How to spend less time on your phone and more with your kids

How to spend less time on your phone and more with your kids

So before I begin and you all get the wrong idea, I’m not some old lady stuck in the times of writing letters while listening to a wireless who thinks we should all chuck our smart phones out in the bin. I am, in fact, a child of the 90’s. I got my first phone when I was 12 (the Nokia 3310 of course) and over the years my phone has become like an extra, extremely important limb. View Post

My 30 thoughts on Instagram

My 30 thoughts on Instagram

Who doesn’t love Instagram? Thousands of tiny squares full of gorgeous images, providing you with inspiration, motivation and a sneak peak into the lives of others. The whole world from every perspective is there for us to see, all we have to do is pick up our smart phone and look. I am no exception of course, I love Instagram., being a blogger as well I find it a really useful tool for connecting with other bloggers.

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3 parenting skills I am yet to master

It has been 2 years and 6 months since I first began my journey through this crazy thing called motherhood. There are some days where I feel like I am totally nailing this mum gig, days where I feel like being a Mum is what I was put on this planet to do. There are also the bad days though. The days where nothing is going right, the tears won’t stop and the tantrums are relentless. Those awful days that make me feel like a complete and utter failure and not worthy of the prestigious title that is ‘Mummy’.

However, the good days definitely outweigh the bad and most of the time I feel like I have got this motherhood thing under control. There are still some parenting skills I am yet to master though. Things I have been doing for the past 30 months that I should probably be an expert at by now and yet, I continue to perform these basic parenting tasks as though it is my first day on the job.
Here are 3 parenting skills I am yet to master, let me know if you are a bit pants when it comes to these things too!
1. Changing a nappy – If I had to guess I would say I have had to change over a thousand nappies since becoming a Mum. Babies are just poo machines and things don’t get much better once they hit toddlerhood. It takes me ages to change Leo’s nappy, easily twice as long as it should. If he has pooed it can take me a good 10 minutes to sort out the chaos down there, surely by now I should be able to change a dirty nappy in under a minute, eyes closed and one arm tied behind my back?

2. Manoeuvring the pram – I hate Leo’s pram with a passion. It is so big and bulky and just impossible to manoeuvre efficiently. It still takes me ages to get it in and out of the car and as for getting it through a pull door? Well that continues to remain one of life’s most difficult challenges. I just don’t understand how you can do it without someone helping? At least with a push door you can go out backwards. 

3. Getting baby to nap – Despite my blog name, nap time does not come easily in this house. Leo makes me work hard for my one hours peace a day. I have to either take him for a walk in the pram for half an hour or drive around in circles until he nods off. When he was a baby I would spend hours nursing him in my arms, bobbing him up and down in his bouncy chair or rocking his car seat. There has never been any of this self settling for a nap business and, now he’s 2 and a half, I doubt there ever will be.
There you have it, 3 basic parenting skills I am yet to master. There are definitely more mummy tasks that I am not perfect at but I cant wing it through most of those. These 3 though, these get me every single time. I look forward to the day when Leo is toilet trained and will walk happily for hours so I can chuck those nightmare nappies and that stupid pram in the bin. I won’t be so happy to say goodbye to the naps though…
Do you struggle with any of these parenting skills too? Is there anything else you would add to the list? I am hoping I am not the only Mum out these who has trouble doing all of these.

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Diary of an Imperfect Mum: Family Fun Linky
My Kid Doesn't Poop Rainbows
Pink Pear Bear
Reflections From Me

10 family films to get excited about this year

Before Leo was born. Oli and I used to pretty much live in the cinema, back in the days where we had cash that wasn’t allocated to nappies or milk and we had this little thing called Free Time. Trips to the pictures are few and far between now but as Leo has got older we have come up with a way to continue getting our cinema fix. Instead of despairing when we can’t get a babysitter, we let our little film lover tag along with us. Yes, if you want to enjoy the cinema with your little one you are going to have to swap that action packed blockbuster for something more family friendly but, sometimes, this makes the whole experience better. I love seeing Leo’s little face light up as he gazes up at the big screen in awe, munching away on his popcorn.

2016 is going to be a great year for family friendly films and I can’t wait to start planning lots of trips to the cinema with my boys. For any other film lovers out there, I have made a list of 10 family friendly films, all due for release this year. I have included films that will hopefully appeal to children of all ages so if you have a two year old, a six year old or a thirteen year old, there should be at least one movie here you can enjoy together.

Grab some popcorn, dim the lights, get ready to enjoy the trailers and get excited for these 10 films the family will love…

1. Finding Dory

Finding Nemo is one of my favourite Pixar films and Dory is just one of the most lovable characters ever, The bright colours and under the sea adventure is sure to keep the kids entertained and being a Pixar film, the story will have enough depth to keep us grown ups happy too. Release date: June 2016

2. Kung Fu Panda 3 

Jack Black is back as the voice of Po the panda, the not so masterful master of kung fu. Fans of the first two films are bound to be happy to see the return of this clumsy, excitable panda and the films are usually entertaining enough to stop us parents attempting to sneakily play on our phones. Release date: January 2016.

3. The BFG

So excited for this! Roald Dahl is one of my childhood heroes and I love the story of The BFG. The tale of Sophie and her adventures with the big friendly giant is being brought to life by Steven Spielberg. I don’t think this one is suitable for toddlers but I am sure it will ignite the imaginations of older children and will get a positive response from nostalgic parents too. Release date: July 2016.
4. Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice.


This is definitely one for the older kids. Every super hero fan out there has been eagerly awaiting the release of this film, Batman and Superman together in the same film, fighting each other? It is just too exciting. My lovely husband has been geeking out over this film for months, I will not be letting him take Leo along though, I think 2 is a bit too young for the dark world of Gotham. Release date: March 2016.

5. Angry Birds: The Movie


This film looks like a lot of fun. I find the whole concept of basing a film on a smart phone game completely baffling but, according to the trailer, it seems to have really worked. Toddlers will love the bright coloured, silly birds while older children will be able to find humour in the similarities between the birds behaviour and the Angry Birds game. The plot looks amusing and hopefully the adults will be able to resist grabbing their phones for a quick game of Angry Birds themselves. Release date: May 2016.

6. Fantastic Beasts and where to find them.

Here is a film for any Harry Potter fans out there who need a bit of magic back on their screen. Fantastic Beasts and where to find them in based on the book by the brilliant J.K.Rowling and is about the magical creatures that live in the wizard world. This is one the whole family are sure to enjoy, who doesn’t love a bit of magic after all? Release date: November 2016

7. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
It is too soon for a trailer for this but you should get excited anyway. In case you missed it, in December the whole world went crazy for Star Wars, myself included. Kids of all ages were happily going along to the cinema with their eager, fan boy/girl parents to find out what has been happening in that galaxy far, far away. I am sure everyone will be equally excited when this next instalment hits cinemas later this year. Release date: December 2016.

8. The Jungle Book.

This year The Jungle Book is getting the live action treatment and it looks amazing. Very young children should stay at home and curl up on the sofa with the original Disney animation but this is definitely one not to be missed for families with older children. I for one can not wait to see Baloo the Bear and Mowgli come to life.

9. Captain America: Civil War.

Marvel are releasing yet another Captain America film but this time with a twist. Civil War sees The Avengers interests and loyalties divide and things start to go wrong for the Captain and his old pal Iron Man. This is certainly one to watch if you and your kids are big super hero fans. Release date: April 2016.

10. The Secret Life of Pets.

This is the film that inspired me to write this post. I can not wait to take Leo to see this, he is going to love it. Animation and talking animals, does a toddler need anything else from a film? I laughed out loud the first time I saw this trailer and I am sure all the family will enjoy. I would love to know what my kitten gets up to while we are out of the house,  Release date: June 2016.

Will you be going to see any of these films with your family this year? I can’t wait for lots of trips to the cinema with Oli and Leo, Have you braved the cinema with your toddler yet? It makes me so happy that Leo loves films as much as his Mummy and Daddy do.

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Do’s and Don’ts of soft play

Do’s and Don’ts of soft play

As a mum of a very energetic two year old, I spend a lot of my time at the local soft play centre. It is a good way to tire Leo out and a good excuse for us to get out of the house. Leo and I have been making regular trips to soft play since he was about six months old, sometimes we have loads of fun and other times, well, it can end in tears.

I have learnt through our several visits to soft play, that there are things you can do to ensure you and your toddler have a good time, and ย the possibility of one of you sobbing at the top of the slide can be significantly reduced. View Post

8 reasons why silence is never golden when you have a toddler

I love a bit of peace and quiet. I know that makes me sound about 80 but I really do enjoy just relaxing with a nice coffee and enjoying the sweet sounds of nothing. My days are full of Peppa Pig snorting at me from the TV, Leo roaring like a dinosaur, shrieking as loud as he can and generally just being a noisy monster. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t want it any other way but sometimes I just need 5 minutes of quiet, a little time out away from the chaos to just relax and breathe.We all need that, right?
However, whenever I find that little window of time in the day that I can have all to myself, usually while I am doing jobs in the kitchen, I can never fully enjoy the quiet. You see, during the day, silence in my house is seldom a good thing. If Leo is being quiet then Leo is also, more often than not, being naughty. 
Before you read on, I want you to know that I’m not a bad mum. I spend pretty much my whole entire day with Leo, playing trains or being climbed on, you know, the usual stuff us parents have to do. But,  unless you have eyes in the back of your head (which you don’t), don’t need to eat or never have to empty your bladder ever, then you can not watch your little one every single second of the day. So, whenever I am out of the room and Leo is not making a sound, I know I need to get back in there pretty quick as it is very unlikely he is sat playing quietly with his toys.
I have compiled a list of reasons why silence is never golden in my house (expect when Leo’s asleep that is!), do any sound familiar?

Silence means…Leo has pulled all the DVDs out of the cupboard and taken all the disks out of their boxes. He often launches a few disks across the living room as he goes.
Silence means…The toilet has been filled with toys, paper and anything else Leo can find. It is never anything flushable..

Silence means…Leo is pulling all my clean clothes out of the washing machine onto the floor.

Silence means…Leo has found a glass of water and has put the TV remote, receipts and a half eaten piece of toast in it.

Silence means…Leo has taken his nappy off and is studying the puddle that has appeared on the carpet.

Silence means…The box of chocolates Oli and I stupidly left out on the coffee table the night before have been found by Leo and subsequently eaten for his breakfast.

Silence means...Leo has found a pen and is scribbling over anything he can find. Usually the shopping list I have spent ages writing.
Silence means…It’s evening time, Oli and I are too exhausted to do anything but stare at our phones. Any kind of verbal communication by this point in the day requires far too much effort and we are just too exhausted.
You might not think it when you are sat cuddling your new born, taking them to the bathroom with you and trying to do everything one handed, but one day you will leave your child unattended and just be prepared for the consequences when you do. Baby proofing means more than just stair gates, plug covers and corner protectors, apparently…
Does someone want to come and help me sort all the DVDs out and shampoo the carpet, pretty please?
Is silence ever golden in your house? Or have you got a little monkey like Leo, who only keeps the volume down when he is causing mischief?
My Kid Doesn't Poop Rainbows
My Random Musings
A Cornish Mum

Common misconceptions of a media studies degree

It is now January and for thousands of A level students across the country this is a very stressful month. It is the month where they need to finish writing their personal statement, gather all their teacher references and get their university application sent off to UCAS. It may have been 7 years ago for me but I can still remember what an anxious, overwhelming time it was. I decided to study media at university as it has always been my dream to write for a magazine (there is still time!) and I really enjoyed the subject.

Once in university, when I started to meet new people and tell them what I was studying, rarely were they that interested, let alone impressed. You see, many people have this fixed idea in their heads of what a media degree is all about, they envisage lazy students sitting around watching films while making the odd note or two, maybe. If you are a school pupil interested in studying media one day or a parent with a teenager hoping to fly the nest and pursue a media degree this September, I am here to tell you this is not the case.

I want future students to not feel the need to justify the degree they have chosen to other students who think they are superior, just because they are studying something more traditionally academic, I absolutely loved university but I had to work damn hard to get a first, there is a lot more to it than you may think.

Here are some genuine, common misconceptions of what people think it is like to study media…

1. It is an easy course to get in to – Wrong! When I was applying in 2009 you needed two C’s and B at A level. Granted, it is no where near the three A’s or whatever it is you need to be a doctor but you do need to achieve decent grades to get in. You can’t just show up on the first day of term, with a couple of F’s in your back pocket and except to be accepted because it’s just a media degree.

2. You just watch films all day – Nope. Of course media students have to watch some films but it is never just for fun. You watch them because you are later going to be analysing a particular scene, looking at the camera work, the semiotics, the political context or the feminist undertones. Not once did we just sit and watch a film. Unless you’re doing a film studies degree, watching films is only a very small segment of a media degree, usually only one or two modules.

3. You can name every actor/director in every film..ever – Ugh, this one really annoys me. Yes I studied media but please don’t be shocked when I ask you who that actor is or I don’t know what year a certain film was released. As I mentioned above, media lecturers are much more concerned about the deeper meaning and technical side of a film, rather than the people acting out the scenes.

4. This course must have been your second choice – Strange as it may seem, some people want to get a media degree. They enjoy the variety, the creativity it allows and learning about the history of the media and discovering how we arrived at the digital age we live in today. It is a really interesting subject and people who study it should be taken more seriously.

5. It is easy – Like most university courses, it is as easy or difficult as you want it to be. You can get by doing the bare minimum and be disappointed three years later when you don’t get the result you wanted. Or, you can work hard, listen in lectures, write essays to the best of your ability, study for your exams and then ,hopefully, you will get the result you deserve at the end. The work itself varies and differs slightly in each university but I wouldn’t say any of it was easy. When I was studying we learnt about several different media theories, video and radio production, writing for newspapers as well as online journalism. Not once was I given an assignment and thought ‘oh yay, this is going to be easy’.

6. There are no jobs once you graduate – Isn’t this the case for so many graduates though, no matter what they have studied? There are plenty of graduate schemes out there in the media sector, you just need to look and apply, apply, apply! Apply until you can’t bear to look at another application form ever again. The jobs aren’t going to just come to you, you need to put in some hard work and be prepared to sometimes work for free. So many companies want people with experience and sometimes the only way to get this is to do some good old fashioned, unpaid work experience. My life took a bit of a dramatic turn after I graduated, I ended up pregnant a few months after receiving  my degree and any career of any kind has been put on hold ever since. I know with hard work and determination, when the time comes for me to go back to work, there will be media jobs waiting for my application. Nothing is certain when it comes to a career and you shouldn’t choose a degree you are not passionate about, simply based on an assumption that there is a job guaranteed for  you at the end of it.

Did you or your child study media at university? Before reading this post did you share any of these common misconceptions? Have you ever had to justify your academic/career choices to other people? I would love to know what you think. I hope more people start to realise that a degree in media isn’t just an easy option and that the students are often really creative and actually, 100% of the time, they have a brain in that head of theirs.

If you want more information on studying a media degree at university, here are some useful links –

20 important reason to study media
What can I do with a media studies degree?
University rank tables for communication and media studies degrees 2016

A Cornish Mum
My Kid Doesn't Poop Rainbows

TV shows I watched and loved in 2015

I love watching TV, it is how Oli and I relax  almost every, single evening. After a hard day, I find sitting on the sofa and watching a really good show helps me unwind and forget any stress the day has caused. However, 2015 was the year that saw me give up on lots of my once favourite TV shows. I couldn’t make it past judges houses on The X factor this year as the programme has just become so dull and predictable. Ant and Dec lost my attention only a week in to this years I’m a Celeb and even my beloved Hollyoaks lost me as a viewer after the, ridiculous, reveal of the hospital serial killer.

Although I said farewell to some of my old favourites, I did switch the channel over to some really amazing programmes that, in the past, I potentially would have ignored. There were some great TV programmes on in 2015 and I thought I would share them with you, just in case you missed them. 
So, in no particular order, here are 8 TV shows I watched and loved in 2015…
1. Game of Thrones (season 5)
If you haven’t caught up on series 1-4 yet, where have you been? Seriously. I know this season of the violent, sexy fantasy world of Westeros has by no means been the best but I am such a big Game of Thrones fan I couldn’t not include it in my list. Following a very uneventful series, the last 3 episodes were awesome and I ended up jumping up and shouting at the TV on more than one occasion. Those 3 little words in the season finale, ‘For the watch’, still make me want to cry now. I think I might be a bit too emotionally invested in this show…
2. Bates Motel
This programme was recommended to me by a work friend and it is so, so good. Bates Motel tells the twisted tale of Norman Bates, the psycho himself from Alfred Hitchcock’s ultimate suspense cinematic masterpiece, Psycho. Bates Motel is set in modern day America and follows the life of teenager Norman and the strange relationship he shares with his mother. Some of the acting in this programme is pretty bad, luckily not in any of the main characters, if you can push past this though the story is really gripping and you will not be able to just watch one episode at a time. I am currently, not-so-patiently waiting for series 3 to arrive on Netflix .
3. First Dates
This programme makes me so happy. Yes, it is trashy and yes the dates rarely ever work out, but I can’t help but love this show. First Dates is a few series’ in now but I only discovered it last year. It is a fly on the wall, documentary style show on channel 4. Couples meet for the very first time at the First Dates restaurant in London and we get to watch how their date goes, sometime good, sometimes bad but always funny. and at the end we get to see how things worked out for them. I really don’t normally watch stuff like this but it is really easy watching and both Oli and I sit watching it with stupid grins on our faces. You just got to love a bit of romance, right? 
4. Not safe for work
I was not expecting to enjoy this programme half as much as I did. Seeing the brilliant actress Zawe Ashton in the trailers enticed me to watch Not Safe For Work as I absolutely loved her as Vod in Fresh Meat. This channel 4, comedy drama follows Katherine, a recently divorced civil servant, as she is relocated from her job in the big fancy London office to an insignificant, failing office in Northampton, full of odd balls and run by a work shy line manager, with a bit of a soft spot for class A drugs. The acting is really good and although the life of a woman working in an immigration policy office may not sound that interesting, it actually really is.

5. You, me and the apocalypse
Ever wondered what you would do if the world was ending? Jamie and his friends are about to find out when news breaks that a comet is heading straight for earth. This programme follows the stories of several different characters from across the world in the weeks leading up to the end of the world. Family secrets are revealed to main character Jamie while across the pond in America, the news of the apocalypse gives inmates Leanne and Rhonda a chance to escape and be with their families when the comet hits, obviously not everything goes according to plan. Oli and I looked forward to this programme every Wednesday and when the series finished we were both frantically searching Google for any hints of a second series. You, Me and the apocalypse has a brilliant cast, including Rob Lowe, Pauline Quirke, Jenna Fishcer and Mathew Baynton, also known as Smithy’s mate Deano off of Gavin and Stacey

6. Better call Saul
Before I say anything else, it is not as good as Breaking Bad but that doesn’t mean it isn’t still pretty brilliant television. You all remember Saul Goodman, right? The comic relief who came in the form of a smooth talking, criminal lawyer in probably the most talked about TV show ever, written by Vince Gilligan? Well, Better call Saul is set 6 years before Walter White stepped into Saul’s office and changed his life forever. The series shows us how down on his luck public defender James Mcgill begins his transformation into the lawyer for criminals we all know and love from Breaking Bad. The show does not ignore it’s predecessor and features cameos from some memorable characters. I am very much looking forward to the series 2 release on Netflix this February. 

7. Jessica Jones
This programme is amazing. I don’t want to sound over dramatic but it really is brilliant. Jessica Jones is a Netflix original and is based on one of the many characters of the Marvel universe. Unlike Iron Man or Captain America, Jessica Jones is no superhero. She is instead a moody, hard liquor drinking, private investigator who is struggling to escape the demons from her past. David Tennant is brilliant as the terrifying master of mind control, KillGrave. The series is very noir-esque and prepare yourself for lots more violence and adult themes than you would see in any of The Avengers films. Oli and I watched the whole series in about a week, it was impossible to just watch one at a time.

8. Peep show – The final series
I am so sad Peep Show is over. I have loved this channel 4 comedy for years and after a couple of disappointing series’ , I was so happy to see Mark and Jeremy back to their same old witty selves and you could tell the writers were pulling out all the stops for the final series. Peep Show follows the lives of Mark and Jeremy, or the El Dude brothers as they call  themselves. If you have not seen Peep Show before and you fancy a laugh, go watch an episode now, it’s funny..I promise. 

Do you watch any of these TV programmes? Is there any shows you loved last year that you would recommend? I am always looking for something good to watch in the evenings. Let me know ๐Ÿ™‚
A Cornish Mum
My Random Musings

Reading list 2016

I love reading and I have been a book worm for as long as I can remember. As a child I would sit and read Roald Dahl and Enid Blyton books for hours on end. As I grew up I engrossed myself in the stories of Jacqueline Wilson and J K Rowling, reading late into the night and waking up with my book, page lost, on the floor and my glasses squashed somewhere on my pillow. I inevitably became obsessed with Stephanie Meyer’s vampire romance in my late teens before branching out and discovering thriller novels in my early twenties. I am pleased to say that now, as an adult, my taste in books has grown and I now enjoy reading a range of genres. 

Last year I read loads of books. I read romance books, books about the future and thrillers so good I couldn’t put them down. Although I have decided I want to blog more this year, I also want to make the time to read more regularly as well. To me, there is nothing more relaxing than sitting down with a good book and being transported away from all the worries and stresses of your own life and, instead, immersing yourself in the lives and stories of fictional characters, found in the words on the page.
To make sure I do find the time to read more this year, I am making a list of books that I really want to read and it will give my inner book worm something to look forward to.
Here it is, my reading list for 2016.
1. Mad about the boy, Helen Fielding – I love the Bridget Jones books and I can’t wait to find out what happens next with Bridget and Mark after their happily ever after.
2. The Good Girl. Mary Kubica – This is a debut, thriller novel by Kubica and came up in a list of books to read if you enjoyed Gone Girl. I really, really loved Gillian Flynn’s twisted tale of Nick and Amy Dunne so, hopefully, Kubica has produced something just as captivating. 
3. Me before you, Jo Jo Moyes –  A friend lent me a book by Jo Jo Moyes at the beginning of last year and I loved it. Sometimes I find romance novels a bit predictable and boring but I really love Moyes’s writing style, fingers crossed this will be another good read.
4. The Widow, Fiona Barton – This is another debut thriller and is recommended reading for anyone who enjoyed The Girl on the Train. I just finished Paula Hawkins bestseller this week, I was hooked from the start and I need another book like that in my life.
5. Paper Towns, John Green – This is a young adult novel by the author of The Fault in our Stars. I am 24 so probably not in the exact demographic for this book but I enjoyed Green’s previous novel. Sometimes books in this genre are popular amongst all ages, just look how well The Hunger Games has done.
6. The Lie, C L Taylor – When we were on holiday last year I saw loads of people reading this on the beach. It is yet another psychological thriller and according to the reviews, it is pretty damn good.
7. The Marble Collector, Cecilia Ahern –  I love this author and the few books I have read of hers, I have devoured in just a couple of days. I have picked this book up in the shop a few times but not got around to actually buying it yet.
8. The Grownup, Gillian Flynn – Gillian Flynn is rapidly becoming my favourite author and I can’t wait to read this. Unfortunately, it is only a short story but I am hoping the small amount of pages won’t have an impact on her brilliant, suspense-building-until-it-hurts style of writing. 
I think this list is probably long enough. As I have a family to look after, a blog to write and, well, I need to sleep and stuff, I can’t really spend my whole year with my nose in a book (no matter how much I would like to).
What books are you looking forward to reading this year? Have you read any of the novels I have mentioned? Let me know what you thought of them, no spoilers though please because that would just be mean. Happy reading ๐Ÿ™‚

My Random Musings

You know you have a toddler when…The Christmas Edition

It is nearly Christmas! A week today Leo will be putting a mince pie out for Santa and a carrot for Rudolf and going straight to sleep while Oli and I relax on the sofa with some kind of festive beverage – well that’s the plan anyway. In reality, there will probably be the usual tears at bedtime and Oli and I will spend the evening trying to build complicated train tracks and doing our usual last minute wrapping.

I love Christmas but I can’t help but notice the festive season is very different now that I am a mum. Having a little one brings all the magic back in to Christmas but being a parent also brings lots of other, not always quite as wonderful, things too. You know you have a toddler when was my second ever post on this blog, I have decided to write a Christmas edition. Parents of toddlers, let me know if you agree!
You know you have a toddler at Christmas time when…
1. There are more baubles on the floor than on the tree – I seriously don’t know why we even bothered decorating the tree, I really don’t.
2. You have done most of your shopping online – Have you ever tried maneuvering a pram around a jam packed shop before? It is not fun. I would much rather sit on the sofa while Leo plays with his toys. No boring shopping for him and no stress for me, everyone wins.
3. You are too scared to look at your bank account – This is a direct result of point number 2. This probably applies for most people but there are so many toys out there, sometimes it is hard to resist spoiling our little ones at Christmas.
4. You don’t get to watch Christmas films – Gone are the days of lazing around on December afternoons watching all the Christmas classics, Elf and Santa Clause: The Movie are the favourites in our house. Instead, the only festive TV I get to see are the Christmas special episodes of Thomas the Tank and Peppa Pig, on repeat. Maybe next year Leo will sit through a film that isn’t animated…
5. There’s no good time to wrap – Yes I could wrap Leo’s presents in the couple of hours in the evening between his bedtime and mine but I am way too knackered at that point to be trying to find the end of the selotape. It’s not even as though I can wrap other peoples presents in the day when he’s awake either because he would just end up unwrapping them or running off with the scissors. 
6. Your kitchen table is covered in Christmas crafts – During December, you are bombarded with ideas for crafts on Pinterest and it is hard to resist giving them a go with your own child. I would not be surprised if Leo’s feet are going to be permanently paint stained after all the feet Snowmen/reindeer faces we have been making. Card, pipe cleaners and goggly eyes have been littered across our kitchen since December 1st and most of my little man’s ‘masterpieces’ are only really good enough to remain on the table where they were made. 
7. You are excited for Santa again – You may know the big secret about the big guy but your little one doesn’t. Watching your toddler get excited about going to visit Santa and staring in awe at all the pretty lights, elves and reindeer is really amazing (until you finally get your turn to see Santa and your child is massively unimpressed/runs off crying). Leo loves to talk and sing about Santa all the time, I can’t wait to see his face on Christmas day when he see’s all his presents from Old Saint Nick.
8. Christmas day drinking isn’t the same – Unless you have family over who can watch your toddler while you pass out in a baileys induced coma by 5pm, drinking as soon as you wake up on Christmas morning maybe isn’t such a good idea any more.
So, Mums and Dads, do you agree? Would you add anything else to this list? I would love to know what has changed at Christmas now that you have a child.
A Cornish Mum
Post Comment Love

6 ways the kitten is just like the toddler

I love cats. I would go as far to say that I may be a crazy cat lady. If I see a cat in the street I have to give it a little stroke and those cute cat pictures that pop up all over Facebook, well, obviously I love those too.

We have a kitten, Jessy. She is 7 months old and she is so cute. I love her to bits and she is my furry baby. Recently, I have noticed that there are occasions where she reminds me of Leo. The things they do and the way they behave are weirdly similar!

In fact, they are so similar I am able to easily write this list!

6 ways the kitten is just like the toddler…

1. Fussy eating – Leo is the fussiest eater I have ever known. It is the one thing that stresses me out most when it comes to parenting. Why won’t he eat food that isn’t beige, why? With a toddler who doesn’t like to eat, the last thing I need is a kitten who is very particular over what cat food she will eat. She’s a wild animal, technically, surely she should just be happy to eat anything? She won’t eat her Asda’s own cat food, snob, but she will eat spiders

2. Food thief’s – I know this kind of goes against point 1 but apparently their fussiness does not apply to what ever food I am eating. Eat a sandwich in front of Leo at your peril and yesterday I physically had to remove Jessy from my plate while I was eating my breakfast. I just want to enjoy my food in peace, is this asking too much?

3. Demanding – My day consists of relentless demands from the toddler and the kitten. Leo wants me to play Thomas,  make play doh, get him a snack, paint pictures, play hide and seek and all the rest. At the same time, Jessy wants to curl up on my chest and be stroked all day long and if I am trying to do stuff in the kitchen she attaches herself onto my ankles, both painful and very frustrating. Just when I think I can relax in a bath in the evenings, Jessy somehow manages to open the door and jump up on the side just because, I don’t know why, she misses me maybe?

4. Lack of listening skills – Having a little person who ignores everything I say is difficult enough, throw in an ignorant cat and sometimes I really think I am going to loose my mind. No matter how many times I tell Leo not to pull all the DVD’s out of their boxes he will still do it and no matter how many times I shout at Jessy for walking on the kitchen worktops, there she is again 2 minutes later. I guess the kitten can kind of be forgiven as she doesn’t speak human, but I am sure she knows she is being naughty and just likes winding me up.

5. Poo – If I am not changing Leo’s nappy, I am cleaning out the litter tray. They both love pooing when they have just been changed/cleaned as well, why do they do this? It is like they enjoy torturing me and I am destined to spend my life cleaning up someone elses poo. I am pretty sure they are plotting to synchronise their bowel movement as well, it wouldn’t surprise me.

6.  Evening craziness – Does anyone else’s toddler go mad before bed? Like, running up and down the halls in their nappy shrieking, running around in circles and roaring like a dinosaur? Well, as soon as we get Leo undressed for his bath he goes crazy hyper for about 10 minutes. Weirdly enough, about half an hour before Oli and I retire to bed, the kitten starts going mental. Charging up the stairs, hanging herself upside down and brining us toys to play fetch with (yep, she plays fetch). It is so weird, they both go on a mad one every evening, just when I am completely exhausted and want some time to myself.

So there you go, 6 ways the kitten is just like the toddler. Do you have a pet? Do you feel like they are like another child and have toddler like tendencies? Let me know ๐Ÿ™‚

My Random Musings

10 reasons why I finally feel like an adult

You know how people say age is just a number? Or, it doesn’t matter how old you are, it’s about how old you feel? Well, although I have been legally classed as an adult for the past 6 years, sometimes I still feel like a kid. I may be 24 but I often just want someone to hold my hand and make all the big grown up decisions for me and, you know, sort out all my bills and stuff.

You would think being married since I was 21 and being someone’s mother for the last 2 years would make me feel like an adult, wouldn’t you? Some days having the big responsibility of looking after a child makes me feel like one myself, wishing someone would come and help me out, stroke my hair and tell me it’s all going to be ok. However, now in my mid 20’s, I finally feel like I am starting to become a fully, fledged adult – a proper grown up if you will. This is not thanks to any major life changes, just silly little things that I think, in my funny old brain, only adults do!

1. I can reverse bay park/parallel park.

Image source.

2. I drink coffee, daily.

drinking coffee dying college problems caffiene
Image source.

3. I dislike most of the music on radio 1.

Image source.

4. My house plant is still alive after 3 months.

Image source.

5. I like gin (a lot).

Image source.

6. I am starting to question how good Hollyoaks actually is.

Image source.

7. I can’t remember the last time I loaned money from the Bank of Mum and Dad.

(Source: Photobucket)
Image source

8. Nights in are way better than nights out on the town.

Image source.

9. I voted for the first time this year.

Image source.

10. There’s this little person who calls me Mummy.

Image source.

There it is, 10 little things that make me feel all grown up. Do you have days where you don’t feel as old as you are? Is there anything you would add to this list? As always, let me know ๐Ÿ™‚

Mums' Days
My Kid Doesn't Poop Rainbows

5 reasons to get outside this autumn

Halloween is over, bonfire night has passed and the trees are looking pretty chilly out there, autumn (or fall for my American friends) has definitely set in. With this pretty season also comes the not so pretty, cold and wet weather. It can be tempting to just stay at home and consider hibernating until the beginning of Spring but there are still plenty of reasons to get out and enjoy the sunshine great outdoors.

1. Winter wardrobe – You now have a reason to wear your favourite scarf that has been hanging lonely on a hook by the door for the past 9 months. What about that coat you love that has been neglected during the summer months? It is time to wrap up and get to know and love your winter wardrobe all over again. Also, what a perfect excuse for a shopping trip – you can’t possibly go out for autumnal walks in the woods without a new pair of boots, surely?
Yay, it’s now cold enough for me to wear this very lumpy jumper I knitted.
2. The park – There is no denying it, kids just love a trip to the park. The swing and slide set in the garden just won’t cut it sometimes and the only thing that will satisfy them is a trip to the local playground. No matter how hard you try to build some kind of fort/assault course in the house, at some point this autumn you will have to don your hat and gloves and take a crunchy walk through the leaves and go to the park.
Leo is not overly sure about the trampoline.
See saw..Marjorie Dore 

3. Crafts – Been on Pinterest lately? Autumn craft ideas are everywhere and if you want to get creative you are going to have to get outdoors. You can’t make an autumn collage without any leaves, or an autumnal wreath without any conkers or acorns now can you? Also, how is  your toddler going to make his stick man without any sticks?

These became a conkers was destroyed before I had time to photograph it.
Collecting conkers

4. It is fun – The days of making sandcastles on the beach may be a distant memory and there may still be a few months to go before you will be building any snow men but that doesn’t mean Autumn can’t be fun too. Why not exchange the sand for leaves and make a big leaf mountain for your toddler to jump in. Throwing leaves in the air and running through them is also a big toddler pleaser, as is crunching through them and kicking them everywhere. In case you hadn’t already guessed, my little one just loves leaves.

Leaf mountain!!


5. It is beautiful – If you just stop for a minute, embrace the cold and the change of season and look around, you will see that Autumn is in fact a really beautiful time. Brightly coloured leaves litter the ground and fall from the trees like flakes of snow The sun may go down early but a glowing sunset behind empty, naked trees is a very pretty sight. Get your camera out and get snapping because before you know it will be winter, the leaves would have turned to slush and more than likely (in the UK anyway) snowy scenes will be just be an unfulfilled Christmas wish. Enjoy the colours while you can.

Do you love autumn? Do you like to get out and about or do you prefer to stay in and hibernate? Is there anything you would add to this list? Let me know ๐Ÿ™‚

My Kid Doesn't Poop Rainbows

18 Rules my 2 year old lives by

Two year old’s, they are not exactly known for their obedience and good manners, in fact it is quite the opposite. Us parents struggle to get our toddlers to follow some of life’s most basic rules – ‘say please and thank you’, ‘don’t run around by the road’, ‘don’t snatch’. However, our little darlings are more than happy to follow their own, toddler approved set of rules.

Here are 18 rules my 2 year old lives by, do any sound familiar?
1. Only have a lie in on days where Mummy and Daddy have to be up early.
2. Tantrums are the best form of communication and should happen at least once a day..AT LEAST.
3. Do not eat any green food, it is very likely to be poison.
4. Brown/beige food is the most nutritional and should be eaten in vast quantities.
5. Mr Tumble is God and you must listen to everything he says.
6. Naps must never be taken easily, no matter how tired you are.
7.  If you have been up all night, do not nap the next day – Mummy loves being tired.
8. The more times you are asked to do something, the more you should definitely NOT do it.
9. If Mummy says no then ask Daddy. If Daddy says no, do it anyway..or cry about it.
10. A beaker of milk is the answer to all of life’s problems.
11. If a camera is recording stop whatever funny thing you are doing immediately.
12. Use your cuteness to your advantage at all times.
13. It is only acceptable to do a poo if your nappy has just been changed,
14, A book is never really finished until Mummy has read it at least 5 times.
15. Outside is awesome, make every effort to spend as much time out there as possible.
16. Do not let anyone cut your hair, risk to life is very real.
17. Forks are for throwing. Hands are for eating with.
18. Cbeebies is the only channel on T.V, don’t let Mummy tell you otherwise.
Have I missed anything off this list? What rules does your toddler live by? I would love to know.
Mums' Days

15 things to prepare yourself for when spending a night on the children’s ward

I am sure every single one of you will agree, there is nothing worse than seeing your child sick and in pain. It is a horrible thing to endure and goes against everything us parents want to do. We want to protect our children from anything that can hurt them, make them happy and keep them healthy. The latter is unfortunately not always something we can control, no matter how much we try. I have spoke on this blog several times in the past about how Leo suffers with regular ear and upper respiratory problems. He has been on antibiotics at least four times in the last year, as well as needing steroids on a couple of occasions.
At the beginning of last month Leo got ill again, he was so bad that instead of treating him at home our extremely concerned GP admitted him to hospital. It was a horrible scary time. We rode in the ambulance and attempted to give Leo oxygen through a mask – this is impossible! After an hour or so in the hospital we were told Leo would need to stay in over night to have regular inhalers and there was only enough room for one parent to stay and of course that parent was me. That night was long, tiring and stressful and I was not the only parent on the ward to think so!
So if, unfortunately, you have to spend a night on the children’s ward here are 15 things you should prepare for…
1. You will have to sleep on a camp bed on the floor while your baby towers above you in their cot.
2. Your child will not want to sleep knowing that you are on the floor next to them.
3. It will take you ages to get your baby to sleep as hospitals are not the quietest of places.
4. Approximately 20 minutes after getting your child to sleep the baby opposite will start crying and wake yours up again.
5. Your babies crying will wake up someone else’s child.
6. You will give up all hope of sleep and let your toddler watch films on your phone while you attempt to cling on to sanity.
7. Hearing other peoples children in pain is nearly as bad as hearing your own.
8. There may be a point where you feel like crying.
9. Other parents will be crying and this will make you feel less alone.
10. When you do manage to get to sleep a nurse will appear to give your child their medicine, starting the crying cycle off again.
11. There will be times in the night you will wake up with a nurse stood next to the bed.
12. In the morning you don’t get breakfast or a cup of tea.
13. Parents across the ward will all give each other an apologetic/understanding smile the next day – what a night eh?!
14. Oh and when you wake up after whatever little sleep you had you will resemble someone from The Walking Dead..
15. You will spend your whole night thinking up ways to treat your little one once you are discharged..we went for ice cream and watched lots of films.
This is what I look like after 2 hours sleep..zzz!
My brave boy.
Have you had to spend a night in hospital with your little one? Was your experience similar to mine?
Mums' Days