2 years 4 months – Leo update

How am I writing another Leo update, no way has it been a month since I wrote the last one? Time really does fly by when you are busy being a mum. This past month has been a good one, slowly but surely we are getting used to our new life in Hampshire and Leo continues to develop and amaze me every single day.

This month Leo loves…

* Talking – He may have been talking for months now but this past month Leo’s speech has come on leaps and bounds. He is constantly chatting away, even when he is sat watching TV or playing with his toys, he just loves to narrate everything he is doing. We can actually have a proper conversation now, almost. Leo can talk at length about Thomas the Tank and loves to know what everything is, ‘what’s thaaat?’. 
* Weetabix – I don’t mean your average Weetabix, the ones that actually make for a healthy breakfast. I mean the new bitesize ones, full of chocolate chips or very artificial tasting banana. Leo asks for these at every single meal, most days he only has them for breakfast and others, when I can’t cope with yet another tantrum, he has them for his lunch and sometimes his tea..don’t judge! I am going to have to start weaning him off them I think.

* Building – Finally, after having them for nearly a year, Leo has started to play with his building blocks. He actually asks for me to get them out the bag so he can build caves, tunnels and robots for his Thomas trains to play with. Of course, I end up doing a lot of the building but he is slowly figuring out how to put the bricks together and build things for himself.

* Dancing – We have had so much fun dancing around the house recently. Leo loves holding hands with me and his Daddy and spinning around in circles, stomping our feet and just having a good old bop. Quite often I will look at him and he will be running around saying ‘I dancing, I dancing Mummy’. He is so cute.

This month Leo hates…

* Being told what to do – The same as last month really! And probably every single month from now until he is in his twenties or something…

* Shoes – By shoes, I mean any footwear that is not his minion wellies. I don’t mind him wearing his welly boots now as it is winter and it is wet underfoot but sometimes they just do no go with his outfit. All hell breaks loose if I try and put on his trainers or Converse so I have given up. I don’t know how he is going to feel when he grows out of his beloved welly boots though, not looking forward to that day.

* Napping – The afternoon nap is coming to an end, I can feel it slipping through my fingers and I am desperately clinging on to it. I am not ready to give up that one sacred hour a day I have all to myself, not yet anyway. Leo has gone back to only sleeping in the car or in the pram. napping in the cot was a brief, beautiful phase that is over now. Hopefully I can keep encouraging Leo he needs this day time sleep for a little longer yet.

Leo’s firsts from this month …

* Started sleeping in a big boy bed

* Met his baby cousin Max

* Saw a real life reindeer

* Stayed at Nans and Granddad’s new house for the first time

* Had his first trip to beautiful Winchester

* First tried hot chocolate – ‘it’s yuck’ apparently!

Photo’s of Leo at 2 years 4 months…

Have you had a good month? Has your child started doing something new or reached any major milestones this month? I would love to know 🙂


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  1. December 15, 2015 / 4:27 pm

    Hello Leo! What a grown up little boy you are. My son loves banana flavour weetabix, didn't know they did bitesize ones! Not sure about the hot chocolate thing though, think you should try again #abitofeverything

  2. December 15, 2015 / 6:41 pm

    mine is 2 years and 2 months and wont stop talking but generally being super cute! he still doesnt sleep so great though!

  3. December 15, 2015 / 8:08 pm

    It's such a great idea to do a monthly update, so much happens and changes in the early years and it's so hard to keep track of it all in your memory. Also, I know when I was a kid I loved to see photos and read little stories about myself, so I'm sure Leo is going to find these posts hilarious when he's old enough to read them. I've been trying to keep up with monthly updates just for me and my family but I keep falling behind… #Abitofeverything

  4. December 16, 2015 / 7:42 pm

    Yep they do, apparently they are amazing if Leo's love for them has anything to go by!xx

  5. December 16, 2015 / 7:43 pm

    Aww. Despite the tantrums, 2 really is a cute age. Sorry to hear your little one isn't sleeping, hope you're OK and not too zombiefied xx

  6. December 16, 2015 / 7:45 pm

    I love writing them. Yea when I was little I liked looking at photos of baby me too, not so much when I was a teenager though, haha. I write these on the exact date of his birthday each month (15th), that way I don't forget to write them. Don't worry about falling behind, you'll get it down eventually and if not I am sure you'll remember all the important stuff xx

  7. Mrs G
    December 17, 2015 / 8:35 pm

    I'm sure Hot chocolate will grow on him 😉 Proper cutie – thanks for sharing with #coolmumclub Have a fab Christmas together! x

  8. Agent Spitback
    December 18, 2015 / 11:33 pm

    Aw, look at that smile! Gorgeous! I had to giggle at the Weetabix because my youngest loves his cereal too and will eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner anytime. I don't get upset anymore when he declares my home cooked dinner as awful and give me some cereal, mummy. Thank you for sharing with #abitofeverything