky I was to just go to sleep for as long as I…
*collaborative post* Before I became a parent I took sleep for granted. I mean, I really just didn’t appreciate at all how lucky I was to just go to sleep for as long as I…
*collaborative post* I want a dog. I mean, I really want a dog. The timing isn’t quite right for our family though, Tilly is still small and I don’t think I can cope with a…
*collaborative post* Have you ever thought about further education as an adult? I love the idea of doing another degree, something with the Open University maybe. I haven’t done much more than think about it…
*collaborative post* Are you stressed? I’m stressed. Everyone is stressed, right? I don’t mean always, but I think high stress levels right now during the pandemic are to be expected. The thing with stress is…
I used to be the perfect parent. This was back before I actually had any kids of my own, of course. When I eventually decided to have them, my kids were going to be great…
*collaborative post* When I was pregnant for the first time I can remember being so stressed about food. What can I eat? What can’t I eat? What will happen if I accidently do eat something…
Do you know what no one ever really talks about? What happens to your periods after you have a baby. Not once did anyone ever sit me down when I was pregnant and say, “Congratulations on the…
*collaborative post* This year has taking it’s toll on us all in one way or another, hasn’t it? You don’t have to have fallen ill with Covid to have felt the negative impact of this…
*sponsored post* Having children is amazing and I love being a mum. You know what though, sometimes I need a break. We all do, don’t we? We spent a few years living away from all…
Can we talk about Covid testing and school for a minute? My eldest started back at school on the 3rd of September and Alex, my middle one, started back on the 14th. It is now…
*collaborative post* It is no secret to me that lack of sleep impacts my mental health. If I haven’t been sleeping well, my anxiety symptoms intensify and I am much more susceptible to feeling depressed…
My daughter isn’t an ‘easy’ baby. She’s 14 months and still doesn’t consistently sleep through the night. She fights her naps, even when she’s exhausted. She is picky with what food she’ll eat. She chucks…
Hello, welcome back to my short stories for mums feature. It’s been a little while like I wrote my last short story – We aim to please – and with the boys back at school…
It’s Friday and wow does it feel like a Friday! I am EXHAUSTED. Leo has just completed his first full week back at school and he has smashed it. After so many months off I…
Dear Leo, You did it! Your first day of year 3, your first day in juniors and, most unbelievably, your first day back in school after six months off. Yes, that’s right..six months. Not six…