The ultimate summer holidays bucket list for kids under 5

The ultimate summer holidays bucket list for kids under 5

The summer holidays are almost here, who’s freaking out? I’m feeling quite relaxed about the whole thing, which is surprising! Having two kids at home is never easy so that’s why I’m planning on getting out of the house with Leo and Alex as much as possible. 6 weeks is a long time and it can be hard to come up with enough fun ideas to keep the kids entertained. I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking there is nothing more frustrating than hearing your child say ‘I’m bored!’ about a billion times a day. This year I have decided that preparation is key and you can’t get more organised than a list. If you are wondering how to keep your little ones entertained this summer too, here is my summer holiday bucket list for kids under 5, there’s an activity for every day. I hope it helps to eliminate your summer holiday ‘I’m bored’ fears and that you and the kids have a lovely summer break making magical memories. View Post

Child free couples, STOP taking these things for granted

Child free couples, STOP taking these things for granted

Today, I have to decided to write a post not for my usual demographic. This post is not here to offer advice and solidarity to other parents as is the norm here at Naptime Natter. Child free parents, I am speaking to you. Have you got babies on the brain? Maybe you are trying to conceive or are already expecting your first ever little bundle of joy, I am here to offer you a friendly reminder to start appreciating what you now probably consider ‘the little things’. Once your gorgeous baby comes along, all these day to day activities will suddenly not be as simple as they once were and when you hear parents say things like ‘going to Tesco on my own feels like a spa day’, they are not being dramatic, it’s the truth. Don’t think of this post as a mum moaning about life with kids, think of it more as a bucket list of things to enjoy now while you still have the chance. I love my kids but, I am not going to lie to you, it would be nice to not have to use the toilet with my little ones either watching or sat on my knee. View Post

Looking to the future and dreaming big – 5 steps to a happier me

Looking to the future and dreaming big – 5 steps to a happier me

You may or may not be aware that on Monday I turned 26. The past 12 months have been full of extreme highs, Alex’s birth being the best, as well as some terrible lows, post natal depression and anxiety being the absolute worst. While I did enjoy being 25, for the most part, and I don’t really love the idea of edging ever closer to 30, I can’t help but feel that my 26th year on earth is going to be my best yet. I know it might seem a bit cliché but I am seeing turning 26 as the perfect opportunity for a fresh start and to change my life for the better. How am I going to create this new, happier version of my self you may be wondering? Well, let me tell you how.. View Post

My nappy bag essentials – featuring Sudocrem Care and Protect review

My nappy bag essentials – featuring Sudocrem Care and Protect review

It is no secret that once you have a baby your home becomes inundated with baby related paraphernalia. Wipes, baby grows, knitted blankets, bottles, cotton wool buds and so much more, every room of your home is littered with the stuff. When you decide to venture out with your little bundle of joy you will have to take quite a lot of stuff with you, essential items to help you and baby make it through the day in one piece. But what to pack in your all important changing bag? Pack too much and you end up with a sore shoulder and a bag bursting at the seams. Don’t pack the right things and you can find yourself facing a poonami without the correct tools in your survival kit. Packing a nappy bag is all about trial and error and after making several errors when Leo was a baby, I now feel I have learnt from my mistakes and know exactly what qualifies as a nappy bag essential. So, here it is, a list of changing bag must haves especially for you parents-to-be or those of you with a new baby who are still packing everything bar the kitchen sink in your changing bag.. View Post

The daily struggles of the heavily pregnant

The daily struggles of the heavily pregnant

Being pregnant has it’s many ups and downs, there are lots of little perks to growing a human but the journey is rarely a completely smooth one. The first 12 weeks are horrible for most mums, full of morning sickness and exhaustion but then the second trimester brings with it a boost in energy, exciting baby kicks and a blooming baby bump. By the time you arrive in the third trimester, your energy begins to slip away again and as your body is stretched beyond all recognition, it can be hard to hold on to that ‘pregnancy glow’. I am now 39 weeks and 5days pregnant, my pregnancy journey is almost over and I am so relieved. Obviously, I can’t wait to meet my baby boy and to get stuck into life as a family of four but I am also eager to say goodbye to all the daily struggles I am facing now I am the size of a whale. For any pregnant mummas out there blissfully enjoying the earlier stages of pregnancy, I thought I would give you a little insight in to what is to come, all the little struggles you will face when you are heavily pregnant and can barely remember what is was like to be able to see your feet (if you are a believer in ignorance is bliss, maybe you should go read one of my other pregnancy posts!). View Post

4 easy ways to get new blog readers through Twitter – Guest post from My Random Musings

4 easy ways to get new blog readers through Twitter – Guest post from My Random Musings

Today I am handing my blog over to my fabulous blogging pal Debbie who blogs over at My Random Musings. Debbie has written a really useful post about getting new blog readers by using Twitter. If you are a blogger then this post is definitely worth a read.

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5 reasons you need a National Trust membership

5 reasons you need a National Trust membership

Family days out are just the best, aren’t they? There is nothing like getting everyone in the car and heading off somewhere in search of adventure and fun. There are loads of free things you can do as a family out of the house, trips to the beach, country walks and so on, but some days out can cost a small fortune. I don’t even want to work out how much money Oli and I have spent on trips to the zoo, farms, aquariums, theme parks and activity centres since we had Leo 3 years ago. My guess though is that it would be a lot! When my super generous sister bought Oli, Leo and I an annual membership to the National Trust earlier this year I was so happy. What a fantastic way to get us out and about and exploring new places as a family. Since March we have visited lots of National Trust properties and we will most certainly be renewing our memberships when they expire next year. If you don’t know what the National Trust is all about you should check out their website and see if there are any properties near you waiting for you to explore. I love my National trust membership and here are 5 reasons I think you might just love having one too. View Post

The crazy world of pregnancy hormones

The crazy world of pregnancy hormones

It is safe to say us women get a pretty rough deal when it comes to hormones, don’t we? For any guys reading this, I’m not saying hormones don’t effect you too but, in comparison, you blokes get off extremely lightly. From the moment girls hit puberty right up until we become menopausal old ladies (probably even after that!) we have to deal with pretty much being ruled by our stupid hormones. For me, there has been no time this has been more true than when I have been pregnant. Pregnancy hormones suck. Fact. For today’s post I am going to take you on a journey into the messed up world of a pregnant ladies mind, the thoughts of someone who has not only lost control of her body’s physical appearance but has become a slave to those hormones taking over her ability to think straight too. So, if you are all ready, let’s delve into the crazy world of pregnancy hormones … View Post

Pregnancy essentials you actually need

Pregnancy essentials you actually need

Growing a baby is one hell of a journey for expectant mums. It is both an exciting and terrifying time in your life and first time parents can easily get caught up in the big pregnancy money making scheme created by retailers, ending up wasting loads of money on items they believe are ‘essential’ to a happy pregnancy. In reality, you can make it through your 9 months of pregnancy without having to splash too much cash at all – on yourself I mean, shopping for your new baby is a whole different story, prepare for your bank balance to take a bit of a bashing! I am nearing the end of my second pregnancy now and although there are loads of things aimed at pregnant mums in the shops that I would love to buy, I have learnt there really are only a few ‘must have’ items you need when growing a baby bump. So for any first time mums out there, here is a list of pregnancy essentials, all the items you actually need for each trimester, it is nowhere near as much as the high street would have you believe. View Post

How to party like a three year old

How to party like a three year old

Leo is now 3! How on earth has this happened? My beautiful boy is growing up so fast, the toddler years are flying by in a noisy and colourful blur of tantrums, fun and chaotic madness. I am almost too scared to blink as I fear when I open my eyes we will be stood at the school gates on Leo’s first day and the toddler days will officially be over. To celebrate Leo’s birthday we had a whopping 3 days full of fun. Saturday was party day, Sunday was treat day to Peppa Pig World (post coming soon) and Monday was Leo’s actual birthday and we played with all his new toys and ate too many biscuits and cakes. I feel as though I have learnt a lot from Leo’s extended birthday weekend, I have now seen what a true party animal really looks like. For those of you who want a simpler, cheaper and hell of a lot funnier way to party than and a night out on the tiles, you might just want to keep on reading… View Post

5 easy ways to enjoy me time at home

5 easy ways to enjoy me time at home

Ahh the elusive ‘me time’, something all us parents crave but rarely get the opportunity to enjoy. Being a mum to an almost 3 year old I am always searching for a spare 5 (or 10) minutes I can grab for myself, away from the toddler chaos and all the other demands of the stay at home parent life.

In reality, I feel like I need more than 10 minutes. I feel like a whole week at a spa retreat, doing yoga and having daily massages would just about give me the energy boost I seriously need after 3 years of parenting. Unfortunately, with a family and house to look after and with barely enough money to fund a weekend of camping in a field, a week at a spa just isn’t feasible right now.

If you are in the same situation as me then fear not, yes a week of relaxing bliss may be out of the question but there are still ways you can grab some precious me time at home. Here are some examples of how you can unwind and relax after a hectic day of changing nappies, chasing toddlers around, washing 50 loads of clothes, cleaning the floor under the high chair, toddler group I need to go on? View Post

Birthday gifts my 3 year old really wants

Birthday gifts my 3 year old really wants

I am not sure how this is happening but my baby boy is turning three next month. THREE! I honestly don’t know where the time has gone. On the one hand it feels like no time has passed since I first set eyes on him, floating about in the birthing pool looking so peaceful and beautiful but then at the same time it feels like he has always been a part of my life. Birthdays bring with them lots of memories and sentimentality but it can also be a bit of a stressful time. Choosing birthday gifts for anyone can be difficult but when it comes to buying a present for your little ones there is always a bit of added pressure as you want to make sure you get them something they will really love. When shopping for Leo’s birthday gifts I always try and get something he will actually play with, something that will last more than a week and ideally I like to get a good deal on the price too.  View Post

5 easy ways to be healthy

5 easy ways to be healthy

I don’t know about you but I am always looking for new ways to keep myself and my family healthy. Since becoming a parent I worry about my health more than ever, I want to make sure I am always eating a balanced diet and I try my best to get Oli and Leo to do the same. With a busy job and hectic family life, it can be hard for Oli to make sure he is eating a balanced diet and looking after himself. For men like my husband, the clever team over at have come up with 5 easy tips for men to follow to help keep themselves as healthy as possible, these tips are great because they can be applied to the whole family too.

So with out further a due , let me hand you over to with their 5 easy ways to be healthy..

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Dressing the bump for Summer 2016 – A wishlist

Dressing the bump for Summer 2016 – A wishlist

So the Great British Summer is here (apparently) and it is pretty clear that there is no way I am squeezing my ever expanding baby bump into any of last years summery outfits. All the pretty vests tops, little dresses and those high waist shorts I wore to death last year will be staying hidden away in the deep dark depths of my wardrobe this summer – and don’t even get me started on all my bikinis *sob*. Although I am a bit sad I can’t fit into these clothes anymore, I am overjoyed to have a baby growing in my belly and what a great excuse to go shopping for a whole new wardrobe. Finding nice maternity clothes can be a bit of a challenge as sometimes they just look a bit frumpy but I have found some really lovely outfits in the Dorothy Perkins sale perfect for the – hopefully! – warmer Summer months.  View Post

5 things you notice on a night out when you’re pregnant

5 things you notice on a night out when you’re pregnant

I love a good night out and by night out I mean an evening out of the house with friends than involves lots of chatting, dancing and, of course, a gin or six. Being 22 weeks pregnant and already a mum to a two year old, my nights out are extremely rare, and the nights like the one I describe above are now just a happy yet some what blurry memory. View Post