How to save money when shopping for a new baby

How to save money when shopping for a new baby

Having a new baby is an exciting time for every parent, be it first time around, second time or if you are expecting your tenth baby. As most of you know by now, I am expecting my second little boy and I can’t wait for us to become a family of four in October. I am very unprepared though and with just 14weeks to go it is about time I started doing some shopping for baby. Bringing a new little life in to the world can be quite an expensive business, babies just need so much stuff.  If you are looking to bring the cost of shopping for a new baby down, here are my tips on how to save yourself some money.

How to save money when shopping for a new baby.

Look out for deals – Lots of supermarkets run baby events throughout the year, make sure you stock up on nappies when they are on offer and buy the big multi packs of baby wipes, you will definietly use them all. Make the most of any 2 for 1 deals on baby essentials as you really can’t have enough of them once little one is here.

Accept hand me downs – As we are having a boy, our new baby will be wearing lots of Leo’s clothes once he is here. Most baby clothes only get worn for a total of 3 months at a time so, unless they are covered in poo stains, there is really nothing wrong with using them again. If you have any family or friends with children ask them if they have any clothes/baby items they don’t need any more.

Second hand websites – When it comes to the really pricey items like prams and cots, if you want to save money it is really worth checking out second hand shops online. Websites like have a great range of good quality second hand baby items, all much cheaper than you will find in any of the high street shops.

Nearly new sales – These sales are great for finding a bargain. They are fundraising events run by local NCT groups and are a great place for picking up second hand toys and baby clothes.

Don’t get carried away – I know this is hard as there are so many gorgeous baby clothes and products out there but you really don’t need  it all. My best advice is stock up on essentials and let your friends and family do the rest. People just love to buy for a new baby, I guarantee your baby will have a wardrobe full of adorable outfits and a toy box full of board books and rattles all thanks to everyone who has been as excited about baby’s arrival as you.

If you have a baby on the way I hope you find these tips useful. Having a new baby can cause quite a blow to your bank balance so I think it makes sense to try and save some money where you can. Do you have any tips on how to save money when shopping for a new baby? I would love to know.

Disclaimer: This post is written in collaboration with SecondWow.

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  1. Rachel Bustin
    July 22, 2016 / 9:05 am

    really great info here. I have found that grandparents won’t stop buying cute outfits! so great idea on stocking up on essentials.
    Rachel Bustin recently posted…Travelling up the motorway with a babyMy Profile

  2. OddHogg
    July 22, 2016 / 10:31 am

    With 7 nieces and nephews already we definitely embraced the hand me downs! Especially for the newborn items which don’t last very long. Great post #TheList
    OddHogg recently posted…Baby Club BoxMy Profile

  3. July 23, 2016 / 9:19 pm

    Yes – very definitely agree with accept hand-me-downs – our 18 month twins are very well dressed and yet all I have ever bought them is a few vests… their wardrobe is bursting with mini boden, babygap, zara etc and i love that I pick outfits for them that ‘compliment’ each other but don’t match completely!

    Really helpful post for mums-to-be. #fortheloveofBLOG
    Mindful Mummy Mission recently posted…Meeting the Summer hols with Mindfulness – part 1.My Profile

  4. July 23, 2016 / 11:08 pm

    Some great tips here – I’m a bit partial to a local facebook selling group, and have got some great bargains (and also managed to make money by offloading old stuff too). Have also got lots of hand me downs from my sister, whos little boy is a year older than mine, and most stuff is in perfect condition. Yet to attend a nearly new sale, but really want to as heard there are lots of bargains to be had! #fortheloveofBLOG

  5. July 24, 2016 / 7:14 am

    I gladly accepted good quality second hand items. We didn’t spend all that much on our baby. You offer some great tips and thanks again for linking up to #fortheloveofBLOG!
    Sarah – Mum & Mor recently posted…My Sunday Photo: Dog PhotobombMy Profile

  6. July 25, 2016 / 8:31 am

    Second hand is the best! Especially pushchairs, people tend to sell them on after six months use for half the original price #fartglitter

  7. July 25, 2016 / 12:37 pm

    All good tips – I hardly bought anything second time round as I kept everything from BB and most of it was unisex too #thelist
    Crummy Mummy recently posted…#MySundayPhotoMy Profile

  8. July 25, 2016 / 1:15 pm

    Back again from #picknmix – another tip is to buy unisex if you’re planning on having more than one! #picknmix
    Crummy Mummy recently posted…#MySundayPhotoMy Profile

  9. The Tale of Mummyhood
    July 25, 2016 / 3:25 pm

    Some great tips here, shopping for babies can be mega expensive if your not careful.


  10. Tineke - workingmommyabroad
    July 26, 2016 / 1:10 pm

    Great tips! Especially for clothes we got a lot of hand me downs from friends, since babies only wear some stuff a few times before it gets too small it was as new sometimes! Also the second hand one for strollers etc is good 🙂 (via #twinklytuesday)

  11. July 26, 2016 / 7:14 pm

    I definitely should have bought more second-hand stuff when I had my daughter, but she was my first so I didn’t know any better. We now have bags upon bags of baby clothes that she’s grown out of – if we ever have a second baby, it better be a girl! Or maybe I’ll donate some of it to a local charity shop that supports underprivileged mums. #twinklytuesday
    Squirmy Popple recently posted…How do I explain what summer is to my daughter?My Profile

  12. July 28, 2016 / 12:11 pm

    I really enjoyed this post and can’t wait to read through all of the commentors’ tips!
    Thanks for sharing!My #1 tip is to meal plan, make a list, and stick to it when shopping. It takes a bit of planning and work, but when you start seeing $20-30 worth of savings, it’s so worth it!

  13. July 30, 2016 / 10:01 pm

    I love fab second hand items! We had a load of stuff given to us from various people when I was pregnant with Zach and a lot of it will be reused on this baby because it’s near perfect! My friend picked up a gorgeous perfect condition baby bouncer seat for £2 at an NCT sale! It is so possible to get lovely stuff at bargain prices! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday
    Lisa (mummascribbles) recently posted…Another year passes us byMy Profile

  14. August 1, 2016 / 1:21 am

    Good advice! I think the not getting carried away is the best tip (though definitely hardest to follow!) I had two same gender too – definitely helps! #anythinggoes