*collaborative post* Are you trying to save money at the moment? That’s a bit of a stupid question really, I mean, who isn’t trying to save money right now? I won’t get into the cost…
*collaborative post* Grieving the loss of a loved one is the worst feeling. Ever. It has been just over a year since my Dad died and I am still struggling through the grieving process. Grief…
*collaborative post* I have been saying this for years, looking after your mental health is just as important as looking after your physical health. For a long time, during those early years of motherhood, I…
*collaborative post* In January 2021, when we were living through the worst covid lockdown of them all, I did a 30 day yoga challenge. I had been inconsistently practicing yoga for years but had never…
*collaborative post* Do you have kids and a dog? We would love to add a furry friend to our family but we want to wait until Tilly is a bit older, maybe when she starts…
*collaborative post* I haven’t written about my mental health on this blog for a very long time. After I had my second baby, I frequently wrote about postnatal depression and anxiety. Alex is five now…
Today I can’t write my Dad a Father’s Day card. I mean, I could but he would never be able to read it. Today I can’t hug my Dad, lean into his soft body and…
*collaborative post* Building up confidence in your kids isn’t something that just happens, you need to put in the hard parenting work! I was an anxious child (and still am an anxious adult) so I…
*collaborative post* Did you ever go abroad on a school trip when you were younger? I went on the French exchange when I was twelve and on an art trip to Barcelona the following year.…
*collaborative post* Now that I am in my thirties, something strange has happened. I can’t stop thinking about buying a house! I really want to get on that mystical property ladder. I want to security…
*collaborative post* I love organising my kids birthday parties! I love baking the cake, getting all the decorations and doing all I can to make sure they have a wonderful day. We have done low…
*collaborative post* Getting your baby to sleep through the night, it is one of life’s many mysteries. Between my three children, I think I tried every trick in the book to get them to sleep…
*collaborative post* Being a parent is an enjoyable experience, but it’s also a time in your life when you’re willing to take all the help you can get. Even small things can make a massive…
Hands up if you couldn’t live without your Netflix subscription? Ok, that’s a bit dramatic but I do love a night on the sofa bingeing on Netflix shows. I don’t get a second of TV…
*collaborative post* I love teaching my kids new things. I love seeing them learn and grow. Nothing makes me feel more proud than seeing my children do something new for the very first time. When…