We did it!! 6 whole months of breastfeeding, I am so proud of myself and Alex for reaching this feeding milestone and I can’t believe how quickly it has come around . I haven’t updated my breastfeeding diary in a while as, to be honest, after the struggles we had in those first few weeks feeding has been going really well. However, now that Alex is 6 months old I couldn’t not write another diary entry to celebrate this achievement.
Six months of breastfeeding
When you are pregnant, health care professionals seem to go on and on about ‘exclusively breastfeeding for the first 6months’ and that this is the best way to nourish your new baby. When you give your baby their very first feed the thought of doing it for the next 6 months seems pretty daunting but I can’t believe how quickly that time has gone. I can’t say that Alex has had every single feed from me since he was born, he’s had a handful of bottles of milk I expressed using my electric pump on those occasions where I’ve just needed a bit of a break, but he has pretty much been exclusively breastfed.
We had a shaky start with a painful latch and bleeding nipples but we persevered and not only have we smashed the 6 month mark but neither of us are showing any signs of wanting to stop breastfeeding any time soon. Breastfeeding comes so easily to Alex and I now, I can tell when he’s hungry without him even crying and he knows exactly what to do – gone are the days of painful latching on, hurray!
I have had moments where I’ve doubted my milk supply and to make sure we could continue on our breastfeeding journey I have been trying to fill my diet with food that helps maintain milk production. I have been drinking homemade lactation smoothies for breakfast to help my body to keep producing enough, good quality milk for Alex and I have been trying to eat a bit more than usual to help boost my energy levels. Breastfeeding seems to make me quite tired and if I don’t eat enough I can get quite dizzy. I’m definitely eating more than I would usually but I know it’s what my body needs right now as I’m feeding Alex as well as myself, plus breastfeeding burns calories so it’s the best diet ever really.
Although I look forward to having some more energy and not feeling thirsty ALL THE TIME, I have no intentions of switching Alex to formula. We have started weaning onto solid foods but Alex does not seem to want to drop any of his milk feeds yet and that’s fine, he will naturally cut back on his milk as we introduce more solids into his diet. At 6 months old Alex is having 5 feeds in the day and usually 1 or 2 during the night, he is very much fed on demand though so if he wants more/less then I don’t mind.
I breastfed Leo for 10 months and have always kind of kicked myself for not trying to stick it out for another 2 and feeding him myself for a year. With Alex I am determined to breastfeed for 12months, obviously if he wants to stop then I will but to be able to feed him myself for a whole year and to switch straight to cows milk instead of faffing about making bottles of formula would be amazing. Obviously there have been hard times in the past six months, cluster feeding and demanding growth spurts have been challenging but, on the whole, we have been lucky to have experienced 6 months of stress free feeding. Here’s hoping the next 6 go just as well.
Are you breastfeeding your baby? How are you finding feeding so far? Has anyone breastfed until your baby was one? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
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Thanks for reading, if you enjoyed this post I would love for you to share it 🙂
When I read stories like yours I always wish I had stuck with breastfeeding. It’s was not an option for us, but always so lovely to read breastfeeding stories. It will be great for you be able to continue breastfeeding with until Alex is a year old. We have an Alex in our family now, he’s four month old. I wish you all the best for you and Alex. #BestAndWorst
Mimi Rose & Me recently posted…SCREENTIME AND TODDLERS – Am I a Bad Parent?
Well done lovely and stunning pics. I hope you get to a year. I’m going to try this time but I must admit would like my little one to take a bottle so I can go out! Lots of luck xx Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x
Sarah Howe recently posted…Best and Worst Week #92
Congratulations on reaching this milestone! I actually stopped at just over 6 months because I was finding the pressure a little too much but I have so much respect for everyone who continues up to 12 months, 24 months and beyond. You’re an inspiration! #bestandworst
Well done you! This is a wonderful milestone to reach. Good luck with the rest of your journey.
Kim Carberry recently posted…Walking home from school alone…
I am so glad your breastfeeding journey is going well and you reached the six months mark with no intention of stopping yet. Though I understand health visitors advising exclusive breastfeeding, this just isn’t possible for some mothers or babies. I’m glad it for the most part was for Alex and you.
Astrid recently posted…My Diagnostic Rollercoaster Ride #BADD2017
I’m nearly at a year, though it’s been hard. I’ve had to hand express and feeding has always been slow but I have the most patient baby because of it. #PostsFromTheHeart
Mama Grace recently posted…The Silent Partner
Such a lovely post. We are at 13 months, we’re both dairy and soya free and the little man is battling other allergies. Without Breastfeeding he would have been on a tube for a long time. I am grateful that it has given me the opportunity to feed him without medical intervention for as long as it has #PostsFromTheHeart
Mummy Times Two recently posted…There Will Always Be A Last Time
I breastfed both BB & Little B for almost two years & am now three months in to feeding Littlest B – I imagine I’ll feed her for the same length of time if she wants it! #bestandworst
Crummy Mummy recently posted…How to create a wildlife-friendly garden
I feed Charley for 5 months and truthfully could have gone longer but i wanted a bit of my life back. Well done to you. It’s an amazing achievement #postsfromtheheart