25 things to do before your child starts school

25 things to do before your child starts school

Starting primary school, it’s probably one of the biggest milestones for parents and their little ones. Leo started school last September and the day he first tentatively stepped foot in to the classroom was the day our lives completely changed forever. School is, obviously, an essential and necessary part of every child’s childhood but for all the amazing things that an education brings, school life also restricts your family life to a certain degree too. Now Leo is in the classroom five days a week, there is a long list of things that we can no longer do and enjoy together and there are some things I wish we had done more of before his life as a schoolkid began.

If you have recently found out your child’s school place and feel like you are too scared to blink because you’re worried September will be here when you open your eyes and you’ll be waving your child goodbye as they take their first nervous step into school, wearing their brand new shiny shoes and oversized uniform, then this post is for you. I know parenting a three/four year old is hard and there may be lots of times you are desperate for a break from parenting. I am not telling you to cherish every moment of these next few months before school begins but there are definitely some things you should make the most of while you can.

25 things to do before your child starts school

1. Stay in your pyjamas all day

2. Go to soft play on a quiet weekday morning

3. Have a family holiday during term time

4. Spend a whole day cuddling on the sofa watching films

5. Spend a morning reading stories in bed

6. Go swimming when the pool is quiet

7. Spend all afternoon at the park

8. Bake cakes and enjoy them as a treat after lunch

9. Go on an adventure to the seaside or the woods

10. Have a trip to the library and spend a morning choosing and reading some books

things to do before child starts school

11. Take a trip to the coffee shop for cake on a random Wednesday morning

12. Go and stay with the grandparents for a week

13. Spend the morning making crafts

14. Explore a local castle or National Trust property

15. Spend an entire day playing with toys together

16. Go and do all those things you keep saying you want to do but never get around to doing

17. Take a trip to the cinema when you don’t have to pay peak ticket prices

18. Play in the garden all day

19. Go to that play group the kids love and go every week if you can

20. Meet friends for play dates

21. Enjoy a sneaky afternoon nap together

22. Take a spontaneous trip the shops

23. Sit and draw/colour pictures together

24. Build a den and play imagination games

25. Talk/kiss/cuddle as much as you possible can (this is what you will miss the most)

things to do before child starts school 2
Seems like a fairly basic list really, doesn’t it? The thing is, once your child starts school you only really have the weekends to spend proper quality time together. The mornings can often be stressful and rushed and there is limited time to do the things you are used to doing together. After school, especially in those first few months, your little one will probably be really tired and not have the energy to do lots of things after concentrating so hard in school all day. Sometimes, after a busy week in school, kids can need the time on the weekends to relax and unwind, just like someone who has been busy working all week does too.

Happy family life doesn’t end when your child starts school but there will definitely be times on a Tuesday morning or something, when you are sat at home wishing you had your little one there with you for a cuddle or a chat about the latest Paw Patrol dramas (honestly, you will!).

So, don’t feel pressured to enjoy every single moment from now until September with your child but do try and make the most of this school schedule free time. Before you know it you will be joining the rest of us on the school run, I’ll be the stressed looking Mama who can never find a parking space – see you at the school gates in September!

Have you got a school aged child? What do you miss about having them at home in the week? Is your little one starting school in September, how are you feeling about it all?

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25 things to do before your child starts school

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Everything I learnt from my child’s first term at school
Why you don’t need to worry about sending your summer born child to primary school
Starting primary school – the mummy bloggers guide
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I miss you now you’re at school


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  1. April 17, 2018 / 8:22 am

    What a fab informative list you brought a lump to my throat great read #dreamteam

  2. April 17, 2018 / 10:36 am

    This is such a great list, all the things I took for granted before Ellie started school. Thanks to the school run I probably wont sit in my pj’s all day but I will definitely be making some quality time for Trixie over the next 18 months x x

  3. April 17, 2018 / 6:46 pm

    This is a great list. Although my son doesn’t start school until he’s 6 here in Portugal, he is in preschool. That said we can still enjoy term time holidays as it doesn’t matter yet!

  4. April 18, 2018 / 9:15 am

    My youngest doesn’t start school for another year, so we still have time to tick some of these off. I remember those feelings though when my older boy started school.
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  5. April 18, 2018 / 9:50 am

    My little girl started school last September and my little boy starts this September, I am trying to make the most of my last few months having a child at home xx

  6. April 18, 2018 / 5:07 pm

    And do them during all the holidays and weekends too, and when they get a little older after school too. Starting school is such a special time and it does fly by.

  7. April 18, 2018 / 11:00 pm

    What a great list, I wish we had taken mine on a holiday abroad before school started!

  8. April 23, 2018 / 10:50 pm

    We’re a little way off school yet but I can totally relate to this! Having returned to work full time after mat leave there’s so much I used to take for granted which I now miss but it just makes me look forward to my holidays that whole lot more!! Thank you so much for joining #dreamteam, hope to see you again next week x

  9. June 25, 2018 / 3:56 am

    My son is far from entering school yet i’m already anxious to see him leave. He’s my life. He’s my everyday buddy. I work from home so he is the one who take my stress away. Yes you’re list is simple, but these simple things matter the most. I’ve learned that you have to appreciate every moment until you realize its gone, and it only takes seconds for that moment to pass. Thank you for this.